
Chapter 15 No Overtaking Inside_1

Translator: 549690339

"This... it was my oversight, I had absolutely no intention of disrespecting you, I swear to heaven!" Cao Bangxi was sweating profusely, bending over like a giant shrimp.

"Is that so?"

Yun Shi Yu sneered coldly, "On my turf, trying to harm the lover of my friend, a mere 'oversight' is hardly an explanation, isn't it?

Does Mr. Cao think I, Yun Shi Yu, am a three-year-old child?"


Jiang Xue's husband is actually a friend of Miss Yun!

Cao Bangxi's body shook violently, as if struck by lightning.

Damn that Zhang Anli, didn't he say Xiao Ming was just a worthless gambling addict?

Wait, I haven't even found a chance to cling to the Yun Family. How could he, a mere commoner, possibly...?

Cao Bangxi's eyes darted around wildly, and catching a glimpse of Shen Siyi picking his nose, he suddenly remembered that this guy seemed to want to fight with Xiao Ming at the start.

Which means, at best, they knew each other, but they were definitely not friends.

Yun Shi Yu saying that, was just an excuse to cause trouble.

Having quickly realised this, Cao Bangxi made an on-the-spot decision and turned to Jiang Xue with a bow that bent over ninety degrees.

"Mrs. Jiang, I'm sorry! Today I was blinded by foolishness and offended you. Please forgive me.

If you have any demands, please feel free to make them. I will agree to everything, no turning back!"

His move was smart, because no matter what Yun Shi Yu's purpose was, Jiang Xue was the key to tonight's events. As long as he got her forgiveness, no one else would have anything to say.

As expected, Jiang Xue was caught off guard. Her inherently gentle nature made her instinctively want to forgive.

But Xiao Ming said coldly, "Cao Bangxi, the reason you can leave alive tonight is only because you haven't caused any irreversible consequences. It has nothing to do with your surname or your background.

Therefore, you'd better stay away from my wife in the future. If I find you involved in anything related to her again, I will make you regret being born!"

His icy words were filled with a metallic firmness. Not only Cao Bangxi, but even Yun Shi Yu momentarily tensed up, without a hint of doubt.

Because of this, her curiosity about Xiao Ming grew even more.

Cao Bangxi didn't dare to counter with any harsh words and left humiliated after nodding his head.

Shen Siyi called out to his retreating figure loudly: "Cao Niaoku, don't forget to settle the bill. Your reputation is already stinky enough. If rumors of you dine-and-dashing spread, you'll really have no face to meet people!"

Cao Bangxi stumbled and almost fell, while Shen Siyi naturally burst into a fit of laughter.

"Mr. Xiao, may I have a word with you?" Yun Shi Yu asked Xiao Ming.

Xiao Ming followed her to the side and said directly, "If you're expecting a thank you, you'd best save your breath.

Even without you here tonight, things would have been resolved. Just being the icing on the cake is not enough to put me in your debt."

Yun Shi Yu arched an eyebrow: "Does Mr. Xiao have an issue with me?"

"You're overthinking it. It's the situation, not the person. No matter who it was, I would have said the same thing."

"I see. Then I was the one with the mean spirit. But, aren't you worried about not having friends with such an... upfront way of speaking?"

"Those who know me say I worry too much; those who don't question my desires. There's only one person in this world whose thoughts I truly fret over—my wife. As for others, friends who need to be coaxed and flattered are of no interest to me."

In his past life, Xiao Ming had stood atop the world. His spirit and physique cultivated, he naturally carried an extraordinary air.

But Yun Shi Yu didn't know any of this. In her eyes, Xiao Ming's attitude appeared simply as arrogance—confidence bordering on conceit and egotism, leaving her somewhat disappointed.

A man should have pride, but not arrogance; otherwise, no matter his talents, he will waste his life striving for unattainable goals and live in mediocrity.

Such a man was not worth her curiosity or attention.

Shaking her head, her expression turned chilly.

"Actually, the one overthinking things is Mr. Xiao.

I can see that the police didn't take Zhang Anli away just for tonight's events. Behind Miss Yang Hanqing's appearance, there must have been Mr. Xiao's hand at work.

So, just as you said, whether or not I was here, things would have been the same, and I naturally won't claim any undeserved credit."

Xiao Ming keenly sensed her change in attitude but didn't care. He smiled and said, "Miss Yun, be careful. Being too clever as a woman can scare men off."

Yun Shi Yu scoffed disdainfully: "I called Mr. Xiao over here, actually to ask one question: How did you know that inside that 'Strange Tales' book there was a red-stamped flower pattern that could be exchanged for cash?"



"Right. A flash of insight, a whim, or maybe just blind luck like a blind cat killing a mouse, however you want to see it."

Yun Shi Yu was stunned, then coldly laughed: "So, what you told Siyi to warn off Mengmeng was just nonsense?"

Xiao Ming shrugged nonchalantly: "I said you can interpret it however you like. Do you have anything else, Miss Yun?"

By now, Yun Shi Yu had completely lost interest in him. She shook her head: "You may go."

Xiao Ming immediately turned around, took Jiang Xue by the hand, and headed for the door.

"Considering that postage stamp, let me give you a piece of advice: Cao Bangxi must have realized that you are not truly my friend. This man is petty and vindictive; you'd better be careful."

Just as they stepped out the door, Yun Shi Yu's voice came from behind. Xiao Ming smiled slightly, looked back, and said, "Then in light of your advice, let me offer you a word of caution as well.

Don't try to overtake on the inside the day after tomorrow!"

Yun Shi Yu was taken aback, then her face changed dramatically.

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