
Chapter 5: Past Dreams and the Present Reality

It's almost a week since the students arrive at the academy and live on their dorms. The commoner's dormitory has a total of four floors, a hundred seventy-five rooms, and a cafeteria. The first floor has twenty-five rooms and the location of the cafeteria where the students have their meal. The second, third, and fourth floor have fifty rooms each. The room is twenty square meters wide, it has two cabinets and a study table, a bathroom, and a double-deck bed. The only rule in the dormitory is the schedule of the meal, unlike the luxury building where food is brought to the student's room, the commoners have their food in the cafeteria. Seven to eight AM is breakfast, twelve to one PM is lunch, and seven to eight PM is dinner if you missed the schedule you'll have to say goodbye to your meal and starve for missing it.

Unknown to everyone a dark sphere of shadow infiltrated the academy. It moves swiftly on the ground switching from the shadow of people and any various things.


It was evening, John and Wensley are preparing the things they needed for the class tomorrow. Then a device that is in the cabinet of Wensley suddenly emitted a sound that warns them that there is a danger coming their way. Wensley grabbed the device and quickly pressed the center emitting a hologram of the whole academy from the device. The hologram shows the live location of every people in the academy, and their color that measures their magical strength. The colors are green which is average and below, yellow above average, red that is strong, black which is monstrous.

Within the hologram there were only two black marked people, one is inside the left luxury building, and the other one just infiltrated the academy.

" Where do you think this invader going to? "

Wensley asked John in a curious manner. John just smiled and reply in a joking manner.

" I had no idea! but let's go down and have dinner, I am already starving from all the cleaning. "

" fine, I guess we should eat already since its already seven thirty, the cafeteria will close at eighth."

Wensley gives up asking questions since he knew that John would either not give him the answers he is seeking or he just had no idea and does not care what will happen.


Jude is seating in the balcony drinking tea and enjoying the night view in their dorm room when he suddenly felt that someone infiltrated the school ground. Jullian, on the other hand, was reading some comic book in his bed to satisfy his boredom, until someone knocked to their room. Jullian quickly jumped out from the bed and ran to open the door. The one knocked on their door was none other than Samantha and her roommate Jannean Solyenna. Jannean Solyenna is a daughter of the head librarian in Noda City one of the four cities in Aeoroga. Jannean has a long sky blue hair, wear a pair of glasses, and a childlike face. She is resilient, observant, and theoretically intelligent. Jannean was chosen by Samantha to be her roommate due to her intellectual skills that will also aid Jullian in the near future.

Jullian smiled like a dog when he saw Samantha right in front of their dorm room. Samantha however, remained indifferently and asked them where would they like to have dinner and Jannean who just stand beside her silently observed the situation.

" Lord Jullian, Lord Jude it is already time for dinner, where would you like to take your meal? in the cafeteria or in your room? "

" Let's eat in the cafeteria today and show ourselves to those lowly nobles of this country! and...."

" You guys go ahead, don't come in the room within an hour, I have a very important meeting with someone."

Jude interrupted Jullian and give off a fierce smile to the three of them. Jullian, Samantha, and Jannean quickly left the room as they felt a cold shiver in their bodies. As they ran out quickly a portion of Jullian's shadow formed in a sphere was left behind the room. As they left, leaving only Jude and the shadow sphere alone in the silent room, a man in a dark hooded cloak, wearing a black mask that covers his nose until his neck, and with two broadswords forming a cross at his back slowly rise from the sphere of shadow.

" Greetings! how may I serve you, an old friend and the Eternity!? "

Jude welcomely greeted the man in a black hooded cloak. And the man receives the greetings in a sarcastic way.

" Greeting to you as well, Jude! or should I call you Jullian!? "


As Jullian and his gang walk in the corridors heading towards the elevator, Samantha can't help it to notice that Jannean was uncomfortable and confused about what just happened in the room. To break Jannean's uneasiness, Samantha openly told her that she is willing to answer all of her questions.

" You seemed to be confused about our relationship Jannean. As already part of our group, I am willing to answer any questions that you want to ask "

" Nn....no thank you, ... it seems that I am going to learn information that would bind me to trouble..."

"It does not really matter if you found out about it, it's not like it's a very controversial secret. "

Jullian butt in their conversation, making Jannean more uncomfortable. But Jannean mustered up her courage and ask Jullian and Samantha's relationship to Jude.

" If you don't really mind sir Jullian, why is sir Jude acts like he is far more superior than you, I mean he is just the adoptive son. "

" You really are direct to the point, Hmmm... How should I explain this? "

Jannean gave a serious look at Jullian, however, Jullian keeps on thinking hard on how he will explain it to her. He keeps on thinking hard that they have already reached the elevator. When they entered the elevator that is when he concluded his explanation.

" Jannean. your a smart student right? So you should have known the history of our organization the Children of Eternity. "

" Yes, I know, your family is the descendant of Jullian the dark knight who is also the founder of the organization two thousand years ago, and it is in your culture that a male heir who can use dark magic will inherit the name Jullian. "

Jannean gave a response to Jullian in a diligent manner, but Jullian just gave a smile.

" You are right that Jullian the dark knight is the founder of our organization, but you are wrong that the Devion family is his descendant. "

The elevator arrived at the ground floor so Jullian stopped his explanation because they were already in public, leaving Jannean dumbfounded and more curious from what she had heard.

" We are already in the public place, so we will continue our talk next time. "

" Yyye.....yee...yes sir."


John and Wensley just finished dinner and decided to go for a walk outside their dormitories and observe the scenery at night, burn what they eat, and keep an eye to the infiltrator. As they walk around the academy they saw a glimpse of a dark moving object in the ground leaving the academy, they pretended that they never saw it and continued their walk.

" So he came here to visit the dark knight."

Wensley started a conversation since it was so awkward for them to walk in a silent road with no one other than the two of them is around. John just remained silent and is in deep thought that shows a smile with an expression that he is trying to reminiscence his past.

" We had an early class tomorrow so let's go back. "

John snapped out from his deep thoughts and cheerfully told Wensley that they should return to their room and sleep early. Wensley nodded and just followed John.


There was a young girl lying on the floor, she has grey hair, has two bump horns at the end of her forehead, and was wearing a pink dress with frills. She was so pretty that you think that she was a sleeping beauty waiting for his prince charming to wake her up however, there is something different, she was not sleeping its just that she wasn't breathing, as you move closer to observe her cold corpse in the ground you saw blue blood spilling from her chest and realize that someone stab her. Out of shock, you fell down from your knees and moved backward shivering in fear that you might be stabbed next. However no one was around, and as you observe slowly of your surroundings you realize that you were in a place that was just hit by a calamity. The skies are filled with black smokes, buildings that are burning and falling apart, and corpses that got buried from the falling rubble or been cut to pieces and stabbed by a murderous monster, you were in a place that is completely devastated and ruined. At a distance, something was running toward your location, it has shaped a human body but completely shadowed. It ran towards the little girl and embrace her as if she was a very important person to him, even though you can't see the face you felt that it was glaring towards you. You quickly raised your hands and tried to shake it emphasize that you were innocent, however, the moment you raised your hand you saw blue blood dripping from your hands the same blood of the girl that is dead cold on the ground. You suddenly felt guilty and slowly tears started to fall from your eyes, but despite all this confusion you mustered up your strength and stand on your feet, you walk away from them and a white portal started to slowly appear in front of you, as you were about to enter the portal you stopped and look back at them, you said words that you can't seem to recall and slowly you were absorbed by the portals vortex.

John smashed his bed from the nightmare, he was sweating so much, breaths heavily and is pale, he stood up from the bed and tried to calm himself down. Wensley who was underneath him woke up from the loud noise, he heard deep breaths from the bed above, he slowly rises from his bed and rubbed his eyes so he won't get dizzy after waking up in the middle of the night.

" Another nightmare again? "

Wensley stood up from his bed and took a cup of water from his desk.

" Here drink this water."

John who was breathing heavily drank the water that was offered to him, after finishing drinking the entire cup he laid himself back to the bed. Wensley stood beside him and held his arms until he fell asleep. Wensley who was holding John's arm was like a mother taking care of his child who got a fever. When John was already in deep sleep, Wensley returned to his bed and went to sleep as well.

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