
Chapter 3: " - Day 1 - "

Chapter 3: " - Day 1 - "

~ 10 minutes later ~

Kyomu: "Ufff, that was a big one"

Our MC, Aragami Kyomu, a normal Japanese citizen. With a strong heart, He will face danger, and!, get stronger, to protect Earth! Like a HERO!

Kyomu: "Now let's search for some waifus!!" ~pervert face~





Umm… this is the first obstacle, in my life of a waifu hunter…

Sword, nop. I don't know how to use it.

BEWARE: This is not the type of fan-fiction where the MC magically know how to use a weapon.

Lance, nop.

Dagger, only to cook.

Axe, to chop firewood.

Staff, I can't do magic,so… nop

Bow… Well, I know how to use it. In high school I was in the Kyudo Club. I was good, too. With 98/100 arrows, at 100 meters with 3 years of experience. Amazing, myself!

Kyomu: "Yeah, let's go with a bow" I don't really want to get close to the enemy.

I don't want to die.

I am still a virgin.

After choosing the bow, it just appear in my hands, a short bow… A normal bow, let's see the stats of the bow.

Name: Normal Short Bow

Iron Rank

Weapon Type: Bow / 2 Hands

Durability 20/20

Cost: 100 Origen Coins


Bow made of normal wood, by the hand of a normal hunter. It's normal, but good enough for a normal rookie.

Stats: 3 STR + 1 AGI + 3% Attack Speed

Infinite Normal Quiver Attached + 3 Damage

It's… It's normal… Yeah… that its. And looks like the arrows come attached and they are infinite. That's good.

Kyomu: "Good, now let's see my stats again"

| --------------------------------------------------------------------|

| Aragami Kyomu| Lvl:1 | EXP:0/200 | Title: None | Free Pt.: 0 |

| --------------------------------------------------------------------|

| HP: 50/50 | MP 80/80 |Class:---Lvl:0/99 | Subclass:---Lvl0/99 |


| VIT | 5 |

| STR | 7 |

| AGI | 4 |

| INT | 7 |

| SPT | 8 |

Also, I have to remember that the arrows give me 3 more damage… Mind Memo.

Kyomu: "Um, what about my clothes?" Now that I think about it.

Looking down, I just see… normals clothes… that a villager in the 15 century will use.

At least I don't feel cold. Um, they are pretty warm. Unexpected.

Kyomu: " Now let's see where I am"

Ah, probably all of you are thinking to how I am speaking. And the answer is…

I have some mental problems. That all! HAHA!

Um, this a cave. Yep a normal cave, but with the only particularity is that I can see pretty well. Probably I can see at least… 20 meters, I think.

Wielding my bow, I see the surroundings, and I can see only one passage. So, probably I should go that way. Yep, let's go.

~walking~ ~walking~ ~walking~ ~walking~

~walking~ ~walking~ ~walking~

~walking~ ~walking~


Um, I see something… That's… That's a goblin… It's ugly as f… How made you…

It's only one, good. I took an arrow with my right hand from the quiver on my back, and put it in the bow, ready to shot....

I draw the bow… The goblin is just 20 meters away… Let's go for the head…

~drawing~~~~~~~~ ~SHOT~~~~ ~~~WOOSH~~~~~~HIT~~~~

Kyomu: "HEADSHOT" Yeah! Nice headshot myself!~

As I get closer to the dead goblin, the arrow in the head of the ugly creature disappeared… maybe is that how it works the infinite quiver…

But… wow… It's ugly… like a ugly recent born with 100 times more wrinkles, and green, and smell, like a 100 years old composted toilet.

<Do you want to loot it?>

A message appear in my mind. Loot it!.

<Looting Goblin Lvl 1>

<3 Origen Coins>

That's… That's all… Well, It was just a goblin. What about my exp...

Name: Aragami Kyomu

Lvl: 1 Exp: 10/200

Looks like this goblin gives me 10 EXP…

Now what's my plan…


Let's farm goblins. I need to get stronger. If I meet a player right now… I could die… Let's farm in the surroundings, without going to far…

In my back is the place where I come from, that place only have one entrance, so is pretty easy to defend, so this will be my home base for the time being.

And in front of my I have 3 ways... left, front or right?... Let's go left…

~walking~ ~walking~ ~walking~ ~walking~

~walking~ ~walking~ ~walking~

~walking~ ~walking~



Now they are 2 goblins… same distance… loading arrow…

~SHOT~ Headshot and the other goblin, surprise by the attack, began to look for the enemy…



Now let's loot!

<Do you want to loot>

Kyomu: "Duh, yeah!"

<Looting Goblin Lvl 2, Goblin Lvl 1>

<4 Origen Coins, 1 Goblin Ear>

What!... a fucking ear… let's see what its say…

Name: Goblin Ear

Iron Rank


Cost: 10 Origen Coins


A goblin ear, has a little of the goblin essence.

It… It cost 10 Origen Coins… wow… looks like the goblin are better than I think…

Kyomu: "Now, let's go and hunt for 5 to 6 hours, eat, and sleep"

Yep, nothing better that a good dinner before sleeping!...

Dinner… dinner…



WHAT!.... WAIT…. WHAT!!!!!!!!!!! WHAT I AM GOING TO EAT!!!


~looking down to the dead goblins~

D-Do-Don't tell me… that… that… I have to eat…








Goodbye! Hope you guys enjoy it!

Zaelumcreators' thoughts