
the beginning

it all started at an ordinary highschool in the big city. me and my friends went to the library to meet up after classes. oh by the way my name is Michael. after meeting up we walked around town. it was getting dark so we headed back to our dorms when a flash of light hit us almost blinding me. my friend Zary called and ambulance. when they got to me I was supposedly glowing. this had gone on for days the doctors were confused then it stopped I had little to no vision left when one night I learned I could see in the dark and absorb the energy out of a room and shoot light from my body. my best friend would go on to help me learn to control it. she was the first one I told because I knew keeping something like this to myself would eat me up inside. after a few months passed by and I had learned to control my knew found abilities I wanted to do something good with them so I started off small. little things like stopping muggings or car thefts. Sofie ( my best friend ) even came up with a code name the lightbulb. at first I hated it but it grew on me.