
OPM: I'm Saitama!

Jack Spencer was a student who met an unfortunate end in a rather embarrassing way. However, his misfortune caught the attention of God himself who decided to grant him a second chance. As a result, Jack transformed into the legendary caped hero known as Saitama! Disclaimer: I do not own One Punch Man or any of it's related characters. this story is a work of fanfiction and for entertainment purposes only. All other characters other than the OC beyond to their respective owners and creators

UI_Shaggy · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

The Hero

Saitama established a daily workout regimen.


He wakes up at 10 am, has a light breakfast, usually just a banana due to financial constraints (he's poor), and heads to the park by 11 am to begin his training. After completing the first part, he goes for a 10km run before returning home to recover.


It was only a week ago when he landed a night shift job as a cashier at the nearby supermarket. He was earning about 1500¥ or 10USD per hour. One advantage was that he gets a heads up whenever they implement discounts.


Saitama does whatever he can to save up money.


Although progress was slow, his muscles didn't ache as much as they used to. The pain was still there, but not as severe. He could now complete a 10-kilometer run without needing frequent breaks.


He stood in front of the mirror, examining his abdomen and biceps without a shirt on. He noticed some minor muscle growth, especially when he flexed them. And that was it.


He sighed, put on his blue track jacket, and headed outside to enjoy the warmth of the sun. he was making his way to the park when…


He noticed a disturbance in the alleyway and decided to investigate. As he approached, he peered around the corner and spotted a child sitting on the ground, tears and snot streaming down his face.


In front of the child stood a creature with pinkish blue skin, short arms with three claws, and legs with two each. Its mouth was filled with long sharp teeth,no nose, and the most peculiar feature was the four antennae protruding from its forehead, each with an eyeball at the tip.


It was hunched over, leering at the child. "Found ya, filthy brat! Ah'll gouge out yer eyeballs, tear yer punny' arms apart, then I'll eat ya!" The child's cries grew louder as the monster laughed wickedly.


Holy shit it's a monster! And it's ugly as hell. Saitama thought as he looked at the scene. The sight of it made his skin crawl, and every fiber of his being screamed at him to flee.


However, could he really turn his back and run away? Would his conscience allow him to sleep at night if he abandons the child without even trying to help?


"No" Saitama answered. He may not have been the one who saved the butt-chinned brat, but leaving at the first sight of danger would mean him smearing Saitama's legacy.


He begun his training journey with the goal of acquiring overwhelming power and becoming a hero. It's high time for him to take the first step forward.


"Oi!" he shouted, "didn't your mother teach you not to pick on kids?" he called out as he entered the alleyway "instead of harassing kids, why don't you fight someone your own size?"


The creature turned towards him, its eyes staring a hole through him "eheh? What's this?" The monster drawled, taking a step forward "can't ya see I'm a monster? Human scum! Do ya have a death wish?" it questioned.


"So, what if you are? You're just a disgusting bully, too scared against someone who fights back!" Saitama got into a boxing stance "Enough talking, come at me!"


"Ah'll tear that face of yer off! no one makes fun me, the monster, Four-eyed!" the monster shouted, enraged.


Monster: Four-eyed

Disaster level: Wolf


Four-eyed came charging towards him. Saitama dodged to the side, quickly hugged the wall, narrowly avoiding the relentless attack. In a swift motion, the monster turned around, only to be met with a powerful punch that sent its head whipping backwards.


I can hurt it Saitama went for another attack, but quickly leaned his head back to dodge a swipe that could have teared his face off. That was close! I must be careful.


Saitama quickly devised a plan, realizing that he couldn't block the claws. Instead, he decided to concentrate on evading them at any expense, and whenever an opportunity arose, he would strike back.


Saitama skillfully dodged numerous swipes and strikes, much to the monster's growing frustration. With a roar, it swiped downwards, only to miss its intended target and find its claws firmly stuck in the concrete.


Saitama wasted no time seizing the opportunity, swiftly stomping on the ligament connecting the hand and arm. The immediate effect was a loud crack, causing the monster to howl in pain. He repeated the stomp twice more to ensure the ligament was broken.


Leaning in, he delivered a powerful knee to the monster's mid-section, causing blue blood to spew onto his face. Without hesitation, Saitama began a relentless assault on the monster's face, striking with a flurry of punches and uppercuts.


"Enough!" the monster roared, catching Saitama's attention as he noticed the other hand coming towards him. He attempted to jump back, but it was too late as the monster slashed him from the collarbone to the hip.


Saitama winced in pain, blood leaking out, but the wound wasn't serious and his adrenaline distracting him. And so, he focused on the fight.


"What's wrong? I thought you were tough," he teased "I guess you're not as strong as you thought." He laughed.


"Shud upppp! I'll show you who's weak!" it roared again charged at him. It's time to end this. Saitama swiftly dodged, tripping the monster with his leg. Time to finish this.


Without wasting a moment, he trapped the monster by pinning it down with his right leg, while firmly gripping its antennas with his hands. With a pull, he exerted all his strength until it gradually ripped off completely, causing a stream of purple blood to gush out from the wound.


Despite the monster's deafening screams, Saitama remained unfazed. He gracefully knelt down and relentlessly pounded the back of its skull, reducing it to a squashed tomato-like state, while the monster became completely motionless.

Blood flowed directly beneath it. His hands were stained with the purple liquid. I did it. I actually did it. Saitama couldn't believe that he defeated a monster, no matter how weak it is.


He shook his head and approached the child, finding him in the same spot, curled up and softly crying. "Hey kid," he whispered gently, and the child looked up, peering through teary eyes. "It's all right now, the monster is gone," Saitama assured as he helped the child up.


"I-is the monster really gone?" the kid stammered, and Saitama nodded in response. "The monster can't hurt you anymore," he reassured. "It's not safe out here, you should go home," he advised.


The child glanced at Saitama's injured mid-section. "Mister your hurt." the kid asked with concern. Saitama touched the wound and smiled, saying, "Oh, this? It's nothing, kid. I'm a hero, after all."


"Hero..." the child whispered in awe, seeing Saitama in a new light. "Yep, now go home and don't worry about me. I'll be fine," Saitama assured. The kid nodded and hurried off.


Saitama stood up and groaned "this'll hurt" he muttered as he went out of the alleyway.


Guess no working out in the park today.

That took me three hours to write. I hope you all enjoyed it.

UI_Shaggycreators' thoughts