
Chapter 1

'Hmm?' I thought as I looked around at my surroundings I realized I was in some kind of red place.

'I was looking around because I couldn't remember anything, not even who I was. As I sat there trying to figure out where I was I realized it was extremely quiet and I was seemingly the only person in this quiet red place until I heard an annoying "Ding! Tutorial Started!" In the back of my head as I looked around for the sound I quickly saw a blue panel with clear white words on it, it seemed to say'

[New Quest]

[Get used to main skills and Survive in your new world for 1 month]

[Reward:Specialist Affinity]

[Failure: N/A]

[New Main Skill received: Skill Generation]

[Multiple Main Skills Generated!]

[Menu], [Thinking]

'What are these things? What is this quest thing?' He quickly figured out how to use the skills and used [Menu] As he looked at the menu it had clear white letters on it reading




[More coming soon…]

'Hmm so I can't even remember anything that I ever did, Well I need a name…" He thought for a while and tried hard to remember something and a word appeared like a sapling that had instantly grown into a tree "My name will be Karma!"

Karma thought about what he could do right now and decided to finish using all the skills he has right now

'Lets see what [Thinking] Is'

[Thinking is a skill for your own thinking]

'This is weird'

'That should be all the main skills I have and I know how to use them but what is the quest talking about for this new world? Also why don't I seem freaked out or surprised about this'

[The system has been suppressing your emotions during the tutorial]

[The tutorial will end in 10 seconds]

"What is a Tutorial? Why has the system been suppressing my emotions?" As soon as he said those words a small black hole appeared under him and started to grow and it slowly sucked him towards it. Karma didn't resist of course because he thought it was the thing that was going to bring him to the new world the system spoke about.

"Ahhh!" Karma screamed while seemingly falling from the portal. while falling he looked down and realized that he was falling directly into a grove of trees.

There was the sound of a body being whacked by multiple tree branches and then a loud thump as a body smacked into the ground.

"that didn't hurt?... why did the portal appear in the air instead of on the ground. It could have at least appeared above some water so I wouldn't fall" Karma said as he looked around.

That's right the person was Karma who just fell out of the portal that appeared. His body had almost no injuries despite falling from a portal that was atleast 2 stories up and smacking into multiple branches but the most eye-catching part was his silver hair and golden eyes. He was small in size and seemed young.

Karma quickly got up but he couldn't see anyone so he started walking around. Soon he saw a swamp that had lots of huge tree like things in it. It looked interesting so he decided to explore the swamp but.

Right when Karma's feet touched the water he heard a yell and then a huge splash of water came from in front of him. He ran into the water then towards that direction until he saw a kid running with a fishing rod on top of a huge tree but the kid had a huge gross fish like creature on his fishing hook.

It had large teeth and a fishlike body except for the fact that multiple pairs of spider-like legs lined its sides. It flopped around for a while until it slowly died on the hook and the kid took the monstrous thing off the hook while Karma walked over and was about to clim the tree until the boy noticed him.

"Hey what's that weird thing, Who are you and where are we"

"Woah Woah Woah, that's a lot of questions in one sentence. First of all, That was the master of the swamp. My name is Gon and we're on Whale Island. What's your name?"

"Um okay! My name is Karma and I don't really know where I am since I just came here. Thanks for telling me!"

"Well Karma do you want to go to the town together, Im gonna get my aunt to sign my form so I can take the Hunter Exam"

"Hmm... I guess I don't have anything to do so sure, let's go!"

20 Minutes Later

"That's the master of the swamp!"

"It was Gon's dad who caught it last time, right?"

"Mito over here!"

"Aunt Mito, look I caught him just like I said I would, That means I can finally take the hunter exam right?"

Mito nodded with a sad expression on her face as Gon ran past her to celebrate

"Oh yeah, Karma you wanna come and celebrate with me"


They celebrated for a while but they stopped after a while and Gon asked Karma a question

"Karma where do you plan to sleep if you don't have anywhere to sleep, Aunt Mito might allow you to stay over till the Hunter Exam"

"I don't really have anywhere to sleep so I guess i'll take you up on your offer HeHe" Karma had a embarrassed expression on his face

"Aunt Mito, can my friend stay over till the hunter exam!"

"I guess he can but only till the hunter exam. What's his name?"

"It's Karma, lets go we get to have a sleepover! This is my first sleepover since there are almost no kids on whale island"

One week Later... he

"Finally I get to go to the Hunter Exam! Do you wanna come with me Karma since you don't have anywhere to go?"

"Sure! I don't have anything else to do"

Gon ran off to the ship after saying goodbye with Karma while Karma followed him to the ship

2 Hours after leaving the port a massive storm hit the ship with huge waves slamming into the ship

"Woah this feels so weird it must be a huge storm"

Karma and Gon were talking casually as most of the other people in the ship were being tossed around in the ship but soon the storm stopped and Gon started to take care of people while Karma sat aside and decided to rest. It turned out that One slept like a log and woke up a few hours later to the captain saying something.

"So it's only you three left, Welp tell me yer names

"Wait! I'm here too, Don't forget me just because I was sleeping. My name is Karma"

"Haha! Did you just wake up now? You started sleeping a few hours ago. Oh yeah, My name is Gon captain"

"Well I'm Leorio"

"My names Kurapika"

"Guess I was wrong there's 4 of ya, So why do you want to be a hunter?"

"Its none of your business, captain" Leorio responded

"Is that so?" "Yup you know it" Leorio said sarcastically

"Well my dads a hunter so I want to be one too" Gon said while Karma instantly said after him "I'm just following Gon since I don't have anything else to do"

"Hey kids you shouldn't tell him so easily" "I agree with Leorio, But my matter is extremely personal so I would prefer not to say"

"Hmm don't worry about the exam then since the both of you can get off my ship as soon as possible"


"Hmm so you still haven't noticed, The hunter exam has already begun. There are so many applicants that they use people like me to get rid of the extras so except for you four the rest of the applicants are considered failures. The decision of whether or not you go to the exams is my choice so put away your mistrust and answer the question" The captain responded with a lengthy speech

Then Kurapika answered first by saying "I am the sole survivor of the Kurta Clan. Four years ago my entire clan was murdered by the Phantom Troupe so I want to become a hunter to catch them"

"Oh! You want to become a black list hunter? The Phantom Troupe belongs to class A that means even the best hunters would hesitate before helping you. Your chasing after death for sure"

"I don't fear death. What I fear is that my anger will diminish over time" Kurapika stated his fear

"So you just want revenge? Why do you have to be a hunter to get revenge?"

"That is the stupidest question I have ever hear Leorio. If I don't become a hunter I won't have access to certain places, Information and Displacement. It's probably a detail your little neurons missed" "Pfft" Karma immediately laughed after hearing Kurapika insult Leorio

"Fine I guess I'll tell you why I want to become a hunter. It's for money!, with money I can have everything! A great house a classy car and the best booze"

"Unfortunately manners can't be bought Leorio"

"Tch! Follow me to the deck. I think it's time I spilled some "noble" blood of the Kurta Clan"

"Take back what you just said! Leorio!"

"It's Leorio-San to you!"

3 minutes later...



The wind was howling and the sea was slamming into the ship as Leorio and Kurapika faced off in the huge storm that appeared a few minutes ago

"Tell me your excuses and I'll pardon you, Leorio!"

"I have no intention of taking back what I said"

"Fine then let's fight!" Kurapika pulled out two swords and rushed towards Leorio as he pulled out a pocket knife but… just as they were about to reach each other the mast cracked! and part of the mast slammed into a crew mate on the deck flinging him off the ship!

Both of them immediately stopped fighting and went to grab the man but he was too far for them to reach until...


Gon flew past them and grabbed onto the man as they both grabbed his ankles and hauled him up. As they did they both started yelling at him because of how reckless he was until he responded by saying.

"Ok so maybe you're right but you still caught me didn't you?"

"Uh? yes"

Leorio and Kurapika looked at eachother and apologized instantly for their previous actions until the captain walked up and said.

"Ha!Ha!Ha! I'm in a good mood today! I've decided to take you all to the closest port there is from the testing site!" The captain laughed at their antics and told them this which Gon responded with

"But sir, What about your test?"

"Hu, Forget about all that wouldn't you rather me teach you about the ship?"
