
The Cold Fiancé

Song Meiying sat in a corner of the cafe's private booth sipping dejectedly on her latte as she went through her weibo. The few fanpages she followed about Xi Kevin were all talking about a recent concert that was just concluded last night. HD shots of the Cpop group on stage filled her timeline and quietly, she liked them all.

Suddenly, someone plopped on the chair across her and she raised her eyes from her phone, still sipping her coffee through a straw. She wasn't expecting anyone.

The new arrival took off their nose mask and hoodie, revealing someone who looked very much like the idol on Song Meiying's weibo timeline.

She narrowed her eyes, asking in a hushed tune. "What are you doing here, you idiot!"

Xi Kevin rolled his eyes, sneaking her drink from her hand and taking a sip of it. "I missed you too, Meimei."

Looking around, Song Meiying took his nose mask and threw it at his sharp, handsome face. "Wear this, there are people here."

Kevin pouted, pushing the nose mask away. "It's suffocating."

"Don't make me-"

"By the way, we're in a private booth, I won't be spotted."

Looking around once more to confirm for sure, Song Meiying relaxed a bit before squinting at him. "How did you find me, you stalker."

Glancing at her phone's screen, Xi Kevin deadpanned. "The stalker is calling me a stalker."

With a blush, Song Meiying put off her phone. "Your fans won't shut up about the concert, I'm not intentionally stalking you."

Xi Kevin nodded mockingly, sipping from her latte. "Mmh Hm."

With a frown, Song Meiying snatched her coffee back. "Give me that!" She noticed the weight was lighter and looked inside to see it finished. "Buy me a new one. You still haven't told me how you found me."

"Your location, Meimei. Your location." Xi Kevin said nonchalantly and Song Meiying shook her head in amusement.

"A professional stalker in it's finest."

Xi Kevin glared at her. "You wouldn't tell me what was wrong with you so I had to find you."

Sighing, Song Meiying rested her elbow on the table and put her chin on her palms, soundlessly drumming her slender fingers on her cheeks.

"I'm okay now, don't worry."

"It's that asshole isn't it?" Xi Kevin's face darkened as he guessed. "What did he do now?"

Song Meiying sighed again, halfheartedly talking. "Don't call my fiancé names."

Xi Kevin snorted, muttering under his breath. "He doesn't deserve to be called your fiancé."

Song Meiying's mood plummeted again at the thought of Li Jun, the man she's been engaged to for over 5 months and he hasn't even once willingly acknowledged her.

When grandmother had told Song Meiying to promise she would get married to Li Jun, the grandson of an old friend, she had agreed to please her heart. Even though she was against the thought of getting married to a stranger.

Her bad luck started when she met the said stranger and as cliche as it would sound, fell in love with him at first sight. Song Meiying had always liked a challenge, so his cold demeanor and mysterious aura was enough to drag her in.

Now, however, she wondered if she still wanted a challenge. It's been 5 months and her soon-to-be husband hasn't even talked about marriage yet. Although Grandma Li was the nicest, already treating Song Meiying as an official part of the Li Family, Li Jun's heart never accepted her. Therefore always avoiding the topic of marriage.

At this rate, Song Meiying believed she would still be engaged at 82 and Li Jun wouldn't even bat an eye at her.

Why she was sad yesterday was because she toughened up and made her way to Li Jun's company to give him lunch that she prepared herself after so many youtube videos.

The employees knew her as the boss' fiancée due to the official engagement with company staff as guests so no one dared stopped her as she made her way to his office. Immediately she hesitantly entered however, Li Jun's cold eyes swept over her inquiringly and the courage Song Meiying gathered evaporated right there and then.

With a shaky smile, she walked towards his desk where he was going through some documents and placed the flask in front of him.

"I... I thought you'd be hungry later so-"

"The company has a cafeteria, you shouldn't have." Li Jun said without even glancing at her again and Song Meiying's heart fell at the cold treatment. She pushed on however.

"You should eat homecooked food more some-"

"Song Meiying." Li Jun said, making Song Meiying's heart skip at least three beats. That was the first time she ever heard her name from his lips, and even though it wasn't in a friendly tone, she felt a strange happiness.


"Don't carelessly come into my office ever again." Li Jun said, his cold eyes meeting Song Meiying's scared ones. "Being my fiancée doesn't give you the pass."

Song Meiying's heart fell. "But..."

Li Jun continued, looking back to the documents. "If it's anything important, call me in advance."

With shame, Song Meiying looked down at her feet. "I don't have your number."

"Take it from my secretary." Li Jun said with no emotion in his voice. "Quietly shut the door on your way out."

Leaving the office with a heavy heart, Song Meiying didn't even bother going to the secretary for Li Jun's number. How embarrassing would that be? Getting her fiancé's number from his secretary.

Purchasing several cans of beer on her way home, Song Meiying drank a lot in her apartment while simultaneously sending Xi Kevin a lot of sad, incoherent voice notes.

Yesterday, Kevin wasn't able to see her messages early enough because they were still having their concert. When he'd seen it, it was four hours late.

He still wasn't able to leave immediately because of their manager telling them things he didn't really listen to. When they went back to their dorm, Kevin sneaked out shortly later to Song Meiying's apartment. He really didn't care if he got a scolding later on, his best friend wasn't okay.

After getting to her apartment, it was about midnight and no one answered. He'd shot her a quick message and when he didn't get a reply, he assumed she was sleeping and left.

This morning, Song Meiying had seen his messages and reassured him that she was just drunk last night and okay.

Who knew Xi Kevin would stalk her to where she got her usual morning coffee since she moved to this apartment months ago.

Looking at the worried face in front of her now, she smiled. "Hey, Brother Xi Kevin."

The brother suddenly grimaced at the soft tone, moving back. "What's suddenly with you?"

Song Meiying kept a straight, shameless face. "Don't you like it when your fangirls scream that."

Xi Kevin was still grimacing. "Please. Stop. It sounds weird coming from you."

Song Meiying laughed and Xi Kevin smiled, his heart lighting up at her dimpled face and the way her eyes turned to pretty crescents.

"Say, do you have time today?" Song Meiying asked when her laughter died down. "I missed my best friend."

Heyooo! Thank you for reading, please give lots of love! ^^~♡

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