
OP: Injustice (Side Story)

Guys! I fucked up! I didn't know that Side Stories were only for Originals! So I can only put the Side story here! Um... Hmm... If you're new, You'd have to go and read 'One Piece: Injustice Corrected' to understand what's going on.... but for the rest of you! All those little dreams in your heads of wholesomeness and happy endings will be fulfilled in this side story! Banzai Daniel-san! Banzai!

AgentMonke · Anime & Comics
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56 Chs

A big fucking Joke

Galan went for a funeral seeing the woman again but she looked very fidgety. He didn't care and went on with his progress.

9 months later

Galan planned a method of cornering an evil pirate crew, they went to work and worked with a pirate, turning another pirate traitor with a deal.

Galan fought two famous names and nearly killed one of them before they both escaped. A big man grabbed Galan and brought him to another area of Marines before being let go as part of the deal.

The pirate did them a favor and killed countless of his former comrades before leaving.

The world Galan was in~

Everyone stared at the screen in shock and horror!

That was Kaido, Linlin, and Newgate?!


The Fleet Admiral fought them and forced two Emperors to flee?! He almost killed Kaido!

Kaido's face was extremely ugly and he started drinking as he shouted "AHHHH RAVEN! I'M GONNA SLAUGHTER YOU!"

Galan looked at the video as thought it was someone else on the screen, but Olvia could feel his heart beating erratically as well as his hands shaking slightly. She held them and showed him a warm smile.

He let out a breath through his nose and frowned slightly, calming down like magic as he continued looking at the video.

Galan received a promotion to Vice-Admiral and returned to Marineford to get promoted, as he was leaving the woman stopped him and asked if he needed help. Galan refused and walked away but the woman didn't follow him, just sighing and leaving.

The scene stayed with the woman as she applied for a vacation, leaving marineford and going to a small island. She passed by neighbors and smiled at them before coming to a house and seeing a baby, she smiled lovingly and revealed her name "Doll."

Galan rubbed his forehead, looking at the screen as he sighed. This was going to be a headache…

Doll stared at the screen in a daze, feeling like her head just got smashed in with a hammer! The Marines in the base looked at her in shock, not knowing anything about this!

Tsuru covered her face with a single hand as the woman on her ship looked at her in shock.

In the SWORD base, Kujaku stared at the screen in shock, her brain malfunctioning as she muttered "B-Boss is my grandpa?!" Rosinante jumped in shock, shouting "GRANDPA?! WHAT THE HELL!" Kujaku cried, "Does he not want me…? I…"

Immediately in the chat

[Doll: You fucking piece of shit bastard! I hate you! Hate!]

[Kujaku: Do you not want me, Grandpa?]

Galan looked at the chat and sighed, not replying. Olvia looked at him saying "Maybe you should…" Galan shook his head slowly, "It's fine… Keep watching." Olvia looked at him worriedly and he repeated "I'm fine." she looked at him and said softly "I can tell you're not fine."

Galan clenched his fists before letting them go.

[Loki: Oh wow~ Look at this family drama! Hahaha!]

Galan ignored the jumping clown, but that didn't mean others would.

[Doll: Come to my world you stupid fuck! I will tear your flesh off your fucking bones and feed the fish!]

[Kujaku: If you speak about my grandpa again, I will make you my damn slave, you fucking disgusting worthless piece of living shit!]

Loki froze and erupted in anger.

But the video continued.

Galan continued to work as he searched tirelessly for the man who killed his family.

Years passed

Dragon became his assistant!

[Monkey D. Luffy: DAD?!]

[Monkey D. Dragon: …]

In the video

They finally arrived at an island.

Aptly named Phoenix island.

Galan came to see the man who was responsible for his tragic life.

However, to his shock, the man had a loving family who knew nothing about his past and crimes! He even had a grandson!

How could Galan tolerate this? The man who took everything from him got a happy ending?! What about him!?

Seeing this, Frank sighed sympathetically, "What the fuck…" Lieberman looked at Frank, who clenched his fists, "This has to be some sick twisted fuckin' joke!" Lieberman wisely stayed silent, turning back to the screen.

Dragon took the man and escaped before Galan did something he would regret. They came to a small island off the coast of Phoenix.

Dragon tossed the man aside and rolled out of the way as Galan punched a hole right through the island in rage!

Everyone froze.

How strong was this guy?!

The video continued.

Galan turned to the man, who begged for his life, not even remembering Galan's family at all! The man even offered his own family to Galan in exchange for his life. His wife, daughter, even grandson if Galan wanted!

Seeing this, every single person watching paled in horror.

What the fuck!

What was this?!

Frank grit his teeth, extremely angry!

The man's family watched in horror! Now they knew the truth!

They never found out about the man's mysterious disappearance, only being told that he was needed to find a big criminal being an ex-marine!

And the man who told them… was Galan himself!

Maybe they would be better off never knowing such a cruel truth…

The young man who bumped into Galan in the video as a child, heard from Galan's mouth that he was blacklisted from the Marines. He himself was angry but thinking about it, he laughed at himself sadly.

This was most likely to protect him… after watching the video, the young man knew that being a Marine wasn't all sunshine and rainbows…

The video went on

Galan pressed the man, saying that he had a family and he would throw them away just to live?! The man didn't even hesitate and nodded telling Galan that he could have them all, he didn't care as long as he lived! He could even bring Galan all sorts of little girls!

Galan suddenly smiled and started laughing from soft to loud as he stared at the sky, laughing as loud as possible while crying.

All this time, the revenge he dreamed of, it amounted to a sick joke!

The man continued speaking saying that he could bring Galan any sort of thing he liked, men, women, boys, girls, all races, even a Celestial Dragon if he wanted! Anything for his life!

Galan cursed God himself accusing him of making his whole life one big joke!

Frank looked at Galan cursing god and sighed sadly, "It would've been better to have this asshole kill him." Lieberman was confused and finally asked "Huh? What?" Frank said in a hateful voice "If the bastards who killed my family were like this rat fuck, I'd rather die. The kid is right, that piece of shit God whatever the fuck he is, we're all fucking jokes to him! A big fucking joke! Lieberman, send a fucking message in this chat. Nah, fuck it. I'll do it myself."

[Frank Castle: This rat fuck, so-called God, better not fucking exist. Otherwise I'll climb through this fucking screen and kill him myself! What a fucking joke! I hope you tortured this bastard for years, kid!]

Galan closed his eyes and stared at the man on the screen. His expression contorted slightly as he clenched his fists repeatedly. Olvia patted his fists gently and watched the screen, sad to see Galan's tragic life, but happy that she could understand him better…

Galan on the screen turned to the man and asked angrily if he enjoyed keeping his mother's hips as a trophy before grabbing his finger and squeezing his bones to dust!

The man squealed in extreme pain as Galan shouted the question over and over again, finally the man broke and cried saying that he did! This only made Galan angrier! The man had lied before but Galan knew he was lying after telling the truth nothing changed!

Bone by bone was turned to dust in the most painful way possible!

He went on about how he had to throw away his entire life to find this man, he gave up everything for revenge! How dare this man have a family and be happy after what he did?!

What about Galan!?

Where was his happiness!

Turns out, the man was hired by the World Government to acquire slaves after a woman named Caramel arrived there, but the woman never showed, so the man simply got the slaves himself, killing everyone else and taking trophies, he even kept a little girl to himself!

Galan turned almost every single bone in the man's body to dust before telling him that he would reveal everything to his family and make their life hell!

Before leaving the cripple on the ground, still alive!

Dragon looked at the man and cut his palms before throwing him in the sea!

The two watched the man get devoured limb from limb, screaming for help.

Galan sat down and looked at the sea before asking Dragon to kill him. Dragon was stunned and refused, no kidding.

Galan said that he had no purpose in life, he was better off dead anyway. He had nothing to live for, no one to care about, and his life was one big joke. He would rather die.

If Dragon didn't kill him, he would jump into the sea and kill himself!

However, Dragon gave a big speech telling Galan about how this world was really just sick and needed a cure! That he could do such a thing as cure the world! He wanted to start a revolution and destroy the World Government to put an end to all this evil!

Galan just told him to kill him quickly, he didn't care.

But Dragon told him that if the World Government is responsible for what happened to him, then how many other people have gone through such a thing? Too many to count and they're not all as lucky as Galan!

They all died alone! How many actually survive encounters with Government agents? Not even 1%! So Dragon invited Galan to start a Revolutionary army with him!

Galan finally agreed under Dragon's persuasion.

They returned to the ship as Galan outed Dragon as a traitor immediately, saying his treasonous intentions. However, Dragon beat him and escaped!

The show was a farce, but Dragon didn't know that the places Galan told him to hit were fatal points.

He wanted to use Dragon's escape as a suicide method!

Unfortunately, he survived.

Dragon froze and stared at the screen in shock, shouting "HE WHAT!? THAT BASTARD!" he was really angry! Damn! How could he be fooled like this!?

Then he realized, the #1 Schemer in the Multiverse!

That means… He fooled the world?!

The scene changed to Galan appearing at the man's house. He apologized for freaking out and had their house demolished and rebuilt with Marine money before saying that the man was an ex-marine who they needed the help of.

Unfortunately, he was kidnapped but they managed to get him back. Finally, he told them that they would have Marines protecting them from now on just in case the bad guys came back.

After saying this, Galan left the family.

The viewers didn't say anything.

If they were in Galan's place…

There would be 4 more graves in that island.

Frank let go of his fists and smiled slightly, "Good boy!" Lieberman was shocked, saying "How?! This is bullshit! I don't believe there's someone like this!" Frank looked at him and Lieberman rolled his eyes, "Give me a break, Frank! You tell me the truth, would you do the same in his position?! I don't fucking think so! Come on!"

Frank snorted, he most definitely would not. But he wouldn't go after them, he would just leave them alone. His job wasn't clean up! He made the messes, someone else cleaned them up!