3 Nightmare From Hell Pt 2

I woke up one good morning and my auntie called my mom and was like "i just had a dream about snake" and "I'm worried about kiwi"... auntie then goes on to say the ending of my nightmare about snake. She tells me to stop fucking with her. She doesn't like her and, Tete said, "she turned into a devil" in the nightmare , which was so so fucking true. My nightmares started becoming my reality and I'm just really stuck. It's really crazy to me!!! It's waking up the girl I buried a long time ago. JA'KERIA is actually back in the fucking building. I'm really loving myself and living in my truth. I know for a fact that I'm just getting an eye opener on my life. Stay with me on this rocky ass journey , it's rocky as a muthafucka , but yo girl loves a wild ride so let's goooooooo 😎
