
One Step All Is Ruined

This person though living for so long, was often stayed alone, his family abandoned him, his friends are more like his subordinate, and his one and only true friend, stabbed him in the back. Though as he dies, he did not feel anything other than a slight regret of unable to finish the series of books that he was currently reading. Other than that, he did not felt anything when his one and only friend killed him. so he closes his eyes as his soul left his body. He thought that he was dead, but when he opened his eyes, he found that he was alive. Other than his own name and knowing that he did die, he did not remember other details about his previous life.

Aniel_Clorwine · LGBT+
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35 Chs

Where is the peace (3)

It has already been almost a month since he woke up as Miran, he knew that he was given this body by the previous owner, and this precious life he will be using it with proper care and live a good life for the sake of the previous owner. The days that had passed was used to learn how to read and speak, write and also all other essential stuffs.

As the original owner was actually a genius, but due to that mental disability, he were unable to have a proper learning sessions, and was even cast away by his own family to this villa far from the main city.

And due to his original talent to be good, Miran were able to learn really fast and now thought not very able to write nicely and speak proper words.

As for learning etiquette and other things, Ryan and Shina suggested to Miran to put this on hold as they were worried that it might make Miran felt stressed. And Miran agreed to that and just focus on the few things first.

As for the main family that left him here, it seemed that that family is a part of the royal family, though it was just of the smaller branch and not on the direct line for the one to the throne. Though despite that, it was considered as a shameful things for one of their family member to be having such an illness, so despite how beautiful the child was, they left him at this far and hidden villa.

The original Miran had been living here with these two, and he himself does not seem to have any wants, when finally that day he finally wanted something so badly that he even prepared to trade in his own life for that one wish.

"Young master." Ryan who were accompanying Miran in the study room, called Miran because he noticed that Miran had stopped reading for quite awhile, and he also seemed to stare into spaces for a long time. Worried that he was back to before, he called to make sure.

"Ah, its nothing... I was just thinking about something." Miran shook his head and reached for the teacup and took a few sips of tea. Miran smiled a bit seeing Ryan heaved a relieved sigh, he understood that Ryan may be worried that his mental illness would come back so he needed to check on him more frequently.

"Young master, were you thinking about your family in the city?" Ryan pour a bit of tea into the tea cup once Miran have put it down, before concernedly asking that.

"Not really. I was just wonder how the city is, and it'd be nice if I can visit there for a day of two." Miran continued to flip the book as he read it. Since he came here, he felt as if he was at home despite only seeing these two, as the silence and the peaceful environment makes him feel calm and relaxed.

Ryan looked at the page that Miran stopped again, it was a page showing a big river with colourful boats and lights. It seemed to be a festival, and the way Miran staring at it is makes it looked like he really wanted to go there. Understanding that, Ryan smiled, and he excused himself and leave the study room for a short while.

"Here is it?" Miran spoke and the close the book. Yawning, he went to the bookshelf to put the book back at its place, "Alright, I understand." Nodding his head a bit, took another book and went to a hidden corner in the study room, where it was slightly dark. He sat there and open the book before leaning on the wall and close his eyes.

In the silence of the study room, the book pages flipped over slowly one by one despite Miran who seemed to be taking a nap.

It was almost an hour when Ryan finally came back, and when he saw that Miran were sleeping in such an uncomfortable position and even sitting on such cold floor, makes Ryan rushes over to lift him up and bring him to the sofa, covering him with a warm blanket.

The opened book were left alone as he was tending on Miran. Quietly the opened book close itself before remaining still. That however caused Ryan to turn around to look at that book, as he felt like there was someone there. Seeing that there are nothing there other than the book, he turn back to check on Miran before heaving a relieved sigh.

Although Ryan had send the news about Miran recovery to Miran family, there seemed to be no respond or any reply coming from that family, which is what he and Shina had expected. They had been taking care of Miran since he was 4 years old, and even came with him here when he was entering his fifth year.

Now it had been ten years since then, and they never heard any news or receive any visit from the family even after staying here for so long. So the two of them is as if Miran guardian, or like a parent for taking care of him, only that they called him young master to remind their selves about their status and the difference of status with Miran.

So they pooled their salary money and the monthly allowances for Miran, saving them to send Miran to a school to be an educated person even if his family has abandoned him.

And since Miran now posses the ability to learn like a normal person, they does not need to send him to a specialized school, as he was able to attend a normal school instead.

So seeing their young master now like this makes them feel glad and happy, and Ryan despite hearing from Miran himself that he was not Miran, just felt a slight worried and confused the few days after before he accepted it. While Shina was simply happy seeing that her young master is living properly.

Anyway about the school and stuffs, they will send him there only if Miran himself wanted, else they will just be living here like usual up until they were old, they will stay there with Miran as long as Miran himself want it. For now they will be going to the festival by the big river, and as the time is just nice, with the festival will be in three days at their nearest town, it would be a good one to go bring the young master for a walk.