Long after the age of demons 1,000 years ago,, In a far village lies a strong willed man name yagami kuromaki who he, his family and the villages habitants have been protected and remains peaceful from the last conflict. As three months pass, and a new threat emerges from the Nakatsu Kuni. Forces from the north have fallen against the demons and are now seeking refuge at the Utakata Village which they seek to obtain more alliances to fight off against the demons. Yagami Took the offer into joining the alliance as he leave his family behind in order to protect them from whats to come, he now must work together with different factions in order to fight against the giant demon swarm as one
"Ah, so your the gifted man who will slay the oni and stop the war, ah forgive me for scaring you so sudden, it appears my soul has lingered into you as you are one who is up to the task, my name is Minamoto No Yorimitsu, it seems my soul as chosen you to take on the world, if doing so take my power, if im bonded with you I shall aid and support you in your fight against the oni, I know you can stand a chance".
The voice starts to vanish as whispers could be heard in the mind of the man as there were other superior spirits besides himself who would agreed this decision to choose him for an unknown gift that would soon help out his journey "he was one but the rest or trapped, devoured by the oni as we are only spirits, but you can free the spirits of all the imprisoned warriors and wield there power, until we meet again" the spirits starts to fate away leading the male in complete darkness as it was only turned out to a dream, hearing a voice call out to him as he awakens.
"Hey, hey wake up, yagami" a female voice called out to the male as Yagami awakes from his drifted dream, his appearance was rather decent for a rookie slayer, with ruffled like hair and the clothes of a rookie slayer, it looks like a ninja garb abit rather to call it armor with a band including horns on top, his specialty weapon is dual knives due to his quick slashes speed" thank goodness, you drifted to sleep for the moment but atleast your okay" he looked rather confused as he then gets up from the ground and looks around "Sorry, I was having the same dream again, but im up and ready".
"Thats good, you wouldn't want to be late on your first task, for a rookie ill be assisting you on your first quest, oh and You can call me Oka" She was one of the veteran slayers who teaches and trains trainee slayers that first joined the alliance in fighting alongside them and admires slayers after since she was a child and looks up to them and the legendary Annointed Innovator Known as Obito. The two gives off a smile to one another and makes their way towards SlayersHQ.
"Ah there you are, I've been waiting for you" a deep determined male voice has spoken as it was the District captain of the slayers"You Must be our new recruit, im sure your tired after coming a long way here" he looks over at yagami as he himself agreed to be quite the long one to get here since his village was far away "My name is Yamato, I am the district captain of the slayers in the Utakata Village"
He seemed rather decent but is mostly rough and strict when it comes to mind, he retires from fighting due to losing his eye which he now wears an eyepatch, he was elected to the slayer organization and wears a captain like gown who is also the chief of the village "lets welcome or newest addition, oka here will show you the ropes"
"Greetings, though it looks like you know how to handle yourself when it comes to battle so there isn't much to worry" yagami had a determined look on his face and smiled while holding out the palm of his fist "you bet, i didn't came here to join in for nothing". "Good"she smiled abit while pleased to hear his quote as yamato steps fourth "We have accommodations prepared for you but you should go and settle in for now, ill explain about your duties later, Okā lead the way".
"Yes sir, come on follow me" Okā then leads yagami to the village as he agrees and follows behind her, though he was alittle disappointed but was happy at the same time since he came from a far away home and decides to know and get comfortable of living here. They both arrived out of the slayers headquarters seeing the small yet active village as the outside of the small village was surrounded by some mountains as a giant gold/white oni mask was displayed out on the HQ.
"Welcome to Utakata Village As a slayer we serve at the forefront of the battle against the oni, though normally this is a nice quiet place"She gave off a smile looking around at everyone "Heh ill admit this place sure seems calm too" Yagami agrees with Okā as the two walked downstairs from the HQ"Indeed, once your settled in, take a look around the village, your stuff is placed in your new house nearby, follow me" She leads the way to yagamis house as he follows, going back to wear he had took shelter sleeping in.
"So were are you from,its been long since someone from the South to come this way"Okā asks as they walked through the village to his house "Well im from a far up village in the south located on the mountains, kinda similar to this village but much larger"."Oh? I see, though I heard things are pretty grim at near your area, but im glad you made it out alive"they both stop as they arrived at his house while his stuff has been brought here as well inside "So it hasn't been long since you came to the midlands huh?".
"Pretty much, but ill admit its been awhile though" he says before scratching the back of his head "ill bet but dont worry, you'll get used to it soon" smiles as she's sure he'll feel more like home here "anyway...here's your house were you slept in before when we got word of your arrival, once you came you seemed tired and had your stuff with you so we decided to set things in order for you inside the best we could". "Really, sheesh guess I did stood up all night, whoops hehe been reading something and probably feel asleep after"He mentioned a scroll he had from his uncle before his passing about his adventures, it was given to him when he was little to know more how his uncle became a hero of his village and caught his interest.
"guess I shouldnt give you a book if we were to take a break..."she says jokely to him"heeey I can still fight" he says while keeping the fact that he does sleep whenever he finish reading while Okā chuckles alittle "Hm its okay that was a joke, lighten up alittle" she says while yagami pouted alittle and deals with it "Heh guess you caught me".
"Mmm, well then shall we go inside and take a look" She says as he nods, both of them walks inside his new home as it use to be empty but is brought to life once more,a drawers would be seen at the wall on right side while his clothes was there, his bed with a blue cloth like blanket would be located to the left side of the house leading his bedroom, an oni slayer like statue would be displayed on the left corner, a campfire with four mats on the ground with sticks would be surrounding a pot as used in case for cooking and a doorway to the hq which would be easier to get to rather to go out and head to the front of it.
"This house has been empty for a long time,use it as you see fit, im sure everything you have is brought here but check and make sure in case nothing was left behind from your trip" She says as he takes the time to check around the place and starts with the wooden drawers first "for starters you got my clothes in tact,not to mention a cool looking oni slayer statue in display" he then goes over to his bed before he lays down "nice and comfy" he then picks up a clean scroll from a desk "this might come in handy"
"guess you got everything huh" she asked while he seemed relieved "yup, everything just in order, thanks". "A pleasure, are you ready for the next stop on the tour?" he quickly gets up while interested as to what other things to know about "you bet".
"Mmm, keep in mind that our supply lines have been compromised, so we can't always get what we need, but just like the rest of us, you'll just have to make do" he then looks at her while folding his arms "no worries, i have no problem scavaging around for the materials I need that can help me out in the future, I use to do so with my uncle back then" he said while remembering a few things he and his uncle found while back.
"Interesting, hm now then if you'll follow me..."when she tried to finish the bell ringed from outside as a sign of an attack on the village as the two was alerted "an attack...sorry we'll have to do this later. come with me, its time to fight" and with that yagami was determined as it was his time to show his skills in defeating the oni as the two make way Towards SlayersHQ.
coming soon