
OP: Of Wind and Waves

A man dies in a strange way and meets a goddess who tells him because of the thing his last life accomplished, he would get some boons and go to another world. Watch as the man who became the demi god of wind and waves Maui lives in the world of pirates. The drums of liberation are not exclusive to Nika. i do not own cover image or copywrited content.

Sir_Stronghold · Anime & Comics
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19 Chs

13. A Trip To Frauce pt.1

[A/N: Theres been some criticism about the wish power and the wishes he makes. I didn't put deep thought into the power other than trying to keep the wishes as minor wishes. As for the wishes themselves I just had him make them on my whims to help move the story. This is just for my own enjoyment. Enjoy it for what it is if you can, and sorry for any mistakes. Thanks for reading.


The info broker was a portly man who wore a monocle. He was very shrewd and charged for every piece of information I wanted.

He actually had an encyclopedia that he sold to me for a hefty price.

I paid him on the spot instead of trying to haggle. Money doesn't mean much to me, as it would be incredibly easy to make more if I wanted it.

I was a little disappointed in the book, as it only had three entries for the devil fruit I collected. The smooth fruit was one of them.

The other two were paramecias that were decent.

Eye-Eye fruit.

Jump-Jump fruit.

The eye fruit gives the user a spectator's perspective and allows them to see things a very long distance away. If I had to guess, it gives the user vision like Byakugan from Naruto or something close to it.

The other was the Jump fruit, which gave the user short-range teleportation. It is limited to the user's line of sight.

They were good enough fruits, but I still had three more I needed to identify, and the book was effectively useless to me.

I had no choice but to wish for something to identify all the fruits now.

Which will have to come later. My next wish was something to increase my combat power, and the next is a gyarados training guide.

We both needed a combat boost before we challenge the calm belt. 

I didn't have a need for the devil fruits at the moment, so getting an appraisal item had to wait.

The other information I got from the broker was knowledge of many of the forces in the world, as well as a few nautical charts for the East Blue. 

I can use the compass to go anywhere I desire, but it's still nice to know where I'm going or where I'm at while here.

The charts were not that great and were incomplete.

It seems no one was as passionate about mapping as Nami was, and perhaps good maps wouldn't be published until she succeeded in her dream.

I asked the broker about it, and he just said it isn't that easy to map everything, and most people don't see any money in doing so.

Not only that, many of the members of the ruling class don't want their places mapped because they don't want their enemies to use those against them.

I left the broker, and I was not very happy with my purchases.

"What a waste of Belli."

I walked casually down the cobbled streets, there wasn't much else for me in this country.

I could try to find devil fruits to add to my collection but I could just wish them to me later or track them.

As I walked back towards the port, I would occasionally see murals of the current queen of this country.

Ban Dedessinée.

If these portraits are accurate then she is quite the beauty. Dedessinée is a woman with short silver-blue hair and blue eyes, with a very excellent figure.

I got some info on her, but other than the fact she is quite beloved by her people, there wasn't much to be said.

I stopped to admire one of the murals of the queen but I noticed a group of men keeping thier distance but seemed to be watching me not very covertly.

It seems they have bad intentions.

I continue walking casually before turning down an alley.

The men followed me but when they turned the corner, I was not there. The alleyway was a dead end that did not connect to the street on the other side.

The men looked around but could not find me until they heard my voice behind them.

"What do you want?" I said wearing a smirk.

"He's behind us!"


They were dumbfounded by how I got behind them.

That was easy. I just jumped hung on the roof of the building next to the alley and then landed behind them with the grace of a cat.

"I'll ask again. What do you want..."

One of the men pulls out a knife.

"We heard you bought a devil fruit encyclopedia. So you most likely have a devil fruit. Give it to us and all your money and we will be kind enough to let you live."

Really? Just cause I bought the book, they jumped to the conclusion I had devil fruits?

That broker must have sold me out. Go figure!

I knocked the small time crooks on the head and passed them out before they could react.

After searching thier pockets, I only found a few Belli but I still took it out of spite.

I didn't have any interest to go get payback on the broker.

Selling people's info is what he does for a living. And I blame myself for getting into this situation more than that guy.

I made my way back to the port, but more people got in my way.

This time I got some different information from them.

Their groups were all sent to find me and rob me.

All sent by a gang boss.

It seems the info broker is part of his gang and this isnt the first time they used his info to rob customers that seem wealthy or have objects of interest.

"I guess it's time to do my good deed for the week..." I say right before transforming into a falcon.


Ban Franco

He is a man that was once apart of the royal family.

But after Dedessinée succeeded the throne, his branch of the family became outcasts and some were put to death after attempting a coup d'état.

His parents committed suicide to avoid the humiliation of public execution.

Ever since then, Franco has used the last of his families wealth to entrench himself in the country's criminal underworld.

Everything from drugs manufacturing and smuggling to dipping his toes into the slave trade.

His goal has been to raise funds and make allies so he can start a civil war and use that victory to sit himself on the throne.

However for the last few days, things have not been going well for him.

"Damn it! Where's Jaques?! Where's Ruben?!" He screamed at his subordinate as he hid under an umbrella.

The last few days his people have been going missing a few at a time.

That's not the only problem. Theres a falcon that's been sneaking in and taking poops on his head!

He has been driven mad by this feathered menace.

He has been forced to carry an umbrella whenever he is awake.

And sleeping with a raincoat on when in bed.

17 times he has been pooped on.

It's like the world is out to get him!

"I-I don't know, your highness. They went to collect the protection money, but... there's been no word.

Franco threw his umbrella down in anger and began throwing a tantrum.

"You worthless garbage can't do anything right. Go and-"


A white bird turd landed on his head, interrupting his tirade. The falcon responsible flew out the window that somehow got opened.

"That fucking bird! Why me?! I swear on my life, I'll have you plucked and served for dinner if it's the last thing I do!!!"