
Chapter 3: The Powers in Empyrios

While Vincent was waiting for Francisco in their dorms lobby, the dorms manager approach him.

" Sir Vandal, the headmaster just called and want you to head in the conference hall before you head to the academy's gate to greet the freshman students."

Vincent nodded towards the manager as the manager delivers the headmaster's message.

20 minutes later...

A man just came out of the dorm's elevator, that man was none other than Francisco.

He gives off a refreshing vibe as he smiles and waves to Vincent who was reading the newspaper at the lobby.

" Vincent lets go."

As Vincent read the newspaper, he spoke and at the same time ignored Francisco as he focuses more on reading the headlines in the newspaper.

" The headmaster wants to see us first before going to the gates."

" Ehhhhhh....what for?!"

Francisco complained wearing a shock expression. Vincent just nodded his shoulders and turned the next page of the newspaper.

" Dunno... but it's probably something important like you not coming back to the dorms last night."

Vincent closed the newspaper he was reading and grinned towards Francisco as he spoke those words. When Vincent left the lobby and leave behind the statued Francisco, Francisco started to murmur on himself in a very low and shaking tone.

" To think that my overly serious cousin who was so very kind to me...smile evilly towards me..... Kids Really Grow Up So Fast!!!!"

The Academy in Aeroga is made up of 3 connected buildings and an arena at the schoolyard for training and competition purpose. The left and the right wing building is made up of 4 floors, the left wing building is exclusive to first and second-year students while the right wing building is exclusive for third and fourth-year students. Each floor has a total of 4 classrooms and a comfort room. On another hand, the central building has 5 floors, the first 3 floors have 8 classrooms and comfort room, these floors are only exclusive for fifth, sixth, and seventh-year students. The fourth floor is the location of the school's library and conference hall, the central building's fourth floor also have bridges connecting to the fourth floor of left and right wing buildings. Its purpose was for easy access for students in traveling towards the facilities of the main building and for teachers to travel from one building to another. The fifth floor is the location of the academy's clinic, teachers faculty room, and the headmaster's office.

Vincent and Francisco entered the west wing building since it is the building where they are allowed to enter. As they arrived on the fourth floor and walk at the bridge connecting the west and central building they noticed that it was not only the class representatives from the freshman but also from the senior year's that were called by the headmaster.

The Academy only allow a total of 400 students to enroll every year level, having 50 students in every section, a total of 8 sections are made every year level. The entrance examination of the academy is divided into two parts written and physical. The top 400 students will then be accepted into the academy, however, that is only the case for commoner students. If the child came from a noble family, they will be accepted in the academy right away and get a reserved position from the 400 slots even though they did not take the entrance exam. But getting the title of class representative is a very big responsibility that only the heirs of noble houses and students that have an exceptional talent in leadership are allowed to apply for the position. The school then pick the top 16 students that applied, they pair and scatter them in every section. The hard thing about being the class representative is that every mistake and faults of a student in the class fall as a responsibility of the class representative, even though it was not the class representatives fault, the academy would still blame the class representative. The academy's culture is that a class representative should be capable of controlling, supervising, and disciplining its classmates. Any mistake of its classmate would fall as negligence of the class representative affecting that he/she is not a capable leader.

Vincent and Francisco entered and seated in the conference hall with the other class representatives and waited for the headmaster to show up.

5 minutes later a chubby man wearing old glasses around the age of 30s entered the conference hall, it was none other than the academy's headmaster, Jayvin of the house Palacay. Jayin Palacay was the second of the three sons in the Palacay house. He was born with a great amount of magical powers, supposedly, he should be taking the front lines in the war and bring honor to his family, sadly he has a very weak body and a mindset of lady that hates to see blood and experience pain, so he decided to become a teacher in the academy that would not take part in any battles and after 10 years, he was promoted to become the academy's headmaster.

As the headmaster stands at the central front of the conference hall, he stared sharply to all the students present and started to talk.

"Is every class representative here!?"

" Yes, Headmaster Jayvin!"

All class representatives responded in a synchronized tone. And their attention is only focusing on the headmaster. Satisfied with how the class representatives respond to him, the headmaster continued and explained the reason why they were all gathered.

" Are you all aware of the powers that are governing Empyrios?"

Everyone in the room remained silent until one of the class representatives in a senior year raised his hand, stand, and replied to the headmaster's question.

" Sir, the powers that govern Empyrios are the Holy Kingdom of the North, lead by the sacred maiden. The Anti-Eternity, an organization that based in the East side of the continent and lead by the rampaging berserker. The children of eternity, an organization based in the west and lead by the richest entrepreneur, Sir Devion. The anonymous group in the south, they call themselves the black wing, however, their members are not more than 20 people but they always appear in major events so they are considered as a terrorist. And lastly, the world army the strongest of them all and is based in the central, lead by the 14 lords who are also the pinnacle of power and whom we all aspire to be in the future!"

The senior class representative suddenly got excited when he talked about the world army and their 14 lords. At the same time, the headmaster was puzzled from the detailed answer he received from the student but, he was still able to remain composed.

" Ehheemmmm!...thank you for that complete and detailed explanation. You may now return to your seat."

Everyone in the hall already knew the power's controlling the world. Since they are born from well-known families, they were already thought about the worlds politics, their families current position, and what they should be in the future. When the senior class representative returned to his seat, the serious tension also returned to the hall as they focus once more to the headmaster.

" I gathered you all today to inform you that the son of Sir Devion, the richest man in the world and also the man who almost control the west continent would be attending our academy."

The Headmaster paused and stared at the students just to ensure that they were listening to him. When he saw that the students give their full attention to him, he continued to speak.

" His name is Jullian Devion, .....He will be attending as a freshman in the academy and would be part in the class of Mr. Vandal and Mr. Giaz"

Everyone in the hall look at Vincent and Francisco. Francisco gulped because he knew that it would be a pain in the ass task for him but Vincent just remained calm because he thinks that this will just be another challenge that he has to surpass.

" I want you all to be cautious of this man and to never ever do anything that would insult him.... because the west might use this as an excuse to ignite a war with the central."

The headmaster said these words seriously and stared at Vincent and Francisco.

" As representatives of your class, I want you to ensure that none of your classmates would do anything stupid! So make sure you keep an eye on them!"

As the headmaster shout at them, the students responded in a synchronized manner filled with energy and filled with determination to fulfill their task.

"Yes! Headmaster!"

The Headmaster nodded his head and finally gave them permission to leave the hall.

" Okay, that all you may now do the things you have to do for the day."

The Headmaster left the hall first followed by the seniors, only the freshman remained in the hall since they still have a task to go and welcome their batchmates in the school gates.

I really need someone who is capable of giving advice

AeraWingcreators' thoughts
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