

(Bike riding 🚴) phrrrrr...

Beautiful village road covered by lots of trees in either sides.Birds 🐦 chirping, animals and reptiles to start their day. water flows to the fields from pump sets.

bee's 🐝 collecting nectar, sparrows and parrots building their house in palm tree🌴 Farmers on their field. "life is meaning full"

Hot summer, the time strikes 8:46 AM. bike is about to touch the state highway. Ilan (ilanchet-chenni) accelerates to his best and reaches his office before 9:30.

jey (jaya kumar) stumbled when he gets down from the bike criticizing ilan for the rash driving. "you Jill jung juck, we started by 8 & u silly silky worm 🐛 enjoying all the scenery, assuming like raja sir (The Maestro Ilayaraja) playing BGM and by last half an hour like fast and furious" have you mind me atleast like a luggage carrying a sauce in half closed bottle.

Ilan: (with smile) corrects his hair and dress, jogs to his seat with smile. jey ensures his lunch and crawls to his seat, dreaming about the weekend..

A new project is assigned to ila's team, he is a software developer, who works on developing softwares for robots.

the team is excited to receive the opportunity, ila was the strength of the team, he takes away all the credit everytime, by his hard and effective work.

jey is smart enough to complete every work on time without any bug. pattu,yasir,vicky,bennet,imran and deva were their team.

every weekends are boosters for them.

ilan with his cousins ( sharuk, rohit, ram, and friends celebrate their weekends. (they all play basketball, swim, cook, eat, sing, entertains)