
Only if you knew

Crystal_Phoenix05 · Fantasy
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1 Chs

Chapter 1

" I pity you Ash"

"You know why because you married a gold digger , plain Jane, country pumpkin "

Congratulations Ash Cooper Wright you got yourself an illiterate wife"

" That's what you think of me hmm..."

"I maybe a D- list actress with minor roles but guess what I am proud and contempt with the money I earn"

" You know why because it's my hard work"

" But anyway you rich people will never understand a common man"

" I don't need your money , I want nothing from you ..... nothing at all. Put that straight into a damn skull , you moron", said Luna as she stormed out of the room.

Ash was left flabbergasted and shocked at the same time because of her out burst . It was the the first time she raised her voice when talking to him .

They have been married for about half a year yet they was no difference in their love life . They lived like strangers... a couple in name , slept in different rooms .

God knows how much he felt about her . He loved her so much to the point it hurts .

He was known as the "cold blooded achiever" , a man incapable of feeling. He was cold , arrogant ,stubborn and number one influencial figure in the world. He was the national heartthrob, every girl's dream guy . He was everything , a woman wanted in a man ,a masterpiece , a piece of art . Yet no lady succeeded in seducing him ... no matter how attractive there were . But only she managed to break through the walls he had built around his heart without any efforts.

He loved everything about her , she was beautiful, cute, stubborn and simple minded. You can also say that they was nothing special about her , she was just an ordinary being.She was his remedy , a drug that he was addicted to .

" you are mine .mine to love , mine to take care , mine to hold , mind to kiss, nobody else can have you ,only mine..." he mumbled to himself.

Hey guys ...... thank u for reading my novel. English is not my mother language , so please bear with me .

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