
Otaku girl in multiverse

She’s just a girl love playing game after having disease. Since she was dead, another opportunity shows to her. Grabbing that one in million opportunity, she travels through all dimension.

Hai_Thi · Anime & Comics
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159 Chs

Plan for future

"I'm home. Sister." Jean called for Jin-ah.

The house was dark as if there was no one at home. Even domestic appliances and floor got a little dust on.

Thank to her perception that she knew Jin-ah's breath was in her room.

Hearing no response, Jean thought Jin-ah was sleeping. She put all stuffs into refrigerator. After done, she went to check Jin-ah's condition.

"What make you cry badly" Jean touched Jin-ah corner of her eye. Her cheeks dried a little bit.

Feeling someone touching her cheeks, she shuddered in terror. She waked up immediately.

"Who are you." her vision still blurred from sudden waking.

"Calm down. Sister. It's your younger sister."

Hearing familiar voice, Jin-ah stopped shivering in corner of her bed.

"It's you. What have you been? I'm very worried about." Jin-ah gave Jean an enthusiasm thug.

"What's wrong."

"I thought I lost you" Jin-ah said in crying voice.

Jean didn't know what to say beside appeasing her.

"And brother too."

"What happen to our brother." Jean asked.

"He lost. In dungeon."

The moment Jean heard this, she knew the plot started to kick in.

"He is still safe and sound. Do you remember that I have special ability?"

"Remember. You gave each of us piece of paper. And you told us that as long as papers weren't burnt, that meant the owner of paper didn't die."

"You see. My paper wasn't burnt, that is the evidence that I'm still alive. So do our brother."

"But but." Jin-ah didn't want to show her weak side.

"Don't worry. Our brother is still alive. Let me cook something for you."


Closing the door, Jean made her way towards kitchen.

She turned the oven.

"It's so soon. Double dungeon have appeared." Jean mumbled.

He will obtain Monarch of Shadow at the age of 23 but he is just a 20 years old now. 3 years sooner according to the plot.

"That also means the battle between Monarch starts sooner." Thinking about the strength of Monarch in this hell mode world, Jean could only shake her head.

Their strength almost closed to the being called god.

Let's take an example, Monarch of Beast.

His strength based on original world only reached the level of country level.

What does country level mean?

It means his strongest attack can turn one country upside down with his strength alone.

And this corrupt world.

Jean watched the possible scene in future about this world.

Monarch of Beast. Just one stomp can create shock-wave sending from one side of planet through the core of planet to other side of planet.

Beside, he will descend with 100% strength not like version of his neft by borrowing human's body.

As for Ruler, the light of this world. Will they come to help human?

"Ha" Jean laughed "Obviously not"

"There is no light in this world. Only nightmare and eternal darkness."

Smelling something burnt, she waked up to reality. Her meat was burnt to char.

"This thing's no longer edible." she threw it into garbage bin.

She cooked again with new meat and thought about the plan.

"Tomorrow, I will register as hunter and clear dungeon by myself. The more the better."

To avoid damaging to human's world, she will take initiation hunting Monarch in their own dungeon.

She had decided her first Monarch that she will hunt.

"Monarch of Beast. I choose you."

The target had been chosen. She will visit his dungeon at Africa in future with swords.

"Dinner is ready, sister. Come and enjoy my homemade food."

Tomorrow morning

"Hmm. Registering hunter's license is easy than I thought" Jean stepped out of building with a card on her hands.

She thought that she had to give them some money so that they could spill out her license.

Turning out she was wrong. They did it for free.

"Next is Commission building." she made her way towards the building that issued mission.

She entered the building and looked at the board with mission paper pinned on it.

"No. Not this one. Too cheap." there was no mission about clearing dungeon. Someone had taken it earlier morning.

Excepting this one.

She looked at paper with a title "Clearing Goblin dungeon".

To be honest, she didn't want to touch this dungeon.


Because she felt heavy dislike for it. This dungeon was so dark that there were many dark rumors about it.

Goblin in this dungeon will kill man and only leave woman alive in inability.

As for the fate of woman. Worse than death.

Goblin will r*pe woman to death.

Why this thing happens.

It was said that long ago, there are young couple entering this dungeon to clear with 2 of them.

They had smooth adventure until they was ambushed by goblins. They killed young man leaving woman alive with broken legs. With trait of adaption, they started to think further than it.

That is. F*ck to death.

"Nah nah. That is totally a lie." she said this because she knew the truth.

She used Story Guilder for investigation to earn some money .Thing didn't happen like the story.

At first, it was just a F rank dungeon. It was so easy that normal adult can clear it.

Until one day, a high rank hunter entered that dungeon. Roughly B rank according to her Stand information.

That hunter beat one goblin half alive half death. He then imprisoned it in a cage. And gave it some p*rn book.

As a result, goblin read those book. There was some change in mana.

That hunter recorded that strange mana's evolution.

While recording, he was ambushed behind by assassin goblin. In the end, he was dead and that dungeon mutated because of his merit. The death of high rank hunter in low rank dungeon caused dungeon leveling up.

And that goblin which was beaten near death. He evolved to king of goblin and made a huge revolution at that dungeon.

"Spectaculous." Never before she saw such an idiot like this before.

She had 2 choices.

Leave and wait next month

Or choose this one.

"Hmm." she rubbed her chin to think more deeper.