

Gabe works in a office a father of 2 kids, twin Sammy and Mack, he was married but now divorce but he has been keeping an eye on one of his co worker😏. Jacki beautiful bright blue eyes like ocean and bright as the moon in the darkest ally. Her skin tone was perfect tan but not to noticeable she had a smile that would make modles cry she had the been new to the office and Gabe has been taking his shot. They are very close "friends" they would sneak off to the closest.

Gabe -Hey Jacki whats the plan for tonight ?

jacki- i don't know why don't you tell me in our hiding hole.

Jacki gave gabe the smerk while winking licking her lips as Gabe try to hold his ground he grabs her by the arm and push into the closet as they lock the door behind them kissing while Gabe grabing the booty. Jacki bites gabe neck as he rips off her shirt.