
A feeling

Alvida sat on a wooden stool as she looked up at Wolf. Next to him was Kuro who seemed to be eyeing Alvida trying to figure out her worth.

There were many things she wanted to know, but the one that came out of her mouth was the one she needed answered.

"What am I doing here?"

Wolf sliced the apple he was holding and put the apple slice into his mouth.

"I wonder…"

Wolf said without actually answering her.

His reply drew Kuro's gaze, as he was also curious why Wolf wanted this young girl. In his eyes, she did not seem like much. Maybe Wolf saw something in her that he did not. But, Kuro was pretty decent at reading people.

"Where are your parents? You spoke of your mother, is she here?"

Alvida shook her head.

"She died years ago, that is why I was living with my grandma. Why?"

Wolf sighed.

"And your grandmother?"

"Dead, Arlong told you that did he not?"

Wolf raised his eyebrow. He was not expecting her grandmother to be the same woman he was searching for.

It was odd that the two people who would know anything about Angel were both dead. The only one left alive was Alvida who seemed to know nothing. Still, it was Angel he was thinking of here. Wolf knew how it was to be an orphan at a young age, he did not want Alvida to go through the same thing.

He always regretted running away that day years ago leaving Angel and Ross. Wolf felt guilty, but he could not change the past. What he could do was create a better future for Angel's sister. Even if the man himself did not know of her. It was the least he could do.

"I understand. To be honest, i'm friends with your brother. It was why I came here. I just expected his mother to be alive, but it turns out you're the last relative left of his."

Alvida looked a bit down upon hearing that. She pictured the brother she never met to have a better life than her, but turns out that was not the case. His father died, and he was alone. He did not know his mother or their grandmother.

At least she had the memories of them and knew the joy of having a family that loved her.

"Is he alright?"

Alvida asked curiously.

Wolf shrugged.

"I can't say for sure. He's living out his dream. Something he wanted since he was a child."

"What is it?"

"Being a pirate."

Wolf told her.

"A pirate?"

Wolf nodded at her question.

"Do you want to meet him? I'm sure you have a lot to ask him, and him you. Although neither of you know one another, you're still family."

Alvida thought this over for a second. Could she get along with her brother? Would he accept her? She had no clue, but it did not mean she could not try.

She nodded her head. He was the only one left who she could call family. Naturally she was curious and wanted to meet him. Who wouldn't?

"Good. I'll put you under Kuro. How old are you by the way?"

Wolf asked.


Wolf nodded.

"Alright, go find the man with the big red nose. He'll help you move your stuff."

Alvida nodded then left leaving Kuro and Wolf alone in the room.

Wolf sliced his apple once more before he turned his attention towards Kuro.

"There's something I want to ask you. How do you think we should organize ourselves?"

Kuro pushed up his glasses before he responded.

"Depending on how large we grow, things can change. For now, we are still small but there can be many bumps on the road. I like the idea of us having team leaders who are in charge of others, going forward we should continue doing so. Eventually we can expand it to where that team leader has people under them that are in charge of delivering orders to others under them."

Kuro explained.

"I was thinking the same. We should also have a merit system of some kind. The more you work, the better you're rewarded. We can have it team based or individual. This should make it easier when diving up the spoils of war. Except devil fruits, those will belong to whoever finds one, or to whom can benefit the most from it."

Wolf added on to what Kuro was already talking about.

Kuro was silent for a second before he agreed to this idea.

"Very well. We should catalog all the devil fruits we come across as well as their abilities. However, the government has their own book that has this information. It will be easier if we obtain one of theirs."

Kuro said.

Wolf did not ask how Kuro knew that, because he already knew that Kuro traveled a lot in the past. It would not have been odd for him to come across knowledge of the world government having a catalog of devil fruits.

"Also, what is the real reason you are bringing her along? You aren't one to show kindness to others for no reason."

Kuro asked.

Wolf smirked.

"Let's just say I'm repaying a debt. Just make sure to take care of her. I don't want her to die."

"So, you want her to stay held up on the ship?"

Kuro asked.

Wolf shook his head.

"No. She can fight, cook, or do whatever she sees fit. However, if she does want to fight I want you to teach her. That way I don't have to worry about her that much."

"I understand."

"Also, before you go, do all marine bases have those books?"

Wolf asked before Kuro left.

Kuro shrugged.

"I'm not sure of this, I know the headquarters will have one. But, they are also guarded. For you, it should not be a problem to sneak in and out. But, if we want to fight our way in, that's another story."

Wolf understood that last part. His crew was relatively weak right now. That would change in the future. The more fights they got into and survived. The more treasure and equipment they found. The more they fought alongside one another. All of this would improve their strength over time.

"Then we better keep moving and looking for more opportunities."

"I told you before, but there is not much to this place. You'd find stronger opponents and treasure in the other seas."

Wolf smiled.

"In time. There's something here, I can feel it."

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