
day 1 - day 7

% day 1%

i took me 5 hours to finally realise that i am in an unknown place without food or water.

i didn't know what to do

so i wondered on the beach

thinking that maybe i will find someone to help me

I didn't

by the time i finished my searching it was already night and i was really hungry

as night came light got dimer and dimer

the shadows became longer

i was really scared

you should know that i was an average person

i went to school

graduated with average scores, went to college and studied Bussiness then graduated again like a average person

just a face in the masses

i then looked for a job for 2 years until finally fount an average job as an accountant in a bank

i had an average nagging mother that want grandchildren so i also was looking for an average waife to marry and have an average family of one boy and girl

the boy i will have high dreams and expectations for him like an average parent

the girl though i will leave for my average wife

i gave to charity an average amount of money now and then

meeting some friends doing average everyday stuff

the point is i was an average person so i don't have the super courage that people in the movies have

so when i say i was scared i meant it

as time passed my hunger a thirst reached a new hight

i was really hungry

% day 2 %

i couldn't sleep

as the sun began to rise

i was able to truly see again after all i didn't have any source of lifht on me

i began to search for people again

not leaving the beach

i had one rule i follow like any average person

( safety first )

10 hours

thats how long i walked on the beach intil i realised that i was where i started

no people

no food

no water

also it was then that it hit me that i was on an island

where am i ?

as time passed so did my average stamina

my hunger increased my thirst unbearable

i began to think that going into the forest will be a good idea

even with the sound of wolfs and other animals

i resisted

after all

( safety first )

in the end i stayed on the beach

% day 3 %

nothing changed


more hunger

more thirst

less stamina

% day 4 %

so unbearable

i can slowly feel my self getting weaker

is this what true hunger feel like ?

i want to go in the forest


i have no courage

after all i am just an average person

maybe someone will come and save me?

maybe this is just a nightmare ?

that night i was no longer able to stay awake

i fell asleep like after all i am just an average person

% day 5 %

i woke up but could hardly move my body

listening to the sound of the ocean beside me while looking at the sun above me

thinking ^ i really am an average person^

thinking ^why is no one coing to save me^

again i fell asleep

after all

what average person want to keep feeling his

weaknesses, his hunger and thirst if he can unfeel it somehow

after all sleep keep the pain away

% day 6 %

i woke up feeling pain

why am i feeling pain ?

crabs 10 of them

one as big as my hand with 9 as big as my palm

eating from my body

cutting me with thies claws

bite by bite

as if they are testing me

i want to stop them

but i can't move my body after all as you should already know i am an average person

i tried to stop the

i screamed

i cussed

i tried to scare them

it was all for nothing

seeing me ynable to do anything

i can feel the glee from the big crab

like it has found the perfect pray

they had thier fell after eating from all over my body

i cried a screamed until i had no voice

they lift me and i cried more

i survived

or so i thought

they came back some time later and so began my nightmare again

this time

they didn't eat randomly like last time

the crabs brought with them some leaves with water in in them

maybe they are smart animals ?

maybe they will help me ?

i thought with some hope

i really was naive

they were smart alright

but help me they did not

one second i was looking at them

one second i was looking at the stamp i had in my right arm

i screamed but souns didn't come from my throat

i cried but no tears came from my eyes

i thought that was it i will die

maybe dieing is not so bad

naive again

the big crab really was a big villan

it droped the water on the stomp in my nonexistent hand

drop by drop

it hurt

now i realised that it was seawater

the salt on wound thing i wached on TV was real

and i am feeling it

after what felt like hours

there was no more seawater left

it stoped

the pain didn't

seconds later it put the wierd leaves in my wound and lift with my hand

maybe this time i will die from bleeding ?

after all i am an average person

that was my thought as i passed out

i woke up

i really didn't want to wake up

why did i wake up ?

death, just take me like you do any average person

why does this nightmare not stop ?

i don't have the strength or courage to stop it myself

it was night

looking at my stomp there was no bleeding

just pain

it was then that i realised

it was the perfect prey

it was then that i realised how smart was the crab

it was then that i realised i was its food

and who wants to eat non fresh food

it seem that the crab was a foodie

i knew

my nightmare will continue

i can't do anything about it

% day 7 %

i don't want to die

i don't want to live

these where my thoughts

i really am pathetic

i am an average person

why is this happening to me ?

i was never evil

why is this happening to me ?

i never went aginst my parent's wishes

why is this happening to me ?

i never looked down on the poor

why is this happening to me ?

i never slept around with anyone

why is this happening to me ?

why me? why me? why me?

again my tormentor arrived

coming to me slowly

as it is enjoying my suffering

step by step

it took my other hand

i really am pathetic


that what i am now

it came near my face looking down on my

as if it was bragging

showing me my arm

like a trophy

this time it began to eat it in front of me

bite by bite

powerless that's what i am

^will i am just an average person^ i thought

i can't do anything even if i wanted

i was after all armless

then it hit me

i am hungry

i am thirsty

i am unable to move

i am armless

i am watching a crab eating my arm

i am waiting for my death

i am slept on a beach for all day long

i didn't even go to the bathroom for 2 days

with that i fueled my self and somehow moved my head and bit the crabs head killing it

falling into unconsciousness again

while realising that after what happened to me i survived

and i will survive

after all

i am no longer an average person

Next chapter