
Prologue; The Forge part 1

The tasks of a goddess... There are no easy ones The job of this Goddess is to reincarnate dead beings. Her name is Hikari, she is known as the goddess of the forge due to her clay dolls that create life itself.

But, how exactly do these dolls work? Well, they morph into human flesh when a soul is placed inside of them. Within the next 24/hours it mutates taking own a proper form and it takes on the shape of one of these races:


Humanoids with cat ears and tails. Colors of the ears, tails, and hair will match the patterns found on normal cats, and shapes of ears/tails will match their corresponding cat breed. Eyes will also look more like a cat's.


Humanoids with fox ears and 1 or more tails. Tails and ears are often thicker and fluffier than a cat's. Colors include shades of orange, white, brown, tan, and/or black.


Humanoids with dog ears and sometimes tails. Colors will match the patterns found on normal dogs, and shapes of ears/tails will match their corresponding dog breed.


Humanoids with longer ears and sometimes more pointed facial/body features. They are commonly shorter than the average humanoid.


Humanoids with light angelic wings (often feathery) and glowing gold halos over their heads. Can sometimes be seen with more eyes than usual or the extra arm or two. The color scheme tends to be lighter or pastel.


Humanoids with horns of variable shapes. Can look fairly normal otherwise, or have heavier demonic body features.


Humanoids with the wings, claws, and tongue of a dragon. Dragon-type and colors are widely variable.


Humanoids with the skin, wings, and tails of a dragon. Dragon-type and colors are widely variable.

Or finally... The human, you already know what they look like, don't you? You are one reading this right? Well, unlike you these humans have unlimited potential to use any magical element.

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