
Chapter 4: The School Ground and All their Meeting

It is part of the academy's culture to groom students as future leaders. It begins by making the students decide by applying for the class representative position on their own will, their decision in applying determines if they have the confidence to stand up and fight for their decision. It is then followed by an exam, physical and academic to determine if they have the ability, intellect, and skills needed for a leader. The sixteen students that would be picked as class representatives of the batch would have to humbly welcome their fellow batchmates at the academy's gate. It is said that these batchmates would someday be the people that would fight under their leadership, so it is important to form a good relationship to them and make them feel that as a leader, they can easily go along with and they are capable to adapt with them.

Vincent and Francisco left the conference hall with the other freshman class representatives. They all walk together heading towards the academy's gate. The class representatives have a good relationship with one another, some of them are even childhood friends, however, as fellow class representative, they all knew that they are all rivals within the academy. Their performance at supervising the class they handle demonstrate their capability to lead, and if that class representative is better at leading the class compared to the other class representatives, that class representative will gain the admiration and respect from the other classes, teachers, and the seniors in their school.

One by one, public and private vehicles arrived at the school gates and started to drop off the new students. The class representatives wore nametag's so they can be addressed by their names and be easily recognized. They were on standby in the school gates and only wait for the concerned students to approach them.

The Vandal and Giaz family are very well known in the country of Aeroga and to add to that, the gossips of the current heir of these families are all prodigy, especially the Vandal house heir who is said to be mysterious and secretive. In the gates of the academy, there was a huge crowd of students surrounding two people, those two were none other than Vincent and Francisco. Vincent showed an indifferent expression on his face, he only speaks when a student asks him a question that is related to the school, and for other questions, he just coldly ignores and brush them off. Vincent was so unlike Francisco who entertain school unrelated questions especially if it's from a lady. Vincent stands idly as he let Francisco handle all the talking and entertaining the new students. Out of all the crowd, the only thing that took his attention was when a man wearing women clothes came out of public bus transport, he was smitten not because he was attracted to the man, it was because he is something new that he encountered and his sixth sense was telling him that to stay away from this person since he will be trouble in his life.


The moment John came out of the bus, he noticed that there were sixteen students wearing the school uniform and out of them all, there were two of them who stand out the most and is surrounded by the crowd. He just ignores them since he's a foreign student, but suddenly he felt that someone was staring at him, as he returns the glance and to know the face of the person who gazes at him he was suddenly mesmerized. The one who was staring at him was one of the two men that is surrounded by the crowd. The first impression John got from the man is, "oooohhhh, handsome", " Short, but have a good body figure" and other pervy stuff. As they gaze at one another with the perspective of curiosity and the other one is love, at first sight. Vincent then realized that they were staring each other for so long and quickly change the direction of his sight. John keeps on staring at Vincent, and let his mind floats in a world of flowers. As he was in concentration with his deep imagination, someone pushed him in his mindless state, making him trip and fall over the floor.

" So, the first thing that comes to your mind when entering the academy are men..."

The person that pushed him and spoke with a disappointed tone was Wensley Rondolene. Wensley is a very short man around five point three feet, he has wrinkles on his cheeks, his hair is so short that it already looks bald, and he wore glasses due to his bad eyesight.

"Wensley you've arrived, I thought you got lost when we are traveling!"

John stands up from the ground and spoke these words in a carefree manner.

"Me!...Got lost!..."

Due to John's carefree and happy go lucky characteristic, plus the fact that he has no danger self-awareness, the people around him easily get mad and lost their temper at him, and one of these people is Wensley Rondolene.

Wensley gives a deep breath and tried to control himself not to break his composure

" Hahhhhhh.... I don't wanna bicker with you over this matter, what important is that I finally saw you."

" Hohhhhh..... did my little Wensley missed me that much, you just didn't see me for a month and now you've grown up so much that you could control your composure not to scold me in public."

John was without doubt taunting Wensley and trying to break his composure however, Wensley remained calm.

" That's right!...."

Wensley gives off a murderous aura, and glare towards John; John, on the other hand, got a cold sweat as he knew that he will be scolded soon.

" I will definitely scold you, once we are on our dorm room. Aghhhh..... you will also explain to me where you have been for the past month... make sure that your explanation is acceptable and has a productive result for the organization!"

John just laughs and is trying to change the atmosphere.

"Hahahahaha! Wensley, you're just probably tired from your travel, why don't you head first to our dormitory to rest."

" Nope, we're going together, I will not leave you here behind, since who knows what trouble will you bring to me."

John sulked as he heard these words, however, Wensley just ignored him and picked up John's luggage.

" Is this all your luggage?"

" Yeahhh...."

Wensley pulled out a small metal board from his backpack and pressed the button in the center of the board to apply his magical power. The board then, growth its size and floats above the ground level. This is what they call a magic tech, a magic tech is a tool that eases and gives comfort to its user. A magic tech is run by the user's magic, so the higher your magical power is, the more time and effective it is able to do its work. Wensley placed all their luggage in the board and tied it with a rope so none of their luggage would fall.

" Let's go! I want to rest early."

" Can you at least let me talk to those good looking man! even for just two minutes! just let me introduce myself! "

John desperately begged Wensley to let him talk to the class representatives, but Wensley knowing John he knew that it would be a terrible idea, so he surprisingly smacked him in the head to make him lose some senses and tied him with the luggage in the board.

John regained his senses and was shocked by the sight that he was tied in the luggage, worst of all being dragged by Wensley towards the dormitories. He tried to struggle and flail with all his strength to escape, sadly the ropes are tightly tied so he won't be able to escape.

An expensive black car arrived and stopped at the academy's front gate. The first person that came out of the car was the man in the front seat. He quickly rushed at the car's back seat to open its door. After opening the car's backdoor, a man came out followed by a woman who was carrying his things. The three of them then walk towards the academy's entrance. At the center of them is Jullian Devion, son of the richest businessman in Empyrios, he has an elitist aura, white hair in a military hairstyle, and charismatic. At his left is Samantha Adorias, she is his personal secretary, she has crimson long wavy hair, a serious personality, and an adult woman's body figure ( a true beauty). On his right is Jude Devion, the adopted brother of Jullian Devion, he has a messy pitch black hair, he has this sketchy aura and a very cold attitude. As they walk, all of the students in the gate including the class representatives attention went to them.

Vincent stared at them as they pass by right beside him. After a few seconds Francisco went to his side to talk nonsense.

" Hmmm hmmm.....that woman is a true beauty."

" They are definitely...Trouble....."

Vincent ignored Francisco's words and watch Jullians group as they walk away and said those words.


Jullian and his group walk towards the left luxury building. While walking, Jullian and Samantha talk about the various things in the academy.

" This is a nice place....Samantha, when will our luggage arrive?"

" It will arrive tomorrow young master."

Jullian looked around to enjoy the scenery of his surroundings, but he suddenly burst out of laughter.

" Hahaha!!!!! hey! hey! Jude look at that!"

Jullian pointed his fingers to two people, a small man carrying a magic tech and a tall man wearing a woman outfit tied in the magic tech.

" Hahaha!!!!!! I can't believe that the school allows retarded students! They are so hilarious right Jude!...Jude?...."

When Jullian look at Jude after his crazy laughter, he was shocked and suddenly speechless from the expression in Jude's face. He also felt a cold chill in his body when Jude shows a faint smile.


Wesley was pulling the magic tech board and was heading toward their dormitory, while John is tied up in the board. John suddenly felt that someone is gazing at him, so he quickly moves and looks at the direction where he felt the gaze. He saw three people in the area and he notices that one of them is sharply staring at him. Instead of glaring back to that person, he gives off a smile.

"Wensley, Jullian is here."

" The Dark Knight!!! DAMN!!! he hasn't noticed you yet right?!"

Wensley showed a very worried behavior to John.

" Nope, he hasn't noticed yet, but he is already suspicious."

"Then we will keep a low profile then, so don't make a mess! Understand!"

" Ehhhh.... but it's no fun if there is no destruction."

" Shut up! and just follow my orders!"

The two of them bicker as they head to their dormitories. And on this day, they all meet and someday, they will be either allies or enemies.

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