
It's April and spring is here.

A third girl peeked her head out from behind the two. She had clown makeup on and a silly smile. Her short aquamarine hair ended at her shoulders and she had brown eyes. She was wearing a hat with little bells on it that rang everytime she moved her head.

"H-hello." She said nervously. "I'm April. I've never met a real clown before, but clowns are my idols!"

Buggy was stunned into silence. His brain had clearly stopped working.

Shanks laughed and hopped back inside as he smacked Buggy on the back. "Come on in. It's time to party!"

The girls happily entered the room and shut the door behind them. Alex smiled and grabbed a bottle while everyone else grabbed a drink.

Sarah giggled. "Aren't you making this too easy for me? Or maybe you finally accepted becoming mine?"

Shanks laughed. "Don't underestimate this guy, he's a monster. He almost kept up with captain one time."

Buggy nearly jumped out of his clothes. "WHAT?! Seriously? Is he even human?!"

Alex laughed as he finished the bottle. "Ahahaha! Still tastes like shit!"

Shanks joined in on his laughter. "Right!"

Buggy started sipping his drink, trying to act cool and pretend he liked it.

Sarah hummed. "So who is this captain guy?"

Shanks laughed. "Of course, he's our captain."

The girls were shocked. "Like a pirate captain? You guys are pirates?"

Alex laughed. "Well, technically we used to be."

He took a long paused before sadly sighing. "Actually… we… what happened was, me and Shanks. We were orphans in a war torn country. After one battle, a group of pirates found us. We both ended up being shot. Shanks was only grazed but I was shot in the stomach. After wandering doctor saved my life a group of pirates who destroyed the island found us… and we were kidnapped, right in front of a marine." Alex paused as tears welled up. He lifted his shirt and revealed his scar. "I still have the proof of being shot." He sighed before continuing his story. "Later on as the pirates who kidnapped us got into a scuffle with the marines, Shanks and I snuck off onto the ship, that's how we ended up here." Alex sniffled. "I mean, we're only thirteen years old! Why would they even want us on their ship? I can only assume it was for… no. I don't even want to say it out loud."

Alex finished his backstory and the girls looked at them with horrified looks.

One person burst into tears. "Shanksss! Alexxx! Why didn't you tell me?! That must have been so hard!" Buggy cried as he hugged the two.

Shanks nodded. "Everything he said is true. That is how we became pirates."

Alex sighed. "That was only two months ago. I can't believe we are now marines."

Shanks nodded. "It's like this isn't reality. I never thought I would leave that ship."

Maya started crying. "My poor darling! Don't worry! Your princess is here now!"

Shanks nodded. "Thank you."

Alex looked at Sarah sheepishly. "Can I have another drink? Talking about this topic… brings up a lot of emotions."

Sarah nodded and handed him another bottle. Alex started drinking it before handing it to Sarah. "Here, cheers."

She nodded and Alex poured the bottle down her throat, giving her nearly half the bottle.

Alex swished the drink around before finishing it and grabbing another.

Within an hour, Sarah and Maya were both sleeping on the floor.

Alex looked at the four people remaining in the room. He looked over to April who was sitting next to Buggy. "Are you good friends with them?"

April shyly shook her head. "I-I only just met them."

Alex smiled. "Can you keep a secret?"

April looked nervous. "I-i think so."

Alex whispered to her. "Buggy really likes girls who can keep secrets."

April immediately nodded. "I-I can keep a secret!"

Alex then looked at Shanks and the two erupted into neverending fits of laughter.


Alex wiped a tear from his eye and coressed Shanks's cheek. "You poor thing, you're princess is here now!"

Shanks fell over backwards laughing. He got up while still gasping for air and mimicked Alex. "I don't even want to assume what horrendous thing they may have taken us for."

Shanks started laughing. "Is that how you thank your Pops for everything he did?"

Alex started slapping his knee. He was gasping for air with every breath he took. "Did you see their faces?? Buggy even cried! AHAHAHAHA!"

Alex took a swig from his bottle.

"U-um. What's going on?" April asked.

It took Alex and Shanks another minute of laughing before they were able to probably speak again.

Shanks let out a deep breath. "I'll tell you the real story. What happened was…"

Shanks explained what actually happened.

By the end, Buggy was seething. "Give me back my tears! I felt bad for you guys! And it was all a lie! You scum! The marines here are right, all pirates are scum!"

Buggy jumped at Shanks like he was gonna thrash him.

"Pfft. Hehehehe! That's so funny!" April laughed.

Buggy froze and huffed. He gave Alex and Shanks a side eye while mumbling. "Well, I guess it was a little funny."

He turned around and sat back down beside April.

Alex and Shanks looked at each other and raised their eyebrows before giggling. Alex grabbed the sword he found on the pirate ship.

He saw Buggy's arm hovering behind April and he used the sheath to poke his arm forward so Buggy's arm wrapped around April and drew her in.

She smiled and scooted closer to Buggy, leaning her head on his shoulder as Buggy's face panicked. He got ready to curse at Alex but stopped when he noticed that April didn't push him away.

Alex and Shanks bit their lips to hold back laughs, not wanting to embarrass the two.

Alex stood up and stretched. "Welp, I gotta piss. Plus, I think we should bring these two to their rooms."

Shanks got up and nodded. "Yeah, I think I need some fresh air too. What do you say we go out for a while?"

Alex smiled as he picked up Sarah with one hand. "My thoughts exactly." The two made it to the doorway and waved goodbye. "We'll be back in a few hours. See you guys."

Buggy's eyes were panicking and he looked betrayed that the two were leaving him alone.

Alex held back his laughter and slowly shut the door. Out of the corner of his eye as the door was nearly fully closed he saw April pull Buggy down into the bed with her.

Alex smiled.

Looks like spring came early for Buggy. Who would have thought Buggy was the first perosn to have romance in this fanfic? I ceratinly didn't.

Smol_frogcreators' thoughts
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