
Strength Comparison of characters

Comparing only strength stats

not agility and endurance.

Peak Human(- strength =50


1.Thanos without stones ( 2200) He is conquering the universe with raw strength and taking stones against everyone. He is only weaker than Peak Odin.

I also think Thanos can beat the Eternals if one on one without any stones.

2.PEak angry Incredible Hulk ( 950)

3.Captain Marvel ( 650)

4.One-eyed Thor after awakening ( 600)

5.MCU HULK(580 stats ) (Don't underestimate him he is beating before aweakening Thor with only raw strength)

6.Captain with Meow Meow ( 375stats)

7.Spiderman( 250 stats) (Yep, he is super strong, he just don't have experience in civil war but he still beat Winter Soldier and the weak flying guy with raw strength. )

8.Winter Soldier and Red Skull ( 185 stats) (NOticee - The serum they got is more stronger than Captain but they are not perfect. They got stronger than perfect serum but Red SKull skin burnt and winter soldier aggresiveness)

9.Captain America( 170 Stats) (Perfect Serum)

10.Black Panther( 150 Stats) (Heart-shaped serum is still weaker than perfect serum but black panther has more agility than captain america. And he has more combat skills)

11.Black Widow (120 stats) (She got a russian super- soilder serum)

12.Hawkeye (80 stats)(He relipes on his perception and sences and marksmanship)

[ Hand to Hand combat into ranks

Newbie - 3 stages (spiderman newbie 3 stage)

Beginner - 3stages (Peggy 2 stage)

Practitioner - 3stages(Captain America Practitoner 3stage)

Expert - 5 stages ( Black Widow expert 3 stage, Haweye expert 2 sage,Black Panther expert 1stage)

Master - 5 stages (Daredevil master - 1stage, Wong master 2stage, Sang Chi master - 3stage)

Advanced Master - 7stages

Grandmaster - 10 stages

Beyond - 12 stages ]

(A/U Guys don't argue with me about this ranking I mean spiderman doesn't even learn martial arts he was just shooting his webs and with his speed and strength advantage.

Captain America know only a little bit martial arts.. Ok? But He is good at weaponry(shield).He takes advantage his enhanced sences with the shield with just neat martial arts.

Black Widow is better at martial arts than Hawkeye but Hawkeye is more good at weaponry (Knife, bow)

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