
Otaku girl in multiverse

She’s just a girl love playing game after having disease. Since she was dead, another opportunity shows to her. Grabbing that one in million opportunity, she travels through all dimension.

Hai_Thi · Anime & Comics
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159 Chs

Make a fame.

Takagi's estate, afternoon 5:23PM. There is a public execution hold in here.

But that execution was stopped by one person, her name is Jean Sophia, and this marks as the begin of the great saviour and also a great saint who saves human from extinction.


"I have a word to say everyone" I placed my hand on my chest.

"Before this, I have a question that I want to know."

"Have you ever ask yourself. What benefits can we get from doing this?" I spoke with a gentle voice to soothe their mood.

"You ask that We need to have benefits to do this"

"They is a b*tch that makes us starve for 2 days"

"They deserves to be executed?"

"Give them a sentence for what they have done"

Those lynch mob decided for themselves.

"You are the kids. What you know. Stay away from this adult's talk"

"Just a cocky brat. "

"This is adult's business. Go home and be obedient"

There are also adults cursing at me and also a question voice came from Souichiro.

"What are you trying to do, Jean" he asked with a serious voice.

I shouted with crying eyes.

"What I want to do is giving a suitable sentence for them?"

"I know they have done bad things to us but we can't let our selfish to decide the life of person."

"You forget that they are still a student. They are still not experienced enough to aware their action"

But this didn't move their feelings.

"Now you insult us."

"What did you know how much harshness that we adult have experienced"

"I don't know what you experienced in the past but there is one thing that we all know"

"We know that we are now living in difficult world where many zombies was roaming around. Not knowing when we will be next or what we will face"

"I also like all of you. We were forced to live in this hell and we were also seperated from our family."

I decided to tell them my story.

"I don't know where is my parents or they are still alive or not. In the end, I hope they are safe and sound. That is my only wish. Wish to reunite with my family, with my precious person. That is my only resolve that helped me overcome this reality. I know you are also in the same situation like me"

'Nah, I don't even know who is this body's parents. What I read was only in paragraph with no visual and it even didn't mention what's feeling this body towards family.'

"So you over there. Could you tell what have you exprienced?"

It's was a person looked like desk worker.


"I … I have sister and parents but … but since they appeared, I don't know their conditions and whereabout" he stuttered in crying tone.

"I also wish that my family is okay."

I used one hand to sweep my tears

"So unfortunately are you. It seems like I'm not the only unfortunate one here."

"And sister over there. Your expression also tells me that you may experience " this time I pointed at red hair girl. She looked like a delinquent.

"I … I "

"Just take your time. You can choose to tell or not to tell. I won't force you"

"It's fine. I will tell."

"I have sister needed to take care." she clenched her fists.

"The moment we came home. Our parents" she gnashed her teeth loudly that everyone could be heard.

"have already turned into one of them. I once thought to end my life but it's my sister that I have a hope to live."

"I know what are you feeling. We all know what are you feeling. After all, we are all victims of this unexpected event."

"We once lived in the peace with enough food, drink, decent income but this happened. This turned our life upside down. Force we to fight for survival so what I want to say is"

"This is time we have to unite so that we together overcome this world crisis. And this is not a time to blame. This is only for coward who want to run away from reality."

"so you say that we are coward. How hilarious." the aunt said with an annoying voice. To be honest, I hate this person very much. Always talking about vaccine and government. The truth is this person don't want to be controlled by superior and hypnotize herself that she deserves the best services.

"To say that we are the coward not wrong." I admitted what she said.

"Now you confuse us, as expected brat don't know anything" that aunt ridiculed me in front of people's eyes.

"But if I say that is human's bless in disguise. Human's not a strong creature but have a sharp mind and brilliant brain. We have gone through many similar disease like Black death, bubonic plague, Russian flu,…"

"In the end, we overcome many challenges that was given by nature so why don't we overcome this like our ancestor."

"The only obstacle that we need to go through its human's instinct. In another word, our own cowardness, fear, greed. Rising towards next level and bringing the innovation and revolution. So tell me why we need to fear"

"Why did you say so much bullshit. Just shut up you brat"

"You shut up already. I can't bear with you anymore." someone protected my face.

"Same idea"

Look like there are still people don't like her idea.

"Aunt, let me tell you why. Fear helps us mature. Fear creates us a motivation to overcome the challenge. Is this answer enough to you?"

"You want to join to kill people out there. They need a cure not a massacre" she retorted my claim.

"Sorry. I don't mean that we need to kill all zombies outside. There is alway other way to prove that you are useful."

"You can join people here to fortify the barrier or you can use knowledge to improve the quality in here" I looked back into the crowd but that aunt was no longer there. She must be chafed when hearing work in here or maybe she was embarrassed. I don't know and I don't care.

"Everyone, we all know that we all had hard time but we need to unite not break up. You adults have the responsibility to become the beacon for young generation not a bad image like wasting time to run away from reality."

There is a long silence. Suddenly, there is a voice breaking this awkward silence.

"I'm thinking that this child is right. Once I was the child. My father always told me that everytime I met difficult, I need to overcome so that I can completely become mature. But now, I was a adults. And I think we need to set an example for young generation. If we keep doing this, we will draw ourselves as bad image."

"Me too, I'm also same thought with you. What we need is working together. Although now it's a difficult time, we shouldn't abrogate our responsibility as adults. Even if this is the end of human"

Thank to two people that the conversation was heated.

"I think they are right. I rethink and their point is right. There is no benefits if we keep continuing like this" It was a middle man voting me.

I was deeply touch by this man. In the end, I succeeded making a basic sense in people's opinion. And this is also the first person to support me.

What. You say this is the first person.

Then let me explain for you.

Do you think my word touching the soul of those pool people before first person who really support for me?

'Absolutely no. What I have. No social stand, no acquaintance, no achievement, no famous, just an outcast with normal appearance.'

'Or maybe I will show them my skills with guns. If I'm doing so, they may stick me like a glue.'

From the beginning, I thought when I engaged the audience, they will be embarrassed or objective towards me so I used more secure plan.

'Bribing people'

'Yeah, I bribed people with food and drink in secret so that is why they speak for me.'

This was what I had planned. First, I need to sympathize their living condition with emotional speech and their hard time and then, I stroke the conversation with audience.

But this is not enough. The first factor that we shouldn't forget is audience. The audiences here are all adults while I'm still a highschool student so the disdain is unavoidable. They will think that I'm still young and stupid. And their prejudge towards young people are still outdated so it's very hard to persuade them.

While spending time planning strategy and researching, I came up with solutions that had most high successful rate. That is lying to them. This is the easy one and also the effective one. To do that, I bribed people who will speak to protect my point and help me engage audience easier.

The storehouse was burned so the food here became more scarce. The moment they heard food, they are easy accepting this.

The people I pointed from the beginning to end was all hired actors. Those other people may not be knowing this.

They don't know that they are all deceived by me. After all, to approach success, I even resolve to use this methods. They adults are all mixed idea with conflict belief so I need to deceive them towards one belief.

'Adults must set a good example'

This is the most suitable idea that I can come up and it surely works very well. I speak my opinion and then use a little push, they will automatically fall for me.

And for my tear, Is my tear real?

No. I chopped onion before arriving here. The purpose of my tear is to increase the people's sympathy.

The conservation was debating fiercely. Most of it was positive which is very good. The people's mind was came back online.


"Ano, can I ask? How this thing related to them" the girl pointed towards the two cryng girl on the stage.

"It's indeed related each other" I looked at her with beaming smile.

"Allow me tell you how is related"