
Siblings (3)

Kevin's eyes flickered. He was not ready to tell her, however he could not hide the reason from her for any longer or else she might turn her back on him, which he was scared to see. 

He took a deep breath and lowered his head. Before he could say anything, there were footsteps from behind. The siblings turned their head and saw Aaric walking towards them with a towel in his hand with which he was wiping his hands. 

"Come to the study room, there you both can talk." Aaric took Sasha's hands and walked upstairs while Kevin followed the couple from behind. 

Inside the room, he made Sasha to sit comfortably on the couch and handed her the file about which he was talking to her earlier. She frowned and raised her brows in confusion. 

"This will sort a lot of doubts that would pop inside your mind. Kevin do you want me to tell about them first?" Aaric's voice turned frosty at the end when he saw his wifey's brother frowning seeing the couple��s picture.

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