
one shot 。^‿^。

Steven was a successful CEO of his own company, but his life was missing something. He was an alpha, and he had always wanted to find his true mate.

One day, while attending an event, he saw a beautiful omega across the room. Steven was instantly attracted to the omega and he couldn't take his eyes off him.

But as he got closer, he noticed that the omega was very pale and seemed to be in a lot of pain. He quickly realized that the omega was very sick.

He went up to the omega, introduced himself, and asked if he could help. The omega's name was David, and he had been diagnosed with a rare and fatal illness.

Steven was determined to do whatever he could to help David, so he invited him to come and stay at his home. They quickly fell in love, and Steven vowed to do everything he could to make David's life as comfortable and happy as possible.

He worked day and night to find a cure for David's illness, and eventually he was successful. David was cured, and they were able to live happily ever after.

Their love story was an inspiration to all who heard it, and it was a reminder of how love can truly conquer all.

hey guys,I just want to write a one shot stories ´・ᴗ・`

DO_NOTHINGcreators' thoughts