

Suddenly I want to touch him..

not the friendly hug that we usually share. I want to feel his warmth against my skin, trace my fingertips along those beautiful features. His thick eyebrows, long eyelashes, narrow nose and his full lips, how does it feel against mine?

He shifts, does he know my attention is all at him? not the rom-com movie that we are watching? I can't concentrate in the movie most especially that he's beside me, alone in my room. Is he aware of my attention? it feels strange but I can't help it.

Damien coughs and shifts again, is he uncomfortable? No I don't think so, his arm brushes against mine and it stays there, unmoving. I'm paralyzed. I need to move and put some distance but I don't feel like to. Why can't he be the one to move? oh dear Lord!

then from the television his eyes shifts to mine. He Caught me staring, I looked away, suddenly embarrassed.

I focused my eyes into the screen, trying to prove that I am really into this movie since I was the one who recommended it. But I don't need to watch it now because I watched it for the hundredth time already! Damien looked away, but doesn't even bother put some distance. I suddenly felt that he like this closeness just how much I like it too.

Again, another glance. This time I turn, and our eyes connect. Just before I can really appreciate those beautiful gray eyes with a mix of green, he looked away. It's like a dance, every time I take a step forward, he takes two steps backwards.

"what do you think about it?" I whisper

he pauses, "what, the movie?"

I'm thankful my dark room hides my blush.

"It's beautiful, I like it very much" he says

I risk a glance even I know my face is the same shade of a tomato. Damien stares back, this time he didn't look away, just like the dance that we've been doing. An amused expression was plastered in that beautiful face when he saw my face in deep red. I was the first to look away, then him a few beats later.

I know he's smiling, and it didn't help me.

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