
OP From The Start ( New World )

After saving Earth, Yao Yan goes to the other world through a warm hole because of Earth's security.

DaoistRuan · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Chapter 17 . World's Oldest Civilization

" I finally got here , " yao yan yawned and entered the gate of the sect

On the other hand, Wuyue went to the Main Hall and was smiling sitting on her Sect Master's seat, she was feeling happy in her heart.

She was waiting for Yao Yan to appear, and she was dying of joy in her heart.

How long had she been waiting for this moment that she too would have a disciple whom she would adore and that is why she was too much obsessed with Yao Yan.

But even after waiting for a long time, Yao Yan did not come to see her, and she was getting restless.

She called out to the deacon standing nearby and said, "Go and see why Yao Yan hasn't come here to see me yet."

" Yes, Sect Master" Deacon ran away

Yao Senhe from the other side comes running straight into the main hall and asks Wuyue " Sister, Wuyue, where is Yan'er?, i want to see him "At that time, the happiness that was shining on Senhe's face was visible.

"Who Yan'er, I don't know that bastard, there is not even an iota of devotion in him ," Wuyue Xia was angry when Yao Yan didn't come to see her

" Umm, Ok, I understand " Senhe started laughing hiding her face.

Seeing Wuyue's restless and angry face, Senhe started laughing at how cute she looked.

Yao Senhe wondered how Yan'er made such a powerful woman so anxious to meetings him ,

Ever since she came to this sect, Wuyue's behavior has been noticed that she always used to ask Senhe about Yao Yan.

Wuyue Xia was sitting there pouting, Senhe was standing next to her smiling at her

Just then Deacon Song came in and said, "Sect Master, Young Master Yan went straight to his room, saying he was tired and would come back to greet you later."

Blood gushed out of Wuyue's mouth as soon as she heard this, on the other hand Senhe could not stop laughing at the end and started laughing loudly.

Wuyue said "Laugh, you laugh a lot, you have a nephew, you don't want to meet him, he didn't even come to see you " Wuyue said in a taunt to tease her

Senhe smiled and said "I don't care if he comes to meet me now or not, I just want to see him happy, I am happy seeing him from afar". her face was turning red when she spoke

Wuyue was taken aback by Senhe's behavior, but she muttered, "I don't know, I just want to meet him ," and sat down with her mouth puffed up.

Then suddenly a loud suppression scared everyone, that suppression was so terrible that even Wuyue staggered.

All eyes turned to the guest house where Yao Yan was staying,


Some time ago ...

Yao Yan was sitting in the room, looking at a strange paper page, he was surprised, he could not understand what is this page, what is written on this page

This page was found by Yao Yan from that cave, when he and Yun Yun fainted, then this page was in Yao Yan's hand, he himself did not even know how this page came into his hand, but there was something strange in this page.

That's why Yao Yan kept the page .

Then Yao Yan asked the system to translate this page ..

<[ This page was written in an ancient language , The language which is actually not of this world, the result shows that it matches with your world. ]>

"What, from my world." Yao Yan was startled.

Yao Yan asked System more about this language

<[ This language is similar to your world's oldest civilization >]

"The oldest civilization, what is it?" Yao Yan asked curiously.

<[ This civilization is called SANATANA civilization, which in this time is called Hindu civilization]>

" SANATAN civilization, humm, what else do you know about that"

<[ According to the data and result, this page is about the same civilization, there is a sign ' ॐ ' on it which is of the biggest god of that civilization, you can say that it is the sign of the most powerful god of all civilization ]>

"How do you pronounce this word?" Yao Yan asked, scratching his head.

<[ This word is called Aum ॐ , it is not the breath of this world, but of the whole universe .]>

As soon as Yao Yan uttered the word Aum, suddenly the whole room began to vibrate, a strange suppression spread all around.

But suddenly for a while Yao Yan felt a strange energy enter his body, the same kind of energy that was coming out of this strange piece that Yun Yun had absorbed.

As soon as he remembered Yun Yun's name, he felt a strange uneasiness in his heart, as if he had been remembering her for so many years.


A beautiful and well-furnished room with an open balcony , Looking out from that balcony, very beautiful trees and some vines were climbing on them.

In the same balcony, a very beautiful and as if she is not of this world, she is an angel from heaven was sitting looking outside.

She was smiling at the red thread tied around her hand again and again , And sometimes her beautiful face suddenly turned red from thinking something strange

Suddenly someone knocked on the door of her room and And a beautiful girl's voice comes from outside called " Master, You are being called out for discussion" .

And the girl that was staring at the red thread again and again with her hand, stands up from there and opens the door of her room, there is a beautiful girl at that door, who is a little inferior to her in beauty smiled at her .