

"The Legendary MaMor: Malkiel & Maurea"

Tears began to brimmed my eyes as I read the caption on the photo taken a year ago in the Island of Palawan in the Philippines where Maurea and I took a week of vacation. In the picture can be seen a beautiful Maurea smiling sweetly at the man in front of her who was gently messing her hair. The photo was in fact photograpped by one of the tourists on the island who happen to witness our extraordinary brother and sister bonding. She gave the photo because she was fond of us. I guess she was smitten by how close Maurea and I were.

The picture was perfect if I must say. A lot of people mistakenly address Mor and I a couple because of how close we were but we only laughed at them. Both she and I knew that our bond was more than just a couple's love. It was even more than an ordinary bond a normal sibling could ever have. It was indeed incomparable.

"I'm getting late! I'm getting late!"

Maurea's voice echoed along the entire place followed by a pair of rushing footsteps. Few minutes later, she appeared with a sandwich between her mouth and a pack of milk within her hands. She was running quickly towards the door while munching on her food. She even almost get trip because of too much haste.

"Hey be careful..." I said as I put down the photo on the shelf which created a very small sound, almost unnoticeable. "Didn't I usually tell you not to...-"

My words were cut midway when I noticed her froze a little. She was standing beside the door, holding its knob while staring at my direction. Her face was in a mixture of amazement, confusion and….fright?

But why?

"Uh-oh…" I blurted when realization hits me. "I almost forgot."

I stared back at Mor but her eyes were now fixed on the photo I was staring at just a moment ago. A sincere smile formed her lips afterwards.

"I know." She said. "Don't worry, I'll be careful next time, I promise."

I smiled at her.

"I'm just in a little rush that's why I almost trip. I'm sorry about it."

"Nah, just be more careful next time." I said while patting her head lightly.

Mor smiled. Then head to the door once again.

"I have to go now, Mal. I'll see you later, I promise." She even waved at me before dashing off to the street.

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