
Follow 1

After promising Nicol, no matter what, he would save her daughter Max left searching for Desert Wolf. He followed her scent a few blocks away from Bar, she was hiding in shadows.

"Hey! Did she leave?" Max asked standing next to her shadow.

"Not yet, What took you so long?" Corinne asked a bit annoyed. He was supposed to be her back up but his drink became important than the mission.

"I had to drink another one. That's not important, did you already inform the Vampire Hunter?" Max smile cheekily acting embarrassed. He quickly diverted the conversation into a different direction.

"Humph! Not yet, I have to make sure this is a hundred percent related to what he is searching for" Desert wolf humphed giving Max look of contempt, however, she still answered his question. Maybe it was natural, Corinne never refused Max. Maybe as a weak little Coyote, she never dares to refuse strong Alpha.

"Hmm…Oh! Look, here she comes" Max was relieved to know Van Helsing haven't informed yet. But he couldn't voice it out, Corinne might suspect him for who knows what reason. just when he about to divert her attention, once again, Nicol hurriedly came walking toward them.

"Hide, We will follow her, if she didn't lead us to vampires, I will interrogate her," Corinne said as a sadistic light shone in her eyes.

Max nodded without commenting, he knew Vampires are coming to pick up Nicol. There won't be a chance for Corinne to use her cruel methods on Nicol. Besides Max wouldn't let her torcher such a sweet young mother like Nicol, ever.

Corinne waited patiently, she intently watching tracks of Nicol.

"Let's go, don't stare at her back, just follow me" ordered Corinne start her pursuit.

Again, instead of commenting Max just followed Corinne behind Nicol. He calculated Corinne was keeping fifty or so meter distance between Nicol and her. Although this might alarm Werewolf or other supernatural, if they act careful enough, a normal human can be tracked without noticing.

Nicol took a few twists and turns, finally, they arrive in a quiet neighbourhood. Max felt more than quiet, this place gave an eerie feeling. Streets were pitch black, even for a night, the wind carried bone-chilling coldness. Max saw when he breathes out it turning into white mist, just like in cold mornings.

Although he could resist the coldness easily, sudden change caught him off guard. He looked at Corrine in front of him, surprisingly she was fine, even Nicol was fine.

Max closed the distance toward Corinne and whispered into her ear, "hey! Don't you feel cold?"

"What cold? Oh! My" When Corinne looked at Max strangely. She had an understanding expression on her face after checking him for a bit.

"What is it? What's going on" Max asked trying hard to resist bitting cold. By now he understood this only effecting him alone.

"Keep walking," Corinne said fearing they might lose Nicole "This place isn't good, maybe there is Wendigo or Faun residing here"

"Eh!? What that has to do with me? And what the hell is Faun?" Max asked trying hard not to rais his voice. He was getting a bit irritated.

Corinne looked at him in corner of her eyes, "Faun is also Were creature, try doing some reading. Both Wendigo and Faun eat human flesh. if one of them live around here that means there are resentment souls gathering here. As an Alpha, your kind supposed to keep the balance, you aren't supposed to let others kill Innocent humans. Since those human souls felt your power they now asking you to bring justice for them"

Max fell into a daze. There is something like that? Alphas supposed to keep the balance? Why hasn't he heard about this before? Wait! that's not important,

"There are ghosts?" Max questioned Corinne dumbfounded. His eyes were wide open, mouth left agar.

However, instead of answering him Corinne pulled him behind tree shades.

"Is it ghosts? Where?" Max asked fanatically looking around. He was confused about Corinne's action.

"No idiot look" not answering Max's useless questions she pointed her finger at Nicol's figure.

When Max looked over, he saw from a dark corner two men and woman step front Nicol stopping her advance. Nicol looked somewhat nervous and worried. Max heard one man saying something but with bone-chilling cold he was having a hard time focusing.

Max and Corinne stay silent the whole time, soon as the group disappeared into the darkness, Max alone with Corinne jumped from hiding and start to follow the group.

Naturally, this time two of them were extremely careful, even when they step. They matched other parties pace when taking a step forward. That was because, if, those three belongs to the supernatural, they could pick up the tracks of Max and Corinne. Although Max knew those are newly appointed Vampires he didn't want to risk Nicol or Corinne's investigation.

Unsurprisingly when Max left the vicinity of the eerily neighbourhood, his cold temperature vanished without a trace. Max looked back at the place and promised he would come back here. For now, He had a more critical business to take care of.

Thanks for Reading......????

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