
Orion Blackneal

Author: Cynicalcrow
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What is Orion Blackneal

Read Orion Blackneal fanfiction written by the author Cynicalcrow on WebNovel, This serial novel genre is Book&Literature fanfic stories, covering harrypotter. ✓ Newest updated ✓ All rights reserved


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Shards of Sin: The Demon-Wolf

Hati was a man who had very little control over his emotions, to the point where it ruined his life. That is until he met a woman by the name of Luna. Through a mysterious connection between Luna and Hati, Hati gains back control of his emotions. After his experience of losing control of himself, combined with several betrayals, Hati develops a dominating and controlling personality. Unfortunately, he is betrayed again and ends up dying together with his wife, Luna. Follow Hati as he is reborn in a world by the name of Asgard, where he finds out the reason for his uncontrollable emotions, searches for Luna, grows stronger and fights against the forces of fate through sheer domination and strength. *********** Hey everyone, this is my first novel. I hope you all like it, but I’m always interested in constructive criticism. Before you start reading, though, let me clarify a few things. Contains some spoilers about Luna: First of all, I gave it the anti-hero tag because Hati does not have an evil master plan. That said, Hati is a guy who will do anything to protect those he cares for while generally ignoring everyone else, so a hero he is not, anti or otherwise. Luna, who will be accompanying Hati for most of the novel, is technically the same, but the only person she cares for is Hati, at least at first. Her morals are also much more villain-like than Hati’s. Secondly, the R18 stuff. Hati is generally dominant and controlling, something that will especially shine through in the first few smut chapters. That will mellow down a little, though, but the first few times are actually important for the story. Lastly, there will be no NTR, but there will be some lesdom, though never romantically. Luna simply loves to dominate other women, and she never does so without Hati’s permission. You can freely skip the R18 stuff, as I will make sure to keep any plot progression out of it. It is just for flavour. Thirdly, it’s a bit of a slow burn as Hati grows up and learns about the world, but after he finds Luna, things will pick up. Luna will then become an almost constant companion for the rest of the novel. Last but not least, I hope you enjoy reading!

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  序言:(代简介)一个曾经当过教师的商人和他的3个教师朋友,在一次去神农架探险的过程中,穿越时空来到三国时代(老套了,没办法,各位不满意,就用票砸我,-_-)。他们不满意当时的中国现状,对于即将来临的五胡乱华时代有着深深的忧虑。为了避免汉民族长达300年的苦难,他们在这乱世崛起,以商立国。利用发达的经济和先进的产品,创建更适宜发展经济的社会制度,建立更强大的军队,推行他们的统一大业和殖民计划。他们的眼光已经超越了中原的争斗,望向遥远的罗马,埃及。至于日本,只不过是他们殖民计划的一小步。书中探索了一下社会结构、法律体系、官员制度、宗教观念,纯属YY,望各位读者不要类比,不要当真。光荣属于大汉民族,板砖属于我。只供读者一笑。商业象征竞争,奋斗,冒险,追求,创造,战略,大局,发展,手段,规则,标准,实力,财富,利益,价值,成败,管理,人才,交易,责任,协作,民主,自由,权利,观念,创新,抉择,效率,知识,技术,信息,资源,产品,流通……请别被书名误!!!   让大家翘首以盼的《商业三国》终于正式上市了。之前因为诸多问题,这本书一直未能如期与大家见面,编辑部也多次接到了热心读者打来的询问电话,对此我们只能表示深深的歉意。   早在二月初,我们就收到了几百条要求订购《商业三国》的信息,有些读者甚至当日就将钱汇到了公司,不过当时我们就对书的出版日程有所预料,因此对大多数人的电话留言都只回复请在书出版后再汇钱,至今公司的邮箱里还塞满了要求在书籍出版后通知其汇款的邮件,实在是令我们感动不已。   经过反复的传递,经过赤虎大人签名的一百套书正式开始汇出,最早汇款的一批读者将首先收到这本书,我们会根据汇款单与你们一一确认。其他四百本书也将陆续汇出,还没有汇款的读者也可以继续向我们订购此书,定价还是25元,八折优惠!   (另回复一些读者热门的问题:   一:因为后面的改稿还有待商榷,本书预计是四本或是五本结束,若是五本结束的话,之前有汇款4本一套的读者也不必慌张,剩余的一本你们也同样享受优惠和签名。   二:海外邮购的问题,这个因为本公司没有海外业务,而且邮费较高,难于办理,如果有海外读者实在非常想满,可请你们去当地邮局查询邮寄费用,然后一并寄于本公司即可。   三:现在出来的是1,2两本,每本字数30万,定价为25元不变。   邮购咨询电话:021-63174943或021-63170956联系人:张林林、孙尤其。   如果觉得打电话不方便的,可以直接汇款到以下地址:上海唐风图书有限公司(上海市天目西路547号恒基不夜城广场逸升阁21层)邮编:200070,收款人:何依萍。

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