Everyone knows the story and adventures of the Straw Hat Crew, from Luffy’s first battle with Axe-Hand Morgan, to his journey through the East Blue and all the way to Raftel, making new friends and enemies along the way. However reality wasn’t as stable as it looked out to be, Unexplainable changes were occurring throughout history changing the course of the universe forever. Its up to one brave time patroller to fix these changes and to take down the cause of them. This isn’t the Story of Monkey D. Luffy, but the story of the Remnant, Lion D. Silver.
Chapter 1: Enter The Xenoverse...
–Chasm of Time–
Time is very fragile, every moment from the millisecond that the universe from created, all the way to the end of creation, has been accounted for by the creator.
They say that the universe was created because of the big bang that set off the creation of everything and put forth the evolution of all life.
However, the truth is that, from the moment that bang was thought of by the creator and the universe was designed in seven days, was the moment that history had started its course.
From the birth of the first star, to the creation of the first black hole, the first planet and the first form of intelligent life, everything has been recorded and secured as the fabric of reality and time continues to flow untamed and unmanaged.
Every Universe has its own flow and direction in which it follows to ensure that time and history would always repeat itself. Just as millions of years of evolution had brought upon the birth of humans, who's to say that another million wouldn't bring about the birth of another race, one just as intellectual and just as imperfect as humans.
Another thing is that the history of everything is given a certain level of importance as one thing cannot happen without something else first happening, for example humans couldn't have evolved from apes if the apes didn't learn how to utilize their strength and numbers to overcome the reality of not being the only predators on earth otherwise they would have been wiped out without finding their strengths and weaknesses and learning from them even with what little intelligence they had.
Humans wouldn't have been able to grow and find fault in everything if they first didn't learn from their ancestors and evolved to build sanctuaries and skyscrapers. Unfortunately, with evolution comes an higher level of understanding of ones surroundings and their own existence and sometimes evolution can create things that could ultimately lead to the destruction of everything.
Because with evolution, not only did humans gain sentience but they also grew to know what emotions and personal gain were, with their greed overcoming their self preservation and laying waste to those who stand against them or speak out about it.
Countless times they had waged wars, numerous times they had shed blood, and built insurmountable towers of bodies of people from the same race as them, all for what?
Just Because They Could?
Life is just as imperfect as humans make it out to be, they find faults with one thing and then try to find the perfection in something else. Like how people say they dislike something but haven't tried to give it a go in the first place, so their left with that feeling of wanting to try it out but their stubbornness and ego wouldn't allow for them to change their mind, at least not right away.
Just like how history has its own key events and historical figures and information, people too have their own history that they would either tell others about for a job or just to get to know each other or even to show off because they feel pressured or feel like they have to.
Every piece of history has its own story that's either been uncovered or hidden from the masses. Humans also have their own individual stories making them essentially the protagonist of their own story and their own timeline in which things occur to make them decide on choices in order to get what's best for them and rarely do they think about consequences if it can help them out immediately.
As another fault is their impatience, because no matter how 'patient' one person is, everyone has a limit so they try to work on that limit but forget that the existence of human 'Pride' and 'Ego' also play a part in how patient one can be.
All of existence was made to help life to bloom and take a step into spreading throughout the cosmos so that an endless cycle of life and death can continues for eternity.
This Chasm represents all the different stories that have been told as well as the stories waiting to unfold. Just as time continues to flow endlessly, new stories are birthed and given form when time wishes for another existence to be made and to accompany it to the end of everything.
One such story is the story of a boy carrying a straw hat and going on countless adventures with his family of rambunctious friends.
From the boys first cry since his birth, to his last words before he embraced the one thing that will consume everything, death. His life had been recorded into history both figuratively and literally as stories of his exploits and adventures would continue to grace the earth for decades just like his spiritual ancestor that set forth his journey.
From the first time he ate a mysterious fruit up until the moment he gained full mastery of its, just as mysterious, powers and abilities that helped in achieving his dream and in helping to keep his friends safe, as he became their sword and shield should they ever had the need to call out for his strength.
However, just as every story needs it own hero, it also needs an equally unsettling antagonist that would make the heroes existence hell. Making their lives hell by altering the timeline and forcing our heroes to take on more hardships and to endure more pain and sorrow than what was originally intended for them.
A new timeline and series of events was about to take place, events that would change the fates of everyone caught in the crossfire and they would start with these three words…
"History is changing"
Thankfully a new light will shine and guide the timeline back onto its intended course...
A light By the name of...
Lions D. Silver...