
Unnamed Island

Three days went by in a flash, and off in the distance was an island. An unnamed island, but Wolf could still see ships anchored. There were three ships, all of which were smaller than the one he owned and all of them hosted pirate crews. The giveaway was their jolly roger, which Wolf was meaning to obtain.

"How many do you think are there?"

Kuro asked Wolf as he pushed up his glasses.

"Hard to tell from here, should not be anything we cannot handle. It'll be good to see the others in action."

"I'll be interesting to see what he has planned. Not sure why you haven't taken care of him yet, especially with that bold statement of his when he first came to us."

Kuro told Wolf as he was talking about Buggy. The man that seemed to be plotting something or at least waiting for something bad to occur.

Wolf gazed back observing how Buggy interacted with the others.

"He doesn't mean any harm, let's just see how it goes. If it gets bad, I'll take care of it."

Wolf said.

Turning, Wolf looked over his crew then thought back to his old friends. The two that wanted to be pirates, famous ones at that. They were already living their life, if he wanted to catch them or even surpass them he had to start somewhere.

"Get ready, we'll reach the island soon. Whatever is buried here must be worth it for there to be more pirates here."

Wolf glanced at Buggy.

"As Red nose once told me, there are three types of people in this world. The strong, the brave, and the cowardly. The only two that survive are either the strong or cowardly, and if we want to survive, if we want to conquer the Grand Line, we have to be strong. Stronger than all those that set out before us, strong enough that our names leave everyone in awe."

The faint image of Gold Roger emerged in his head. The legendary pirate king, the one who set everything into motion. Wolf wanted his name to resound throughout the sea just like his did, so that everyone would know his name.

The crew members shouted in excitement, all of them agreeing with Wolf's statement.

The island was mostly full of sand, except for the few rocks and trees that they could make out. With the sun high in the sky and its heat beating down on them, Wolf figured that they would tire fast if they did not have a source of water. He made a motion with his hand causing a wooden barrel to disappear.

This little trick of his mesmerized the others, and even Buggy was shocked by this sight. He's seen many devil fruit users in his lifetime, but never one with this ability. It did not seem that useful in his eyes, but that could easily change.

Landing on the unnamed island, Wolf scanned the area. He reached into his robe to pull out the treasure map that Buggy originally had. The X was showing a cave, which was a distance away from where they were.

"We need to head north."

Wolf told them as he looked at the map once more before he headed in the direction that led towards the cave.

Behind him, Wolf could hear the words of his crew. All wondering what kind of treasure was buried here, when they would get a chance to actually fight, and wondering what sort of ability Wolf had.

His ears twitched as he heard the sound of metal on metal. He was not the only one to notice, as his crewmates readied their weapons. A loud bang vibrated through their ears as a gun was shot.

A person was thrown back, landing right in front of Wolf. The man was bloodied and unconscious.

Twenty men wearing white and blue navy uniforms stepped out from the trees. Swords and guns at the ready, with a man wearing an eye patch leading them.

"What are the marines doing here?"

"More pirates coming for treasure?"

The man with the eye patch asked as a grin formed across his face.

"Marines on an unnamed island, you didn't come here to hunt down pirates. Doubt you are in that much of a rush to make rank, so what brings you here?"

Wolf questioned the man, as he paid no attention to the bloodied man in front of him.

"This place should not have any marine presence! Captain Lou's treasure was not known by many."

Buggy stated.

The marine with the black eye patch laughed.

"That's what's wrong with wannabe pirates these days. Always chasing after the wealth of another, give them a little bait and a few will surely bite. Enough talking, marines! Fire!"

Pointing towards Wolf's crew, the marine shouted urging his comrades to shoot the lowly pirates down.

The rifles in the marine's hands took aim at Wolf's crew. A lot of the men that joined wolf were nervous and focused on their captain. Fighting in combat was not what scared them, but guns were a different story. It was impossible to dodge a bullet, let alone ten.

Wolf stood in front of them all with a grin on his face.

"Are you insane, why are you just standing there?"

Buggy screamed as he grabbed on to Wolf's shoulder.

Kuro pushed up his glasses and took his place beside Wolf.

"What's there to fear? We don't run."

As Wolf said that, he couldn't help but reminisce about that one time he did run, leaving behind his friends. Never again would he run away.

"There are three types of people in this world right?"

Wolf asked.

Buggy saw the confidence in Wolf's eyes.

"What are we?"

Wolf asked his crew.

"The strong!"

They shouted in unison.

As if on cue, the marine's rifles fired. All ten bullets were sure to find a target, the eye patch'd man was sure of that. It would kill their morale in an instant, leaving them shaking in fear. They would realize the might of the marines.

Ten small portals appeared in the air, causing the ten bullets to vanish long before they reached Wolf's crew.


As Wolf shouted, ten small portals emerged behind the marines. Bullets shot out from the portals, and with it they heavily injured those who were hit.

His crew saw their captains heavenly power, and with it emerged newfound confidence. They charged at the marines recklessly.

"Devil fruit user..."

The eye patched marine was shocked beyond belief. He's only heard stories of them but never encounter one before.

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