
Amazon Lily

---- Flashback

Amazon Lily! Arena!

A teenager with a straw hat could be seen fighting two large snake-women in the arena filled with only women in the audience.

"Kill that man!" Someone in the audience yelled while throwing their hands into the air full of excitement.

On the highest point of the arena, a throne could be seen where a beautiful very tall and slender woman with long black hair that extended past her waist with locks of hair that frame her face down to her chin and shows off her high forehead, dark brown eyes with long, voluminous eyelashes and pale skin.

This woman was the Pirate Empress" Boa Hancock." Also captain of the Kuja Pirates and the only female member of the seven warlords of the sea!

She was currently enjoying the show before her. After defeating everyone and getting them the respect of the tribe they decided to hold a bouquet for him.

---- Flashback ends.

It looked as if Luffy had already been accepted by the tribe as he was currently enjoying himself in a huge banquet.

"Serpent Empress! A ship is moving slowly towards our island!" A woman could be seen running towards Boa Hancock while reporting.

"What!" Hancock immediately stood up as she told her two snake sister at the dinner table to follow her.

An old woman could be seen walking behind them. The teenager with the Strawhat also followed them towards the docks.

A pirate ship with a big Z on the jolly roger could be spotted moving closer and closer towards the island.

"That's the notorious Z pirates! I've read about them in the news recently, their captain should be worth 1.5 billion berries and he is hailed as the rookie emperor. " The old woman suddenly said after thinking for a bit.

"Z pirates? 1.5 billion berries?" Hancock seemed confused, she didn't read the newspaper so she didn't have a lot of information about pirates and their crews. But she did know what it meant to have a bounty of over 1 billion! That obviously meant that the crew was pretty dangerous.

When the teenager with the straw hat heard what was said his eyes shone.

One of the seven warlords actually separated his whole crew back in Sabaody Archipelago after Rayleigh told them to escape. He landed here In Amazon Lily while he didn't have any news about his crew members. The teenager was Monkey D. Luffy of course.

"Is he here for me?" Luffy thought as he looked at the pirate ship coming closer and closer.

When the ship was in front of Hancock and company a man could be seen jumping down from the ship.

"Hello." Mark said in a calm voice.

"What the hell are you doing on my Island!?" Hancock said aggressively while pointing her hand towards Mark.

"I need to borrow a place on this island for an exchange between my crew and the marines." Mark immediately stated his reason for being on the island without hiding anything.

"Hello, Luffy!" Mark said as he spotted Luffy standing behind Hancock.

"Where is that guy you took back in Sabaody Archipelago?" Luffy said in challenging voice.

"Sleeping!" Mark said as he grinned.

"If you don't bring him here right now, I will beat your ass!" Luffy said as he prepared himself to enter gear second.

"You are pretty reckless!" Mark said as he looked towards Luffy with mischievous eyes.

"Gear second!" Luffy yelled as steam began to rise from his body.

Luffy appeared in front of Mark in the of a second and he punched towards his stomach.

"He never learns." Mark said as he stood still without making a move, he covered his stomach in Busoshoku Haki.

Luffy's punch connected but unfortunately, he was the who got sent flying back.

Mark tried to grab towards Luffy but stopped his actions when he heard a cold voice enter his ears.

"What makes you think you can do whatever you want here!?" Hancock said in a cold voice.

"It's either that or we start an unnecessary war between us." Mark said as he shook his head.

"You think we are afraid of you! When this empress wants you gone you better scram!" Hancock said aggressively.

"Really now? Why would I scram? Just because you say so?" Mark said as he looked confusedly at Hancock.

Hancock pointed her finger towards Mark as she tilted her head backward in pure arrogance.

"Because I'm beautiful" Hancock said in an arrogant and narcissistic manner.

Mark immediately found himself speechless. Was this for real? I only thought it was a joke In the canon, no one is this narcissistic in real life right?

The old woman standing in the background shook her.

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Enjoy! Cheers XD

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