
Reviews of Online Game: My Health Point Has No Limits


Online Game: My Health Point Has No Limits

Foreign Region King

  • Overall Rate
  • Translation Quality
  • Updating Stability
  • Story Development
  • Character Design
  • world background



Trash. Gets a talent that essentially makes him immortal. So what class does our MC choose? Naturally defensive warrior because obviously maximizing the damage of his character that is already undying would be stupid. Its much better to go with a class that lacks damage, range and aoe because why not right?

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webnovel, it isn't fun anymore. i don't want to see a simp getting an op system or talent but instead i want to see some depth. No, advancing a level and killing a lower level person on repeat along with the crowd getting shocked isn't depth


Besides the fact that the "vr world combining with real world" idea has been done about a million times by now, this is one of the better ones for me. The scaling of stats and power for both enemies and allies is consistent and realistic. Only bad thing perhaps is how incredibly op his "cheat" is. if he just kills the level 1 monsters for like a year he should still be incredibly strong.


Yes, more HP, more! I'd like it if it gets picked. [img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update]


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Reveal spoiler


Tragic case of a novel completely falling apart. I really really enjoyed the first like 50 chapters, which is why this is so painful for me. I love the mc's cheat and how op he gets, but once he starts meeting and interacting with side characters the novel becomes absolute trash. Everyone around him has no brain and is constantly worshiping him for doing the most basic things. In addition to that, he's also is dumb and does lots of other inefficient/idiotic/excessively arrogant things. Like he tells the guild leader of one of the top guilds the basics of how to set up an ambush and how to position for a boss fight and everyone around him is shocked and amazed at his "genius" ideas. There's no way you can be the guild leader of a top guild and not know to put tanks in the front and healers in the back, etc. Dropped on ch113 because the author made everyone brainless


author kys. .......................................................................................................................................................


Author broke his own world building in charter 1, had to correct by massively increasing the power of other characters to compensate, notices that that didn't work because MC is immortal and now has to somehow weaken the MC while not taking away his cheats. How someone who has traveled back in time and is immortal doesn't at least quadruple anyone in level at day 2 is the question, which the author answers by making the MC as low IQ and EQ as possible.


Read all chapters because of the limit free stuff and boy was this bad. Author can’t seem to choose between op mc and balanced mc and switches between these two ideas constantly.


Dropped Dropped Dropped Dropped Dropped DroppedDropped Dropped DroppedDropped Dropped Dropped Dropped DroppedDropped Dropped DroppedDropped Dropped Dropped Dropped Dropped DroppedDropped Dropped DroppedDropped Dropped Dropped Dropped DroppedDropped Dropped Dropped


Good start it the it's just unreadable later on and it makes u pay for it So I would just not. Read it ..,.................................


Reveal spoiler


Nice Novel, hope this gets picked.... ______________________________________________________________________________________________________


INCOMPLETE !!! Once again another "completed" scam. webnovel should be truthful if it is dropped or hiatus rather than putting it as completed when it's not.


Another lowest Creature Another lowest Creature Another lowest Creature Another lowest Creature Another lowest Creature Another lowest Creature Another lowest Creature Another lowest Creature Another lowest Creature Another lowest Creature Another lowest Creature Another lowest Creature


Mc is practically immortal. kind of reminds me of draco in guild wars who couldn't die and becomes invulnerable for 10 minutes. 😁😁😁😁😊😊


The world building is very excellent. I know this is a translated novel so I'm not cursing out the translator when I say. The author keeps on forgetting a few stuff like levels, status effects, etc. The amount of sexualizing and inability to write good female characters in this book really throws me off. If they aren't soft and cute, their breasts are bursting out of their clothes and if their breasts aren't bursting out of their clothes, they're gold diggers, if they aren't gold diggers, they're stupid, or they're all of them in one. I wouldn't have complained if they had character but they don't even have that. Also everyone just seems so stupid compared to MC(not too surprised cause well it's an Asian novel). They're all gamers so why is it that no one knows the basics? Another thing is MC takes sooo long to level up but everyone else just jumps to where he is in a short amount of time. He does like 15k damage on average so why are people who only do like 1k average damage catching up to him so fast? Also, why do you make a game that can make characters op if you want to kill them. Is it fun to see a struggle before they die or.... Why is it only MC that goes back in time, why not someone stronger who has more IQ or EQ? There are moments when MC just straight up blows his cover and everyone is like "ok" I’m just a quarter way through this novel so I’ll read more and hopefully change my review for the better.


Im on chapter 20 just a quick idea why dont you make it so he gets a boost on blood type skills and weapons since his tallent has to do with blood?


did they abandon this novel already? :c T_T..............................................................................................................