
Orochimaru's Will

Why has Orochimaru's death caused such a stir within the the hidden leaf village

Hyuga_Tobirama · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

Chapter 2: Decision

" You can't be serious." Koharu said after the shock left her first.

" It's true, the will is in a code that we made with Sarutobi-sensei. Only a handful know how to read it." Tsunade said making the room look at her then at Naruto.

" The Kusanagi is the proof Naruto's needs to show he is the one to inherit Otogakure and all of its lands. The reason for the withdraw of Oto's forces is to protect its people while Naruto is placed into power. If Naruto refuses to accept the seat as leader there is no doubt that Sound will be ripped apart by war." Tsunade said making the room look at her with disbelief.

" We should just assimilate Sound into Fire Country." Homura said making Tsunade shake her head.

" Kabuto has been ordered by Orochimaru to inform the world of his death if Naruto does not take leadership of the country after a week of receiving Orochimaru's will. In fact Kabuto will be waiting at Tankatzu Town to hear what you have decided." Tsunade said making the room look at Naruto.

" I don't know, I..." Naruto said as he looked at the letter Orochimaru had made especially for him. It said things he would have never dreamed the snake would say about him much less to him. Yet the snake's words had been everything he had ever wanted to hear from someone. It brought him great turmoil to his heart that a bastard like Orochimaru could tell him the things he needed to hear to keep his weakening sanity.

" I hate that man for all the problems he caused. But there is a lot of innocent people that need my help. I can't just turn my back on them." Naruto said making the room look at him.

" How sure are we that they aren't trying to kill him?" Jiraiya asked.

" Because Naruto is allowed to take up to twelve Shinobi with him as his personal guards. That is not including his teammates, Kakashi and you, pervert." Tsunade said with a glare at her teammate.

" Naruto can't seriously take over a country... I mean he's Naruto." Sakura said making the golden blond turn to her along with everyone in the room.

" He'll probably make a national Ramen day and waste all of the country's money in buying everything orange. Wouldn't it have been better for Orochimaru to leave everything to Sasuke-kun. Naruto-baka is just going to get everyone killed" Sakura said in a carefree tone like she was talking about the weather, her carelessness soon left after feeling Naruto's glare. She flinched when she saw Naruto's eyes had turned blood red and her skin filled with goosebumps as she felt the endless killing intent flowing from him.

" Naruto she didn't mean that." Tsunade said making Naruto turn from his teammate and look at the woman that greatly cared for him.

" There's no reason for a leader of a village to lie for a simple Chuunin." Naruto said with a cold tone making Sakura look at him with disbelief.

" Jiraiya-sensei. I'm going to Tankatzu Town and then to Oto. Feel free to tag along if you want." Naruto said making the eyes of the room to look at him with disbelief.

" Hold up Gaki." Jiraiya said when Naruto stormed not only out of the room but through Sakura. The pinkette looked at her blond teammate with disbelief after his push knocked her to the ground.

" You really fucked it up ugly." Sai said making Sakura glare at him. His ever present and creepy smile still on his face.

" Tsunade-sama why aren't you stopping him? He can't just leave the village like Sasuke." Sakura said making Koharu and Homura look at her, both of the elders were going over Orochimaru's will.

" The boy has been given permission to leave the village by the Daimyo of Fire." Homura said making Sakura look at him with disbelief.

" We don't know how he did it but Orochimaru convinced our Daimyo to give Naruto the freedom that many of our Shinobi could only dream of." Koharu said making Sakura feel terrible. " Naruto-san can not only do this but many more things."

" Shit, Kakashi isn't up yet, and the other members of the Konoha twelve are not scheduled to return until tomorrow. Team Seven I want you to pack enough gear and supplies for Team Eight, Ten and Gai to travel with you to Tankatzu and then to Oto. You won't be leaving until tomorrow and I don't care if you have to carry Kakashi, but you will take him and have him talk some sense into Naruto." Tsunade said making the group nod their heads.

" And Sakura... try for once in your pathetic life to keep you big mouth under control." Tsunade growled making the pinkette feel terrible.

" What's going on here?" Yamato said as he saw a gathering in the lobby of the tower.

" Jiraiya-sama was trying to stop Naruto from leaving the tower when suddenly Naruto used his double S rank jutsu." A female ANBU said making the team look at her with disbelief.

" He did all this with one jutsu?" Yamato asked as he looked at the ten male shinobi that were covered in blood. He was wanting to kill the stupid blond for attacking their ninja.

" The Oiroke no Jutsu is probably the strongest Technique in Naruto's arsenal. He knocked all these perverts out with one move." Anko said with a smirk as she kicked Iruka's body. The poor Chuunin had gone to deliver some test results for the new students he just accepted. Yamato's rage soon left and was replaced by shame in his fellow Konoha nin. He couldn't look down on them, since he had also once fallen victim to the Oiroke no Jutsu and it wasn't even aimed at him.

" Damn you Naruto." Jiraiya groaned as he tried to get up but only passed out for his efforts. Even as a legendary super pervert Naruto still knew how to take him down. Oh how Jiraiya cursed and loved the double S rank jutsu his student made.


' Why did she have to say that?' Naruto thought as he wiped the tears from his eyes as he ran out of the village. He had long ago finished sealing away his valuables, it was the only stop he made before reaching the gates.

' Is that really how she feels. Is that what she thinks when I talk about being Hokage?' Naruto thought as he cried over the pain Sakura caused.

' Is that how the whole village sees me, or is that everyone in general?' Naruto thought as his heart felt like breaking.

' No, Kabuto saw through my mask. And Orochimaru gave me a lot of compliments while writing his drunken letter. It's just Konoha, that place is where all the bastards are.' Naruto thought with rage before hurrying to Tankatzu town.

' I'll show them, I'll show them all who I really am.' Naruto thought as he grabbed his headband.

' If Oto is willing to accept me as their leader I'm going to show them what I'm really worth.' Naruto swore as he slowed his speed down. He was already tired from running earlier and thanked Kami for the tea stand he was going to use to rest.


" Is everyone ready? Good." Tsunade said as she stood in front of the four teams that were going to go after Naruto. She had done some last minute emergency treatment on Kakashi so that he could travel while under his own power.

" You know the mission, find Naruto, protect him and see if you can get him to come back so that I can talk to him without unwanted people making a mess of things." Tsunade said making Sakura want to hang herself while the members of the Konoha Eleven and their instructors looked at the pinkette.

Fifteen figures left the village as they hurried to find their friend.

In Oto Kabuto finished selecting two teams of Jounin to help him retrieve Naruto. He had a strong feeling the blond was going to follow Orochimaru's wishes. They quickly left to the meeting point to retrieve their future leader.


" Maybe I should have waited before showing up here?" Naruto said with a tired voice. He let out a sigh as he walked the streets of the gambling town with almost nothing worth doing.

" Young man I know what your problem is." A voice said making Naruto look at a well dressed man that had a crowd looking at him.

" You have no purpose in life." The man said making Naruto's eye brow to grow. He had tuck his headband away since leaving without permission made him into a rogue and he didn't want anyone to fight him. He also had his jacket open since it was hotter than usual.

" However if you buy my book I can guarantee a better tomorrow." The handsome and successful looking man said making the blond raise his second eye brow.

" Yeah right, I got a better chance of winning that lottery than you do of teaching me anything useful." Naruto said making the man glare at him.

" You shouldn't put your faith in luck Bozo." The man said with a frown making Naruto glare at him. "Life isn't a game of chance you can easily recover from." The guy said making Naruto smirk.

" True but I make my own luck and live my life how I want to. If there is something I don't like I work hard to change it." Naruto said as he pulled out a coin. He flipped in the air before slamming it on the table for the Lottery Booth.

" One ticket please." Naruto said making the worker look at the coin and then at the blond.

" It's five Ryo not one." The worker said making Naruto blush and the people watching laugh.

" With my book you would have learned to read the signs of the world before acting like a fool." The man said making the crowd laugh more.

" I'll show you a fool." Naruto growled as he spun the roulette wheel and waited for his results without looking at the board.

" Congratulations you just won the Super Jackpot!" The worker said before ringing the bell and getting attention of everyone around Naruto. The golden blond spent his whole time smirking as the man filled with disbelief as people talked about the amount of money Naruto won.

" Not a bad winning for a simple game. I guess I can see why Baa-chan loved gambling" Naruto said as he pocketed the money. His Gama-chan was three times it's usual size. He was glad the thing can inflate by five times its normal capacity.

Naruto heard a small bell ringing in a casino before a smile grew on his face as he went into the place. ' She always said I had the devil's luck in card games.' Naruto thought as he sat in a table for Blackjack.

" Whoa." A villager said making the group of Konoha turn to him. They saw a massive crowd standing outside of a casino.

" 21!" A man said with disbelief making a crowd scream with excitement. This made the Konoha nin get closer since they never heard of anyone getting that much attention.

" 21!" The voice said again as the crowd gave the same reaction as before.

" What the hell is going on?" Ino asked.

" I don't know but I smell Naruto from in there." Kiba said making the Konoha nin rush to the Casino, only to see the crowd open up when they got there.

" Thanks for the Hospitality Tankatzu but it's just about time for me to go." Naruto said with a smile as he walked backwards. The Konoha nin were shocked at what Naruto was wearing.

He had a black Kimono that would fit royalty, on his back was the Ying Yang mark with dice instead of the traditional odd colors inside of the two halves. The white side had a black die showing a white dot and the black side a white die with a black dot.

" I'll come back soon." Naruto said with a happy tone.

" Never come back!" The owners of the casinos yelled making Naruto laugh. He turned and prepared to leave only to run into Jiraiya's frame.

" Hey Ero-sennin." Naruto said with a smile as he noticed who he walked into.

" What are you doing Naruto?" The man said with a serious face.

" Gambling, I have no idea how Baa-chan became so bad at this, all you have to do is follow your gut." Naruto said making the man frown.

" Naruto you need to comeback to Konoha." Jiraiya said making Naruto get serious.

" Why?" Naruto said making the man lock eyes with him.

" I would also like to hear that answer." Kabuto said making the group from Konoha to look at him.

" Ah ah ah, I wouldn't do that if I was you." Kabuto said as he adjusted his glasses. " Wouldn't want the civilians to get involved in a shinobi battle." Kabuto said making the Konoha nin look around, their eyes grew as they saw multiple Exploding tags stuck on many buildings. Oto Jounin were placed too far for them to reach but they were able to see if Kabuto gave them a certain signal.

" Kabuto." Naruto said with a serious and unhappy tone making the man look at his future leader.

" It is only a safety measure, they won't go off as long as Konoha makes sure to play nice. We can even swept the village when they swear to behave." Kabuto said making Naruto sigh.

" Very well, do you guys promise to not attack the Oto nin?" Naruto said making the Konoha nin look at him with disbelief.

" Naruto you can't be serious?" Tenten said making Naruto look at her.

" Yeah, they were the bastards that attacked our home. You can't tell me you forgot that." Kiba said making Naruto sigh.

" I didn't forget, but I can't blame them for following orders. Just like most of us have followed orders that left a foul taste in our mouth." Naruto said making the Konoha nin calm down.

" And that is just the mentality Otogakure needs from its new leader." Kabuto said making most of the Shinobi from Konoha look at the man with disbelief. They had figured that Naruto had gone rouge after they spent the trip hearing some of Sakura's anger filled mumbling.

" Oh didn't Tsunade-sama or Jiraiya-sama tell you why Naruto is going to Oto?" Kabuto said making the Sannin glare at him.

" I even figured that Sakura-chan would have blabbed it sooner or later." Kabuto said making the pinkette want to attack him, only to have Kakashi stop her by placing a hand on her shoulder.

" Enough with the mocking Kabuto, I want to hear what my Sensei has to say." Naruto said making everyone look at the blond. His serious and demanding tone instantly put Kabuto in his place. The glasses wearing medic wondered if this is what the Konoha nin felt during the third shinobi war when the Yondaime was around.

" Naruto I have no idea what they are promising you but..." Kakashi said only to make Jiraiya, Kabuto and Naruto look at the man with a questioning face.

" He meant me brat." Jiraiya said making Kakashi feel embarrassed as a few Shinobi let out a light laugh.

" Naruto, if you leave now things will only get harder for you to keep a good image with Konoha. You made so much progress already with your efforts before we left the village and from helping the Kazekage." Jiraiya said making Naruto nod his head.

" True, but how many more still scorn him? How many more still hate him because of Kyuubi? How many will try to kill him for having that nine tailed beast sealed inside of him?" Kabuto said making the Konoha Shinobi fill with shock.

" Look at their faces Naruto." Kabuto said making Naruto look at his friends.

" They are the closes things you have to friends and yet they judge you. They fear you, they don't understand you." Kabuto said making Kakashi step forward.

" Shut up." Kakashi said with rage.

" I refuse. My duty is to Uzumaki Naruto, Second Lord of the Land of Sound. I have to protect him more than I protected Orochimaru-sama. And look at his ninja, none of the Sound nin knew before this moment that he was a Jinchuuriki. And I know no one back in Sound will care. Our home isn't like that village of hypocrites, we actually care and understand others." Kabuto said making Kakashi step back.

" For four years I watched and reported to Orochimaru about what Konoha did to Naruto. It was mostly because of the potential Naruto had but I was there. Probably even more than you Inu." Kabuto said making Kakashi look at the man with disbelief. He couldn't believe the ridiculously back stabbing spy had figured out his former code name from his days in ANBU.

" It was easy to figure out thanks to your hair style." Kabuto said as he answered the question plaguing Kakashi's mind.

" You have given Konoha hundreds of chances to care for you, and never have they given you the chance to prove yourself. Even now those before you, those that you have bleed for, they don't believe in your dream." Kabuto said making Naruto glare at his friends.

" You can see it in their eyes, they might wish for you to reach it but they don't approve of the idea. Except for Jiraiya-sama." Kabuto said as he saw no lies in the Sannin's eyes. The Konoha nin wanted to say something only to be cut off by Kabuto.

" Sound needs you, three hundred Shinobi needs you, ten thousands civilians depend on you and four thousand children will idolize you." Kabuto said making Naruto's eyes to grow.

" The land of Sound is ten times the area of Konoha with three times the population. Our resources are just the same and the amount of missions we accept is only a handful away. Imagine Naruto, you can create a legacy like no other. Even as Hokage you will never gain the prestige and power as you would in sound. You won't only be a Shadow but one blessed by the grace of god." Kabuto said making the Konoha nin see the blond was being won over.

" As Hokage you can only do so much, but as a Daimyo you have no one to oppose you. Not even the council of Sound will try to oppose you. The same can't be said in Konoha, their council will have you killed before they even chisel your whiskers on the Hokage's Monument. The same council that has caused you hell since before you can walk." Kabuto said making Naruto's eyes to grow.

" The same council that will bring Civil War to Konoha while fighting under the flag of one man named Danzo." Kabuto said making the Konoha nin look at him with disbelief. " The same man that handed the Sandaime to Orochimaru." Kabuto said making Konoha nin fill with rage.

" Is that true?" Naruto asked.

" Since the moment we meet I have never lied to you. When we meet in battle in this very town I told you the truth. I even warned you that your dream would be an impossible one. Any other place but Konoha you could accomplish it, any place but the home of those that hurt you, hate you, and use you for their gain." Kabuto said making the Konoha nin glare at him.

" Is it her?" Kabuto said when he saw Naruto lock eyes with Sakura. A smirk found its way on the medics face when the apprentice of Tsunade turned away.

" She's the one, isn't she? The one that beats on you the most, the one whose careless words cut into you, the one that uses you the most, the one that mocks your dreams and the one you love the most." Naruto said making Naruto's eyes grow before he started to tap into Kyuubi's chakra.

" I saw it since the first moment I saw you in the Chuunin exams. She is the keeper of your heart, the one that you would die for. The one you love most in this world, the one that you need the most. The one that you seek acceptance and love, the type that can not be fulfilled by any other. The one that would never give it to you." Kabuto said making Naruto turn from the pinkette as he drew blood from clenching his fist too tight.

" It's her lost." Kabuto said making Naruto look at him with disbelief.

" You heard me... her lost. She's too focused on Sasuke to ever see your true value. Too stuck in the past and her world of lies to live in our reality." Kabuto said making Sakura's heartache when Naruto nodded his head.

" A fresh start Naruto." Kabuto said making the blond look at him.

" That is what we offer, a fresh start, our support, our strength, our loyalty and some would gladly give you their love. All we want is a chance to show you we are not Konohagakure." Kabuto said making Naruto look at his friends, Jiraiya and their instructors.

" Nothing says you have to throw them aside." Kabuto said making Naruto look at him. " With you in power you can fix the wrongs Orochimaru-sama did, but only if you want to."

" You mean?" Naruto said making Kabuto nod his head.

" You can end the war between our two Shinobi villages, and perhaps one day bring us true peace." Kabuto said making Naruto like that idea.

" Jiraiya-sama is free to go and come as he pleases, it is the right that Orochimaru-sama gave him. He is your mentor and Godfather there is no reason to truly separate you two." Kabuto said with a smile before feeling Naruto's rage to grow.

" I'm guessing he didn't know that." Kabuto said when Naruto glared at Jiraiya while having his fox cloak be active. It's raw power making the Shinobi his age and the civilians to fall to their knees as they felt Death's cold embrace.

" Naruto I didn't mean to abandon you, but when Minato died I couldn't bear being near you for two long since you reminded me of him so damn much." Jiraiya said as he backed off from Naruto while waving his arms in his defense.

" Minato? Who the hell is that?" Naruto said as confusion filled him. Jiraiya and Kakashi's eyes grew when they knew what was going to come next. They quickly flinched when they saw Kabuto's smile start the grow. A smile that told them he had Naruto just where he wanted him.

" He means the Yondaime. The reason you remind him so much of Namikaze Minato is because you are his son. Namikaze Naruto." Kabuto said making the eyes of Naruto and the Konoha nin to grow with disbelief.

" Is this true?" Naruto asked.

" Yes, the Sandaime didn't tell you because Iwa nin had tortured many Shinobi and Civilians in hope of finding any legitimate information on an heir of the Yellow Flash. They even went so far as to capturing and killing any of the woman he had once flirted with." Kabuto said making Naruto look at him.

" The Sandaime had planned to tell you when you became Chuunin but Danzo didn't like that plan. It's probably why the council members that support him would always reject the recommendations for your promotions." Kabuto said making everyone look at him with a great amount of shock. They wondered how much information the spy knew. Jiraiya wondered how his spy network had failed in keeping so much from escaping the safety of his village.

" I would love to see Konoha's face when they learn the truth and the fact you have unlocked the secret of Hiraishin." Kabuto said making the Jounin look at Naruto.

" You know how to use the Hiraishin no Jutsu?" Kakashi asked as he looked at Jiraiya.

" Jiraiya-sama gave Naruto a memento of his father, he never meant for Naruto to learn the Hiraishin. However Naruto had heard the stories and worked hard to unlock it's secrets. Jiraiya-sama would have never learned about the Hiraishin if Naruto hadn't used it to save their lives." Kabuto said making Jiraiya and Naruto to look at him.

" Like I told you before, Orochimaru kept a very good eye on you. He was filled with amusement, pride and envy when he learned you had brought back THAT JUTSU." Kabuto said making Naruto look at the Konoha nin.

" It's true, Naruto's father is the Yondaime, the Flying Thunder God technique is his birthright and Naruto learned it on his own. I never said anything because I didn't think you were ready for it." Jiraiya said making Kabuto smirk.

" He didn't think you were ready for it, but it was okay for him to seal your strongest technique and let a group of S-class Criminals to hunt you. You kept the existence of the Kyuubi secret for many years, yet you couldn't be trusted with the name of your parents. It sure shows how much you were valued by that village and its people." Kabuto said making Jiraiya want to snap.

"Namikaze, Uzumaki or Super Nazi. It doesn't matter what your name is or who your parents were. To Oto all they will see is a great man, that protects the world and blesses them by guiding and shielding them with his power. Tell me Naruto, when the people of Konoha see you what do they see?" Kabuto as he turned to walk away.

" Naruto... A shinobi, a weapon, a fool, a friend, a soldier, a beast, a monster, a hero..." Kabuto said as he jumped and landed on a rooftop. " Or the Kyuubi?" The medic said making Naruto to fill with rage.

" Why don't you come see what you can become in Oto?" Kabuto said with a smirk.

" What you were denied." Kabuto said making Naruto jump to his side before both traveled to the former land of rice.