
The Mask

Birds are singing, flowers are bloming the sun is slowy rising bringing light into the capitale, with a soft wind and clear sky this day sould have been better than this.

Two twins are arguring, their little brother tries to stop the fight while their sister is watching dispointed, they were in the middle of importent business, they were the rulers of this world and yet they couldn't get along dispise being from the same familly. The kings and princes were forced to watch as their supseriors were fighting.

Zaykio Arshii was always seen as the more serious out of all the siblings but he also turn out to be the one with anger issues, which was a probleme considering the fact that he was also stronger than his twin brother. Half of the people hated him the other half just respected him, not a lot of people were actually that close with the demon not even his children didn't knew him that well, he would lied to everyone and nobody would notice.

The demon had one friend that a lot of people knew, a lot of people liked him and respected him he was nice to everyone, his name is Itsuky, him and Zaykio have been childhood best friends ever since they meet when the demon was ten and his friend was height indeed Itsuky was two years younger than his best friend. But that didn't stop him from becomming the first and only demon capable of telling when the demon was lying but Lucius, Zaykio's twin brother was the second one to actually break his brothers mask.

A Mask ment to hide the pain, pretending everything fine is what he did best, but under his mask is just a broken man.

"He was never supposed to survived".

Can you hear their voice's ?

You lost your first wife, she killed herself and you had to take care of three children all on our own with the rare help of your sibling, a war had to come in while you were dealing with the pain of losing her, You had to protect them. That's all you were good for right...?

You weren't strong enough in the end...

You lost half of yourself that day, you lost your powers and you couldn't stand being useless.

Next, few years later you tried to take a second chance at being happy, they told you... they knew and yeet you were so blind, your second love cheated on you. That's went you stopped caring... only one of the three child was yours yeet you took care of all three of them the same way you would do for any kid...

Than again you make the mistake you falling in love, she reminded do much of her... didn't she ? sweet and kind... of course her fate would be death. She died in a accident while trying to get to know your younger brother, a rage blind you... the pain was ro much to take it at this point wasn't it...? those two girls left without a Mom... seems like you were unable to have a normal familly....

Your rage ended up taking over you...

Do you remember the day you made your own little brother go blind ? the one you swore to protect years ago, hurt because of your own very hand. That's when your familly finally broke... your twin brothers wouldn't look at you the same way he used to.... and your little sisther ? she was scared of you... and yet the very brother you hurt was still trying to save you...

Your last wife, you knew she never loved you now did you ?... she was using you, she was hurting you physically and mentally, she did unforgivable things to you but you didn't care... at least you weren't alone... right...?

Those two boys of yours you love them so much you managed to pull yourself together for their sake... One was being abuse and negleted by his own mom the other one ? she only showed him love so he would come with her so she could sell that Hybride Kid for a good amount of money no questions asked.

But you refused to let such fate be placed on your two youngest children the only ones that were still with you... the only ones that didn't gave up on you yet. They were everything you had left... so put on a mask and keep fighting for they sake...

Once they left around the age of 20, you were all alone again well you did take a kid like 4 years after they left, the kid was just kick of their house by they're parents so you took them under your wings.

They were only 10 by than, they stayed with you until they were 19, they left to go study what they loved the most and than find a job.

You were so pround of all of them yet, you didn't say anyphing, you loved them all so much and yet... they could of never understand the pain you were in for so long...

You tried to end it. You tried to end the suffering, but i guess you were do blind that you forgot that some people loved you as much as you loved them... your very first and only Best friend had to save you, no he had to stop you form taking your own life away so many times... i can't even beging to understand what he must of felt but you could understand what the pain of losing a loved you was and yet...

Here you were... Lost... Scared... You were so...Weak and broken in the inside.

You lost so many people, even your mom and one of your favorited collegue form the angelique side, people pointed at you, for them you murder her in cold blood but the truth is that you had to watch her died in your arms... Actually you always had to watch everyone around you either get hurt or die...

Was this some kind of sick joke...?

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