
Minor Events 2

Uneventful few days passed blink of an eye. Max didn't do anything except working and drinking blood from a few lady co-workers. Lydia is still unresponsive to his charm and flirting. but he didn't give up that easily. although she speaks with him in a normal way Jackson still keeping her tied.

Days might be uneventful for Max but to Beacon Hills residents those few days been disaster. news about finding a few bodies and wild animals running around made citizens panicked.

Sheriff department warned, after 6 PM no one should walk around streets. every 30 minutes of patrol brought little relief toward citizens.

Today is too, Max is working his part-time job. although the store was empty since citizens finish their business before getting dark, the manager decided to keep the store open.

Bored Max decided to walk around a bit. he came out of the store. moon still shone night sky. despite not being full moon it managed to brighten the whole beacon hills.

Suddenly Max noticed something. a car slowly pulled over near the video rental store right across the store.

"What is with you?" Max's supernatural hearing picked up a male voice "Can't you watch a different movie? always The Notebook, I don't even understand it.

"Nope, just find it for me" a familiar female voice spoke uncaringly "if you don't like it, I can ask someone else to find it for me"

Max's eyes opened wide for realization, this event, he totally forgot about it. this where Lydia witness the Alpha.

"Who is it? that new kid?" Jackson said annoyingly "I saw you flirting around with him"

Lydia seems unaffected by Jackson's words. she just ignored him and started to play with the mobile phone.


Suddenly Max received a message. still keeping his eyes on Lydia Max took out the phone. He knew video shop owner already dead. just when Jackson push the door Max felt a strong smell of blood. certainly, Angry Peter ripped the shop owner's throat.

Unknown Number: Wanna hang out?

'Haha, it seems Lydia and Jackson's breakout going happen much earlier than Series'

Max clearly knew who massaged. he replied,

Max: sure, W8 for me.

After he sent the Massage he walked toward Video shop. by now Jackson should have found the dead body.

Lydia trying to figure out Max's reply. then she heard a voice coming behind her.

"Hey!, where should we go?"

She was startled by the sudden voice. her mobile almost fell down. she saw a spiky blonde haired boy looking at her refreshing smile. the smile was unlike any other boy she ever met. seeing it was Max, Lydia calmed down.

"You can't do that," Lydia said angrily "you almost gave me a heart attack"

"Haha, you look cute when you angry" Max shrugged off her angry glare and smiled.

"Of course, I'm cute n....."


Before she could retort Max a loud bang heard inside the video shop. both looked same time trying to find out what's happening. Max knew it must be Jackson trying to fend off angry Alpha. but Lydia didn't know, she decided to check on Jackson.

"Jackson! what's going on there?" she asked loudly. for some reason, she felt no fear because of Max's presence.

"Look out!"

Lydia thought to take a peek inside the shop. however, even before she could take a step forward Max yelled loudly.

Suddenly Lydia felt someone embracing her tightly. she knew it was Max since he was the only one there but confused about the reason.

Not a second passed a loud glass shattering sound came in front her. since Max's body covering her view, Lydia couldn't see anything except glasses flying everywhere.


Max turned to see angry Alpha fleeing from the crime scene. he was not disappointed. Max saw almost seven feet tall humanoid form mixed with wolf fur. although he didn't saw its eyes since it running away from them. he knew without a doubt it was the Peter Hale.

"What was that?"

Lydia asked, still embraced by Max. she didn't show any objection toward his actions.

"I don't know maybe the wild animal everyone talking about," Max smiled looking at Lydia's beautiful eyes.

"You smell nice" again he said using a bit forced on her slender waist. he felt his vampire side slowly awakening. his little brother also threatened to make an appearance. but as the great Original Hybrid, Max's control over transformations are absolutes. but some of the body parts never listen.

"Oh! is that so" Lydia coil her hands around Max's neck "do you like it, wanna have a test?"

Max nodded like there is no tomorrow. Lydia smiled and lean on him for a kiss.

Max's first kiss, but things didn't go as he expected.


Inches away from their lips to touch, stopped by Jackson's maniac cry. he was holding back of the neck with a pained and angry face.

Although they didn't separate immediately Lydia pushed Max away from her body. Max had an angry, unsatisfied face. good thing he knew Kanima couldn't be placed under Mind Compulsion if not Jackson is already done for.

"Are you ok?" Lydia sent complicated glace toward Max before questioning Jackson.

Jackson ignored Lydia and looked viciously at Max but didn't say anything. then he said to Lydia, "Call the cops, there is a dead body inside"

2nd chapter today~~ Minor Events will be the ends in the next chapter.

I decide to interduce partly harem when we move on to a bit deeper into the story. and I'm also planning Hunters background. do comment if you have some super duper idea. like how Vampires vanished from the beacon hills and the whole world.

I have a bit idea about Vanished Vampires, should I give seal family to MC's like Niklaus's? that will be interesting you know????

DivineDemonLordcreators' thoughts
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