
Truth that untold

Boy: you know what hurts the most?

Girl: w-what?

Boy: to be left by the girl who promised to stay by my side

Girl: I'm sorry....

Boy: you don't have to be. Because when you left me, I realised many things.

Girl: how are you? are you happy now?

Boy: yes I am happy again. And this happiness is different.

Girl: t-that's good....

Boy: by the way, thanks for leaving me. Because of that, I met my beautiful fiance. And now, we are about to get wed. You can come if you want.

Girl:I-I will try t-to come b-but I'm not sure...

Boy: oh....then please do try. I'll get going then?


After the boy left the restaurant, the girl finally passed out. She's just waiting, holding for a bit time. even for a short time, she hoped to see the man again so after talking to that certain man, she's finally satisfied. She can now rest in peace.

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