
Crystal Li

Sam sat quietly, nursing his coffee, and looked at the woman talking on the call.

Her face, illuminated by the soft glow of her laptop screen, showed a mix of determination and frustration.

"No, I won't tell you where I am. Can't I have some space?" she said.

Her voice was a blend of defiance and annoyance.

Sam tilted his head, intrigued.

He could tell from the tone of her conversation that she was speaking to someone close.

Her brows furrowed, and she rubbed her temple, clearly distressed.

The words that came out of her mouth next confirmed his guess.

"Why can't you just leave me alone?" she asked, her voice echoing across the coffee shop.

The tension in the air was palpable.

Sam felt a pang of sympathy.

It was clear that the woman was dealing with something difficult.

He remembered his struggles and moments of frustration when he felt trapped and misunderstood.

But what caught him off guard was her following sentence.

"I'm not a kid anymore, Mom, Dad. I've got dreams, things I want to do, places I want to go. I want to work in the marketing field and make a name for myself," she continued, her voice filled with passion.

Sam sat up, his interest piqued.

Here was someone who shared his passion for enterprise and challenging the status quo. He felt a wave of respect washing over him.

Like him, this young woman was ready to take on the world.

The conversation continued, her tone increasingly exasperated.

"Yes, I know I lost my job at NovaTech, but that's part of life, right? Sometimes we fall, but we get back up. I'm searching for a new one," she said, her voice steady despite the frustration.

Sam couldn't help but admire her resilience.

Here was a person who'd experienced setbacks yet refused to back down.

"Look, I am Crystal Li, and I don't back down from challenges," she continued, her voice louder now, laced with defiance. "I love you both, but I'm not returning to Eurasian Coalition. I need to do this on my own."

The conversation ended with her disconnecting the call, her breath heavy.

Sam watched as she sighed, rubbing her eyes as she collected herself.

He could see the determination in her gaze, the fiery spirit that told him she was someone who wouldn't be easily swayed.

The coffee shop was thick with the aroma of freshly ground beans and the faint hum of conversations.

Sam watched Crystal; her expression was a study in itself, a mix of exasperation and resolve.

He could tell that her conversation with her parents had been bumpy.

Deciding to intervene, he cleared his throat, his tone deliberately soft, "Tough call, huh?"

Crystal glanced at him, her brown eyes questioning. She said nothing; instead, she chose to scrutinize him.

Sam shifted slightly under her gaze, hoping he hadn't crossed a line by intervening.

Taking a deep breath, Sam decided to push further, gently nudging the silent barrier she'd put up, "Were those your parents on the phone?" He asked, his voice filled with genuine concern.

Crystal sighed, her shoulders dropping as she responded, "Yeah, they were." Her voice was soft, laced with a hint of annoyance.

Sam nodded, understanding the dynamics at play. Having gone through his share of parental pressure, he could relate.

"Seems like they're just worried about you, aren't they?" he ventured, careful not to sound too intrusive.

Crystal's eyes narrowed slightly, a wry smile playing on her lips.

"I know they care, but it's too much sometimes. They even managed to get me fired from NovaTech, so I wouldn't have a choice but to return home."

There was a note of sadness in her voice that Sam couldn't miss.

"They must be missing you a lot," he said, his voice sincere.

The comment seemed to ignite a spark in Crystal.

She snapped, "You think you know everything, don't you? Listening in on my conversation."

Sam held up his hands, a peaceful gesture to show he meant no harm.

"I'm sorry if it seemed like that. I just happened to overhear your conversation. I didn't mean to pry," Sam apologized.

Crystal remained silent, her gaze steady on Sam.

Seizing the moment, Sam introduced himself, "I'm Sam Orion, the founder of Orion Enterprises."

At his introduction, Crystal's eyebrows shot up, her expression one of surprise.

Sam continued, "I couldn't help but overhear your situation with NovaTech. If you're interested, how about you pass me your resume?"

Crystal blinked, taken aback.

She looked at Sam, then chuckled, "That's a new one. I have to admit, it's an original pickup line."

Sam smiled, unfazed. He understood her suspicion.

"I understand why you might think this is a joke. But I assure you, it isn't. Why don't you confirm it yourself?"

Reaching into his pocket, he slid a card across the table towards Crystal.

"This is Eva Pearson's contact; she's our spokesperson. You can give her a call and mention we met here at ShtarBucks. How does that sound?"

The card lay there on the table, a silent invitation.

Crystal looked from the card to Sam, her expression thoughtful. She seemed to be weighing her options.

Finally, Sam stood up, picking up his coffee.

"I won't pressure you into anything. I just thought you could use some help. Take care," Sam said, leaving Crystal and his offer behind.

The cafe's hustle and bustle came into focus as he walked towards the exit, his thoughts already a whirl of different emotions.

He paused at the door, glancing back at the table where Crystal sat, still engrossed in her thoughts, his offer left hanging in the balance.

A tinge of doubt crept up his spine, his mind questioning the impulsive decision he'd just made.

Had he overstepped? Was it a mistake to offer a job to a stranger on a whim?

Shaking off the uncertainty, Sam decided it was done now.

He couldn't reverse time, could he? He just hoped his intuition about Crystal was correct, that she had the drive and potential he sensed in her.

A small smile played on his lips as he pushed the cafe door open, the crisp city air hitting him.

Helping out a stranger was new for him.

'This wasn't something Sam Orion, the businessman, did every day, but then again,' he mused, 'Sam Orion, the person, was someone who appreciated individuality and courage.'

Crystal had shown plenty of both in standing up to her parents.

Leaving the cafe behind, he found his mind drifting to his next stop - the shopping mall.

It had been a while since he'd spent quality time with his family, and he wanted to surprise them with gifts.

His family was his rock, always there for him, supporting him even when times got tough, but he was the one who didn't cherish it in his previous life.

The thought of shopping brought warmth to his heart.

He was looking forward to picking out gifts for each of his loved ones.

Sam started to think about his mom.

She was a real-life superhero, always busy doing something at home - cooking, cleaning, you name it.

She never had time for herself, always looking after others.

His mom loved handmade things, always marveling at the time and effort of creating them.

Sam thought, 'A handmade necklace might just be the perfect gift for her. Something simple yet meaningful, like a flower or a heart pendant, to show how much I love her. It's a small thing, but it's the small things that she loves most.'

Next up is his dad. He was hard-working, always spending long hours at the local warehouse.

His dad didn't care about owning lots of stuff but treasured things that were useful or sentimental.

He loved to unwind after a long day at work by getting lost in a good book.

'What if I find a book that reflects dad's work ethic?' Sam pondered.

'A biography of a self-made person who climbed the ladder with sheer hard work and grit. That's just the kind of story dad would love to read.'

Despite everything that happened today, he felt a sense of purpose in this simple act.

Sam felt a renewed sense of purpose with his shopping list forming in his mind.

Buying gifts for his family was not just a materialistic gesture but a way of showing his gratitude for their unending support and love.

After all, in the cut-throat business world, these bonds and moments of giving kept him grounded.

Walking towards the mall, Sam glanced at the cafe behind him.

He had a good feeling about Crystal.

He hoped she would take up his offer and prove his intuition right.

But for now, he had gifts to buy and a family waiting for him back home.


Crystal sat there, lost in thought. She looked at the card, then at the retreating figure of Sam.

The card was a key, a possibility.

Sam had offered her an opportunity, a chance she'd been hunting for.

She knew of Orion Enterprises, the company that had been the talk of the town.

But was this real or just a cruel joke?

With a sigh, Crystal picked up the card and stared at the contact details.

She knew who Eva Pearson was.

She took a deep breath, a sense of determination returning to her eyes.

Dialing the number, she waited for the call to connect.

"Hello, this is Eva Pearson from Orion Enterprises. How can I assist you?" the voice on the other end of the line said.

Crystal's eyes widened in shock.

It was really Eva Pearson.

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