
Opposites Attract My Love

Story is for you to relax... "Marriage? Hahahaha very funny, if you want to fight come to the ground hmph!!!" "You know me very well my friend I will never destroy my soo cool life with marriage, even if you sell me off hmph!! Get away I don't wanna talk to you" Few months later "Marriage bureau!? Okay! We will marry, as long as you promise me that we will never have sex..." 'Definitely, I only want to be with you, my love nothing more or less' he thought inwardly and said "As you wish" he smiled dotingly "Hehehe Good... Let's sign the marriage contract then... By the way where is that paper I want, I would like to sign those first. This story? Aaaaa... Let me think A strong female lead - Definitely A strong Male lead - Obviously What is not obvious!? Maybe a female lead in itself... Soo this story is about a women who works for government who is free spirit, dominating, clumsy and talkative... As being their only sister her three considered brother or friend always pamper her a lot plus she is very spoiled too but never wanted to be depend on anyone anymore... And about a man who's only goal in his life was to be at top which he succeeded in 8 years of his career from bottom to top... Now after being forced by his family he needs to get married to a GIRL...!!!! Even though he is straight but what he hates the most is hypocritic girls... Abhijeet met a girl who is not hypocrite but totally opposite of him. The interaction was small but left a deep impression on him. Impression led to craving, craving to meet her again. For him she was the golden fleece of his life. It was not a love at first sight. But one of them wanted to believe it. Because with one sight of her make him believe she is the only one for him. It is said that if you want something from your heart, then the whole work takes place in an attempt to match it with you. I don't know if you're gonna like this novel or not but I would like to tell you to try this at least for 10 to 15 chapters might you like it then. At last I would like to tell you this story is not that messed but my English can be!! Because it's not my first language... I hope you will be able to stop yourself from criticizing me.... hehehe... Best of luck to me... # I am writing another book too... WHY AM I HOLDING ON YOU... COVER doesn't relate to me...

P_A_S · Urban
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216 Chs


4 hours ago. At the palace courtyard...

"Hello... Miss Anna" A deep voice echoed through walls "You made me wait a lot"

Anna did startle a little with the sudden sound but to get her senses back, she scrutinized the sound clarity and its pitch.

And she is sure that no one is here except her and that phone is connected to the speaker for their conversation.

"I think i offended you Miss Anna" Voice echoed again and because it was all over she find it creepy

Anna scoffed "What do you expect after kidnapping my brother" She badly wanted to shout 'Dumbass'

Voice chuckled lightly and continued "My sincere apology for this. But believe us, Miss we didn't touch your brother with any bad intention. He is perfectly fine, just sleeping. We have him so that we can have you for a small conversation" The voice did sound like they didn't want her to misunderstand.

Anna gasped with a fake shocking voice. 'Of course you didn't touch my brother otherwise you wouldn't be talking to me right now' Anna inwardly thought.

Except for tracking devices she also measures her parents and brother's heart pulse in every one hour.

"Ohh I see, your invitation is kind of exclusive, isn't it? Anyway I don't talk with shadows." Come in front.

".....here i have to disappoint you Miss Anna. You know our black market rule." Man didn't want to expose things this fast but revealing to your people is not that bad.

Anna raised her brows 'They know?' "Black market rules? What's that?"

Man clicked her tongue "Ohh Miss Anna, it could have been tough to find out who that person is and it's identity before. But finding out Anna Reddy's background then Anna Reddy involvement in our market, it wasn't that tough this way."

Anna concealed her disappointment with herself and asked "Oh my my, then you know my involvement in black market and who I am."

Man proudly said "Of course we know. Who doesn't know THE Amorphous force and now i know it's president too"

Anna was stunned for a mere second. It's her first time that someone actually gets to know about her alias and moreover she doesn't even know the identity of that person. 'He is going to regret having this much knowledge.'

"And you still dare to do this to my brother. Interesting. Am I not that much influential anymore?.... Strange. The last time I checked, a whole group of mafia died answering me" Anna threateningly voice out while taking a small walk as a spotlight followed her.

Man tries to soothe her first. "My apology is very sincere for that miss Anna. You are, as always , very influential. Everyone knows that even if you are not the head, you can easily change anyone's fates with your single order. But this time it's not about you, it's about someone your acquaintance with."

Man knows that going against her gives him no profit. Moreover, it can be a loss, but threatening her is also important.

Anna snorted 'Like really?' Is her status degrading or what? "So, you have a problem with someone else but you came on me?"

'Why is she taking the wrong turn?' "No Miss, it's just that we don't want you to support him in future when we will be against him. We both don't want to go against each other I am sure. But the interaction level you have with them is irking us a lot too. I hope you are understanding what we mean"

"And what if i don't? Don't you think you should have this thought, before kidnapping my brother? You think i don't realize that you did this to threaten me in advance?"

Anna has a hunch that the person these people are against is none other than her newly newly friend.

Man menaced his voice "Miss you think that i would do this and won't have any plan ahead? You think we are lesser than you?"

In return Anna only chuckled "Not at all, maybe you are much bigger than me" Anna confusedly continued, she is doing this for two reasons: first needs to find her brother without delaying time in chit chat and to provoke him to spill out beans. "But what if i joined the force with your enemy?"

Man was stupefied with the conversation. Where he thought that the conversation will be all in his control it's slipping down from his hand "You..... You will die with t--

Anna cutted him off in the middle "Oh spare me with that crap I am sure Abhijeet's position is not much or more less than you right?"

Anna wasn't sure fully she needs affirm answer from this man that's why she annoyed him so that he won't be able to conceal it.

Man mockingly said "You think you can win over us with his pow--"

Anna cut him off again "I don't know but let's try." She already saw her brother in front of her, finally, now she doesn't need to waste her time.

"Now fuck off you dumbass." Finally said it