
Chapter 4: Bullies and ****** High

Just to say it now, this will be harem. Have a nice day

Sorry for not posting in a few days, im back in school now, I'm having a lot of tests coming in these next few weeks/months, if you're from the UK/England, I'm in year 10, so you know what I'm talking about.

Also, I was watching an anime so that I could add it to this Love is War world, since I want to. It's an anime/manga that I think is quite underrated and not many people talk about/watch it/read it.

Hint: I didn't care about this or necessarily like this sport (wink wink, hint, nudge) until I watched this anime. I mean, it won't really matter coz it'll make an appearance this chapter so, ye.

this chapter might be boring to some, since it's another SoL chap, but then again this whole 1st arc will be so, if you don't wanna deal with SoL, i recommend not reading this until vol 2 starts where mc goes to first world


After reading the message sent by 'anonymous', Takehiko decided to sleep, because sleeping is the best method for anything.

-Ze next dey, sep. 4-

Takehiko finished another day of school, nothing much really happened other than his school skills getting quite a small amount of exp:

(Maths Lvl 10: Exp - 41040/51200) -> (41960/51200)

(English Lvl 10: Exp - 41040/51200) -> (41960..)

(Japanese Lvl 10: Exp - 39240/51200) -> (41960..)

(Biology Lvl 10: Exp - 39240/51200) -> (41960..)

(Physics Lvl 10: Exp - 42240/51200) -> (43260..)

(Chemistry Lvl 10: Exp - 39240/51200) -> (41960..)

As well as getting Fujiwara's number.

He also talked to a person called Miyuki Shirogane, he has blonde hair, dark blue sanpaku eyes with long eyelashes, his eyes have this constant glare which scare other people away, but doesn't affect Takehiko since he thought about the most logical reason being because of sleep deprivation, this got confirmed when he saw that Shirogane has bags/dark circles under his eyes, as well as drinking caffeinated coffee during break and lunch.

Along with meeting Shirogane and becoming friends with him, when walking to lunch he walked past a class which had their door open, and due to his curiosity, he took a peak. What he saw was this ice cold-looking girl who had long straight hair as well as an expressionless face. He looked above the door and saw it said 2-A. He looked back in the class and saw her being isolated from her class and eating by herself, but he then also saw Chika walking past him and talking to her.

After school ended, he walked in another direction to his normal route, because he felt like it. Three minutes of walking later, he sees another school and thinks to himself, 'I didn't know Shuchi'in had a neighbouring school...'. He looks towards the entrance of the school and sees three relatively tall gang-looking people, surrounding one small scrawny kid.

The leader of the trio, the one in the middle, has short platinum blond hair and pale skin. He has an X-shaped scar on his right cheek. On the right of the leader, the guy has long spiky blonde hair, and wears orange tinted sunglasses. The final one, to the left of the leader, has dark hair of medium-length with noticeably longer eyelashes than the other two.

As for the small guy, his hair is dark brown. However his hair also seems to be naturally spiky and sweeping up and to the left, which Takehiko found interesting and weird at the same time.

Takehiko looks at the scene with conflict, he doesn't know whether he should help the guy since it looks as if he's being bullied, and judging by the way he's fidgeting, he's also had previous experience of bullying. Or whether he should just leave it be and act like nothing happened.

Before he could decide, it was too late as he saw the small guy run past the three 'gangsters' in the blink of an eye. 'Fast!' Takehiko looks at the scene in shock. The three gangsters run after the kid, and Takehiko follows behind them in a light jog, 'Sometimes I hate my curiosity, but I can't help it!'.

A few minutes of jogging and running later, the kid and the trio, and Takehiko who's behind them at a distance, end up in a packed street.

The spiky-haired quick kid runs in between the crowd at full speed and loses the trio. Takehiko decided the best way to catch up would also be by sprinting.

Little did he know...

-??? PoV, 1st person-

'Ya-Ha! Who to blackmail today and make them become my slaves.. I wonder-'

SWISH! (Sound effect of someone running really fast that wind appears, i don't fucking know)

I look at the person who ran past me and see that it's the same kid that me and Kurita tried to recruit and blackmail into the American Football club today.

(A/N: Well, if you didn't know what it was, now you do. If you still don't, it's Eyeshield 21, your welcome)

'A running back!' I look in excitement as I could finally recruit a Running Back into the team.

SWISH! (Same sound effect)

'What the-' I look at the second person that ran past and see that he's equally as fast, if not, even faster than the first kid. 'He doesn't go to our school, and I have no info about him'. I decide to follow the two and pull out my binoculars to look at the show.

-Author PoV, 3rd person-

The small guy ends up at the top of the stairs and jumps. He spins in the air and lands in the train. Takehiko who caught up a second later saw this scene and thought, 'Well that was pretty anti-climactic, oh well, time to go home...wait, where the fuck am I?' five seconds later, the three bullies finally caught up to Takehiko and tripped on the stairs, landing face and body first on the floor of the train station.

"Pfffffft!" Takehiko, seeing this scene, couldn't hold in his laughter. He starts to walk away, until he sees another interesting sight. 'That's the guy who was following us', he sees a tall spiky-blonde haired person sitting on top of the trio and shooting his automatic rifle. 'What the fu-'

The same spiky-haired guy walks up the stairs and ends up in front of Takehiko, still holding his gun. "How the fuck are you getting away with holding a gun?!" Takehiko can't help but exclaim, after all, it's not America or some shit where everyone just has a gun on them legally.

"Hm? You're not scared?" The blonde haired guy asks, curious at the fact Takehiko isn't currently shivering or anything like that, unlike everyone else who runs away instantly, or listens to him immediately. "No" Takehiko says seriously with no hint of fear.

"Ya-Ha! You're interesting! The name's Yoichi Hiruma, second year at Deimon High!" He says. "Takehiko Mizuno, second year at Shuchi'in Academy" Takehiko replies. "Shuchi'in? That fancy, 'I'm too good for everyone else' school next to us?" Hiruma asks. "Yep, I guess you could say that, I only recently joined though, so, why were you following that kid?" Takehiko says.

"I could ask the same to you, Ya-Ha! Anyway, I followed them because I saw his speed and thought he would make a good running back for our team, Ya-Ha!" Hiruma answers. "Running back?" Takehiko questions while raising an eyebrow. "An American football position" Hiruma says briefly, "Ohhhhh~ Okay okay, that makes sense" Takehiko says while opening one of his palms and hitting it with his fist.

"Well, Ima go now, see ya" Takehiko walks off, before Hiruma requests, "Wait, tomorrow morning, at 6, come to Deimon, I'll show you something" Which then Hiruma walks off before Takehiko could answer.

-At home-

'6 am.. Deimon, hm~' Takehiko shuts his eyes and thinks about the previous situation. 'I guess I'll go, it's not like I'll be missing much, and plus, Shuchi'in's only three minutes away by walking, it would probably take a minute or so if I sprint it all' He then drifts away to sleep.

-Ze next day, sept. 5-

It is currently 6 am, Takehiko had to wake up at 5:30 so that he could get changed and then jog to Deimon. After arriving at the school with his school equipment and uniform, with his hoodie on as always, he says a massive boulder in red armour-like uniform pushing a metallic figure standing still in the middle of the dirty field.

Takehiko walks over to him, not before being intercepted by Hiruma. "Ya-ha! Welcome to Deimon High's American Football team!" "Wassup Hiruma, so why'd you tell me to come here?" The big boulder who was previously pushing the metallic figure, before he broke it in half, runs over in worry and tells Hiruma to calm down. "It's fine Kurita, ya-ha! Now get back to practice!" Hiruma shoots his rifle, "H-Hai!" Kurita runs off.

"I told you to come here coz I wanna ask if you wanna join our team, Ya-Ha!" Hiruma says. "Huh?" Takehiko says with his mouth agape, "You, join, our American Football team, Shuchi'in academy doesn't have an American football club so I don't see a problem".

"First of all, I don't even go to this school, and I don't think people from other schools can join a different school's team, second of all, I haven't even watched or know anything about American Football, and third, I don't even know if I like American Football" Takehiko answers, to which Hiruma just laughs

"Ya-Ha! If that's all you care about, that's not a problem, one, I have my ways to allow you to join our school team without anyone complaining, second, you can easily learn by watching us play, it's not as complicated as you probably think, and finally, you can watch our first match, when we get a team, and see what you think".

"Valid points, but that doesn't really answer why you actually called me here at six in the morning" Takehiko says. "Simple, it's so that you could practice before school in case you DO want to play, Ya-Ha!" Hiruma says, to which Takehiko simply says, "Okay" in a monotone voice.

"First thing you're gonna do, is run 40 yards and we'll take your time, KURITA!" Hiruma shouts, to which Kurita immediately runs over, "Yes Hiruma?". "Set up the cones for the 40 yards sprint, you'll be running it as well, once that's finished you can pack up and wait for school to start or something", Kurita grabs two cones and puts them 40 yards apart, which is approximately 36 metres.

Kurita starts the sprint when Hiruma shoots his gun in to the air. Hiruma stops the clock once he reaches the end, "6.5 seconds, not bad for a lineman, Kurita time me" He hands over the watch stop and Hiruma starts at one of the cones, "GO!" Kurita shouts. Hiruma runs faster than Kurita, unsurprisingly, Kurita stops the watch, "5.2 seconds Himura! Good job!". "Tch" Hiruma kisses his teeth in disappointment.

"Mizuno, your turn" Hiruma grabs the timer from Kurita's hand while Takehiko starts at the starting cone. Hiruma grabs his rifle from his infinite storage pocket and gives a countdown before shouting his gun. Takehiko runs at his "full speed" and Hiruma stops his stopwatch, looking at it with a frown '4.4 seconds, not bad... but he can definitely go faster' "Hiruma, Hiruma! What'd he get?" Kurita asks, which Hiruma shows him the time and Kurita cheers in excitement.

Takehiko walks over, "How'd I do?" Hiruma replies, "Not bad, 4.4 seconds, however.... *Whistle*!" After Hiruma whistles, growling and barking could be heard, Hiruma discreetly puts a treat in the hoodie pocket of Takehiko, and Cerberus starts running at Takehiko, to which he just stays there, not before going on one knee and petting Cerberus, "Awwww~ What a cute little doggie, who's a cute little dog, yes you are~ yes you are~"

Hiruma and Kurita look at the scene in front of them with their jaws hitting the floor. In front of them is Takehiko tickling Cerberus' stomach while Cerberus rolls in his back with his tongue out like any other normal dog. Takehiko then puts his hand in his pocket and pulls out the bone that Hiruma previously put there, not surprised at the fact a bone suddenly appeared there, and gives it to Cerberus.

Takehiko looks up and sees Hiruma and Kurita who are still looking in shock, "You were saying something, Himura?". "Uh.. Y-Ya-Ha! That's right, 4.4 seconds is very good, the best high schooler in Japan has a time of 4.4 seconds as well, so good job, Ya-ha!" He says while patting Takehiko's back.

"Alright, we have another hour before you have to go back to school, so we'll use that time to explain the rules and train!"

An hour of leg training and constant running to train stamina, Takehiko walks to Shuchi'in. "Status" He mutters.


Name: Takehiko Mizuno

Age: 16





(The Pace of The Speed of Sound Lvl 02: Exp - 109/200)


-End of School, sept. 5-

Like any other day, nothing much happened, other than Takehiko talking to his friends, Chika, Miyuki and Yu. He also accidentally bumped into a beautiful girl with blonde hair that was tied up at the left side of her head with a blue scrunchie, and has blue-eyes. He helped her up and they both apologised to each other, before walking in their own directions.

The school also found out that in a weeks time the Student Council will be decided, as well as a new school year beginning exam for everyone.

'Three days of school complete, just another year left still'

'Nothing to do now, so I guess I'll go to Deimon...' Deimon is pretty much the new hangout spot for Takehiko after and before school. It's not like he needs to study since he's 99.99% sure he'll just get full marks anyway, he could game but he doesn't want to become a fat-shit, he'd rather be fit than fat after all.

Before arriving at Deimon, he quickly goes to the toilet of Shuchi'in to change in to normal clothing, since he doesn't want someone to recognise his uniform, then the fact that a mysterious person joined the Deimon American Football team, and then match everything together, he'd rather not be popular right now, since he knows how much of a pain in the ass it can be.

In his old school, he was the "celebrity" due to his grades, and being the "famous" person in his school, it also meant that there were some "haters", which is why he doesn't want popularity, in fact, he hates it.

He arrives at the field from this morning, "Yo Hiruma, Kurita!"


Some things may be wrong, sorry, I have really bad memory, I have wikis open of each anime though so I'll be using that, if it's still wrong, blame the wiki and my memory.

Oh yeah, the title is obviously: Bullies and Deimon High, if you couldn't tell still

Hope you enjoyed.

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All together, no space.

No I'm not going to do a GhostyZ, this is just genuine dono's if you decide you want to donate to me as the author of this ff.

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