
One Piece World-Only I Know The PLOT!

Rifan, chosen as a 'Reincarnator' of the Earth by the Copy Space, sets off on an adventure toward becoming stronger in a world about which only he knows the plot. Advanced Chapters on my (P)(a)(t)(r)(e)(o)(n).com/LazySeeker. Ongoing Project(s): One Piece Golden List __Latest chapter 1000 Danmachi: 100+ chapters Ps: Ccto to the book cover's owner...

Novelette_Seeker · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 244: The Opportunity to Strengthen the Entire Kuja Snakes! 

[Green Pheasant Audience: What? Is this beautiful tall woman Marigold, the one who was overweight before?]

[I'm wondering earlier why this woman is following Hancock and Sandersonia so she is Marigold?! She did mention that Brother Rifan used his ability to reduce her fat, right?]

[Amazing, the Munch-Munch Fruit still has this effect? Great news for weight loss enthusiasts!]

[Eagle Audience: It's not just good news for weight loss enthusiasts, but also for fitness enthusiasts. Look at Marigold's toned arms, abdominal muscles, and vest line; it's perfect!]

[Chollima Audience: I suddenly wish Rifan could swallow me up.]

[Goat Audience: If I could get to know Rifan, I wouldn't have to worry about gaining weight and looking unattractive, even if I indulged in high-fat foods. It's a shame Rifan already has a great woman by his side; otherwise, I would pursue him.]

[Farewell, big girl upstairs, leave Brother Rifan to us to digest... Although I want to say this, the copy space actually mentioned that the captain reincarnator can bring the crew back to the real world. I think Brother Rifan doesn't fancy ordinary women like us anymore.]

[Please, you're not an ordinary woman. I recognize your ID; you're the female star who has been quite popular recently.]

[You were even more popular than me last year.]

[Well, popularity is one thing, but we still can't compare to those around Rifan.]

[Eagle Audience: If it were me, I wouldn't mind how many women are around Rifan. The world has changed; it's a world where the strong rules. Since Rifan is the strong one, what's wrong with having more women? If Rifan likes me, I'd even work as his waitress.]

[Chollima Audience: Is this... the popular actress from Hollywood's superhero movie in 20? Wow, Rifan has attracted both domestic and foreign actresses.]

[Foreign stars... Perhaps you're right; we stars need to change our perspective.]

[Eagle Audience: The Eagle star upstairs, even though I'm a big fan of yours, wanting to be a woman for Rifan? Even if you're seeking refuge, you should seek refuge with Ethan.]

[Eagle Audience: I'm free, and I believe I should have the right to follow my own thoughts.]

[Hollywood star upstairs, I'm a fan of yours, but let's face it, Ethan or whoever might not survive and could get killed by Rifan. So, relying on Ethan? Heh, LOL.]

The live broadcast room went black when Rifan helped Marigold shed her body fat. The Blue Star audience had no idea that Marigold had transformed into a tall, slender, and beautiful woman. Meanwhile, in the aisle of the Black Pearl's cabin, Rifan didn't speak to Marigold, so it was understandable that the Blue Star audience couldn't recognize her.

Now, people were finally recognizing the brand-new Marigold. Simultaneously, they had a new appreciation for the power of the Munch-Munch Fruit.

Just like the Blue Star audience, Leigh looked at Rifan in amazement. "I never expected you to have such a backstory."

"Rifan, when we return home, if you're willing to open a beauty salon, there'll be many takers," Leigh suggested.

The Blue Star audience agreed, eagerly anticipating Rifan opening a beauty salon.

However, Rifan had different thoughts. "If we go back home, you and I might have to deal with the monsters from our homeland. Forget about opening a beauty salon. If you have friends with weight-related issues, they can come to me. I'll charge them less."

"You still charge them?" Leigh asked.

"Of course, there has to be some payment."

"Alright, you're right. But would you be willing to sell that gift you mentioned earlier?"

"Well, it depends on the people you introduce, Leigh. If I like them, I might sell them."

"Thank you so much. I assume this item is quite expensive."

"It's alright; since they are your friends, I'm willing to offer a discount, so you might just afford it."

Rifan and Leigh conversed back and forth, their interactions smooth and pleasant. Perhaps it was because they were both members of Panda's reincarnator group, but they got along remarkably well, their smiles growing warmer with each exchange.

Hancock watched this scene, feeling oddly discontented, envious of Leigh, and wishing she were the one speaking to Rifan.

"...Oh, by the way, I haven't answered Miss Marigold's question," Leigh suddenly remembered and turned to Marigold. "Sorry, Miss Marigold, I almost forgot. Yes, my body has become stronger, especially the Armament Haki you taught me to practise. It's gotten stronger due to my improved physical fitness." Leigh demonstrated by forming a jet-black Armament Haki on his right palm. "Impressive, isn't it?"

Marigold blinked, captivated by the display. "Is it really possible to manifest Armament Haki to this extent? It's truly amazing."

"What do you think, Marigold, Sandersonia and Hancock? For the sake of our alliance, or even without one, if you allow it, I can share some of the gifts Rifan gave me earlier."

Rifan continued, "For Leigh's sake, and because of my admiration for you, even if you haven't agreed to an alliance with me, I can provide you with the same gifts I gave Leigh first."

"You'd give us gifts that make Leigh stronger?" Marigold asked in disbelief.

"Rifan, is this for real?" Hancock inquired, clearly moved.

On the other hand, Marigold couldn't contain her excitement and, almost impulsively, squeezed Rifan's shoulder. 

Realizing her actions weren't entirely appropriate, she quickly let go and awkwardly added, "Of course, I mean...thank you."

Rifan responded, "Absolutely. After all, I think we might become a family in the future. However, you three, especially Hancock, are already quite strong. This 'gift' of mine might not offer you much help. On the other hand, other members of the Nine Snake Pirates can gain greater power from it. As for the Amazon Lily behind you...when we truly become a family, I'll distribute these gifts to them as well. I've heard that everyone in your country is skilled in combat, even those who haven't joined the Kuja Pirates have impressive fighting abilities. I assume most of them can utilize this gift. Nevertheless, I'll wait to confirm their suitability before giving it to them, as it can be quite harmful to those whose strength doesn't meet the required standard."

Rifan explained.

Let the Kuja Pirates become stronger first. In this way, even the fighters of the Nine Snake Pirates will be more willing to accept becoming affiliated pirates of the Black Pearl Pirates. Rifan believes that, apart from Hancock, the other members of the Kuja Pirates are more likely to accept Rifan's invitation. After all, the World Government recruited them as Shichibukai by merely offering them certain privileges. But Rifan can genuinely enhance their strength. In this way, the Amazon Lily will truly become a formidable nation.

Hancock, Marigold, and Sandersonia observed Leigh's progress, thinking about how the Kuja Pirates and the entire Amazon Lily could attract reinforcements. Their eyes sparkled with anticipation as they looked at Rifan.

"Hancock, I'll let Nojiko deliver the gifts," Rifan explained. "You can take them back for use by the Nine Snake Pirates. As you've seen with Leigh, using this 'gift' may cause some initial discomfort. The weaker one's strength, the more they'll be strengthened, but also the more they'll suffer. Someone as strong as you, Hancock, won't feel much pain, and, of course, you won't receive as much strengthening."

Rifan turned to Nojiko, who nodded in understanding. She goes to the counter and retrieves a box of G Virus Strengthening Potion, then she addresses Hancock, "Three of you, please take me to your ship. Without your instruction, I doubt the Kuja Pirates would willingly use this 'gift'."

Hancock hesitated, then asked Rifan, "What about you, Rifan? What are your plans during this time?"

Rifan grinned, "Well, Leigh and I haven't seen each other in a while. I'd like to discuss some matters from my homeland."

"Your homeland? Can I join in the conversation? Since the 'gift' isn't very useful to me, there's no rush for me to use it," Hancock inquired.

Rifan hesitated for a moment and then replied, "I'm sorry, Hancock, but I'd rather not discuss my homeland with outsiders."

The word "outsiders" from Rifan made Hancock's heart tense inexplicably. She placed her hand over her chest and glanced at Leigh, who smiled somewhat awkwardly.

"Miss Hancock, please take me to your ship first. If there's anything else you'd like to discuss with Captain Rifan later, you can have a proper conversation afterward," Nojiko suggested kindly.

Hancock reluctantly complied. As she left the room, her inner reluctance became more apparent. 

"What's going on with Snake-hime?" Leigh wondered aloud. "Why does she seem so unwilling for us to be alone? Is she envious?"

"Who knows." Rifan shrugged. Although he knew the reason, he didn't plan to say it in front of many watching. 


Hancock walked out of the room in a daze and instinctively headed towards the outside of the Black Pearl's cabin. Nojiko watched her departure, with a teasing smile on her face. 

Nojiko, having experienced similar feelings, understood what Hancock might be going through. She thought to herself, "Captain Rifan, you truly are a man who can capture every woman's attention."

"Thankfully, I can become her," Nojiko continued to herself, "so even if the world's most beautiful woman joins later on, my burden will be lighter."

With a shake of her head, Nojiko smiled meaningfully at Hancock as Marigold and Sandersonia exited the room. She then left, locking the door behind her with a 'click,' leaving Rifan and Leigh in a secure room inaccessible to outsiders through conventional means.

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