

Mother System was not something that could be compared with normal planets.

World Domination was a glorious quest, but a near-impossible task nonetheless.

Take Earth, for example, aging was one of the most immovable barriers that were against people that wanted to take the world into their hands.

But not one ruler that aimed for World Conquest died of old age. (who was actually close to achieving what they dreamt)

Genghis Khan, Alexander The Great, The British Empire, etc were so close to taking Earth for themself, but every single one failed due to a disease or due to internal strife.

And that was for a cold planet, considering the sheer bloodbath that would happen when a war would be declared between Kingdoms or Empires where mana or qi was available...

And The Axis was an amalgamation of these planets.

Each Realm had its own sub-planets that kept the population and supplies going for their main realms to declare war without being afraid.

Even bringing a single realm under the helm was a job that was tantamount to killing yourself with pressure and stress... Even though the rewards after that were worth it.

'Are they ducking crazy?' Zachery screamed in his mind he looked at Grendum and Hel with emotionless eyes.

"Heh, this is going too easy on you. My powers were built to conquer!" Hel bellowed out as she patted Zachery's shoulder. Zach was glad that he was in his incorporeal form.

The 'patting' of the hand fluctuated the vacuum around Hel as she looked happily at Zach. But Zachery was screaming more toward Hel in his mind.

'Your powers are the one that is going to get me first, woman!!' Zachery groaned inside his mind as he thought about the headache he had to deal with when the Bright Alliance knew about this.

The Mother System, being the union of top-tier planets, there were different types of faiths and beliefs in each of these planets that had to be merged.

Unlike kingdoms, these 'religions' merging only brought profit to the upper echelons of their respective religions, so they created an alliance that was known as the Bright Alliance.

The Bright Alliance were the sworn enemies of the Crismon Alliance, the opposite of the Bright Alliance.

And one of those members was people who dabbled with yin nature and dark magic.

"This is going be so fun!!" Alexa said as she jumped around everywhere Zach put his hand on his temple to ease the headache that was coming like a sea tide.

"Fine..." Zachery didn't have a clue of what he was heading into, but he didn't care. He had a debt to pay. He had a regret that he wanted to erase.

Hel and Grendum both stepped backward as Alexa took over.

[Now, Zach! The final ordeal! State your wish!] Alexa practically screamed as her eyes had stars shining in them.

"I-I want to return 20 years back," Zachery said as he tried hard to stifle his anticipation and anxiety.

[Mmm... it can be done. But the problem is that you won't be able to retain most of your memories.] Alexa said as she kept her hands on her chin.

"Ahh, shit," Zachery gritted his teeth as he despaired.

[You don't have to worry Zach, the memories that you hold significance will not perish. I'm not going to simply move you to a different timeline. I'm reversing every known timeline back 60 years, which requires a tremendous amount of Morfauk energy.

You are currently unable to defend your soul against the spatial and temporal forces that act against your existence when we warp reality. As a result, I must expend a great deal of energy to protect both my soul and yours.

But with the limited amount of Morfauk energy I can work with, there is bound to be some time force acting against you. Thus, leading to memory loss.

Then again, no important memories that you have held throughout your lifetime will not perish. I can assure you that!] Alexa said as she patted her chest proudly.

"..." Zachery was silent at first, thinking about all this ordeal. He didn't want any memory from his past life. No, he didn't want any significant advantage over others. There was nothing in his life to remember anyway. This whole cosmos was harsh towards the weak anyway.

Zach just had two things that he wanted to remember... [I will make sure that you retain that part of your memory, Zach.] Alexa said with an assuring smile and for the first time in my life, he found a smile that was reassuring. A smile that held no complaints, and no demands.

"I am ready!" Zach said as he smiled back. He ruffled his white beard and ran his hand through his white hair. Zach's normally brown eyes were filled with a resolution as he promised himself that he would make this life and those around him better.

Well, there were only two people that he held precious anyway, and that was the reason he wished for his regression.

"Now, Alexa, it's our turn," Grendum said with a deep voice that even made my bones rattle. Alexa nodded toward Grendum as she stepped back.

Hel also stretched her arms back as both their aura started flaring dangerously.

Hel and Grendum nodded their heads toward each other

"Now," He walked towards me as he lifted his head. They both looked into Zach's eyes with that neon eyes that screamed death.

"Don't you even dare die," Grendum said as vibrant green light began to pulse through his chest, but his expression was solemn as he looked toward Zachery.

"Ha! Yeah," The 'Death Lord' bellowed a hearty laugh as she looked at Zachery, but when their eyes meet, her expression took a 180-degree turn.

"If you die, I will make sure to warmly welcome you in hell!!!" Her whole body glowed a ghastly red as her and Grendum's green aura mixed with each other and created a Yin-Yang symbol.

Only this time, instead of white and black, it was red and green.

The circle sign spun furiously after some time as it finally formed an afterimage of a horrifying skull that excluded an overwhelming pressure.

[Okay master!] Alexa said as she stretched her arms by interlocking her fingers. [Time to reverse reality!] She said excitedly trying to hide the sadness behind her facade.

"Thank you both" Zachery thanked both of them irrespective of whether they can hear me or not.

The trio just smiled as the neon red color flared around her.

[Here we go!]


"Ha! Have a blast!"


I ask apology for my incompetence(If there is any grammar mistake or any other mistake). This is my second book and I am still learning. You can leave me tips and point out incorrect things in the story. I will definitely correct it!

And finally


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