
voice of an african girl

as a girl I always wanted my opinion to be voiced out, the type of society I came from didn't grant me that permission our fathers were feared even our mothers feared to reach out to them how much more we the children!!.we communicated less or had no conversation with them.we lacked fatherly love and had abundant love from our mothers.

our voice was only heard by our mothers and our tears was wiped our by mothers.our fathers paid less attention to our needs, our mothers struggled length and breadth for their children.

they wanted to give their best to their children.I must say our father's are irresponsible and lack education because school is for training and growing up as irresponsible.they assault we the children, disrespect and abuse our mothers.women cant voice out the pains they go through everyday.our men are inflicting pains on our girl child and women, but women have no voice in African society.every woman and girl are expected to be submissive while our men become abusive.where are the voice of African women??!!!!who will speak and stand for we the women??? till when will our pribe be disrespected as women it saddens my heart when I hear a woman being abused.