
One Piece: Wish Fulfillment System

Cedric Ranvil who is just visiting the house of his relatives got killed. He wasn't expecting some Eldritch Horrors to exist within the main Ranvil Family. He was born on another world with the purpose of fulfilling the wishes of various people.

Asthoglho · Anime & Comics
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22 Chs



-Gecko Islands, Syrup Village.

3rd POV*

[Ding! Major character detected! Rewards will be proportional!]

[Ding! You gained a 'Health Potion'!]

[Ding! You gained, 'Ship Restoration Talent'!]

Cedric stopped for a while thinking of what is the use of those things, they seemed like useless for him. 'System, explain'

[Ding! 'Health Potion'- a potion that has the capability to heal any kind of wounds, ailments, curse, or sickness. It can also return the user to their top state, returning their health and energy to normal state. Even dead can be resurrected, as long as it is within the minute after death.]

[Ding! 'Ship Restoration Talent' - a talent that makes you understand everything about a ship. You can magically reform any damage part of the ship, this talent makes you greater than the greatest shipwright in the world!]

Seeing that, Cedric's disappointment was lessened. No, he is now satisfied especially seeing the ressurection ability of it. This could become their trump card in the future. "This is great, I can now be assured of their safety" Cedric muttered. His thoughts stopped when Nojiko pressed her two mountains on his hand, "Come one captain, its not the time to be in dazed. Or would you perhaps like to explore these mountains?" Nojiko smiled at him who just gave her his strange face. Nojiko chuckled but Nami separated the two of them. "Stop taking advantage of the situation Nojiko!" she pouted aggrieved by her sister's actions. "Ara, are you jealous Nami? Can't be helped, you are still a child after all" Nojiko shook her head in disappointment which infuriated Nami more. Cedric ignored the two and focused at Kaya and Merry.

"Is it possible to negotiate about the ship now? We really need a proper ship for our voyage" he asked. "Oh, it would be ungrateful of us to prevent you further, how about it Lady Kaya?" Merry asked Kaya's opinion about this matter, she is still the head of the house after all. "Its fine Merry, let's give them the ship as a token of our gratitude. If they didn't stop Khaladore then it would be the end of us" Kaya smiled as she instructed Merry to process the ship. Merry accepted it leaving the room, he now trust Cedric and his group because they don't really act like pirates. "Thank you for stating your wish. It is my pleasure to answer it" Cedric thanked Kaya who just waved her hands. "Not at all, it should be me who need to thank you. If you haven't been here then Khaladore would have proceed with his plans. That's why, thank you very much!" Kaya bowed her head a little.

Cedric smiled a little. "Sir Cedric.. this might be rude of me but can you hear another one of my wish?" Kaya contemplated for a second before arriving at a decision. Cedric was confused for a second but when he heard the familiar ding on his mind, he couldn't help but widened his eyes. "Please, state it" he got excited and got closer to Kaya in the process. It made the young girl blush from how close the distance was, that was noticed by Nami who just grumbled in annoyance. "Actually.. I have been sickly since I was a child. I wish to stand up for myself and not rely on someone. I am tired of being taken care of, please help me!" Kaya despite knowing how unreasonable her request was, she didn't even have great expectations about this because even with many doctors coming to her house, no one was able to cure her. Cedric on the other hand was wondering if the system deliberately handed him the potion in the first place.

The timing was too much, calling it coincidence would be stupid. Nonetheless he still didn't dwell too much into it and just chose to answer Kaya's request. "Please state your wish clearly. I want to hear it more precise" Cedric said because there is still no ding from the system. Kaya took a deep breath and released her request. "Please heal me! I know its unreasonable but I wish to be able to stand up for myself" Kaya shouted in desperate tone.

[Ding! Wish Detected!]

[Ding! Heal the individual 'Kaya' and bring confidence to her!]

Cedric smiled seeing that notice. He looked at Kaya with intense gaze and replied. "Your wish has been accepted" he said making Kaya's eyes widen. She was already expecting him to refuse her request without a second thought, his answer clearly stunned her. "R-Really?" Tears welled up on her eyes as she asked for confirmation. "Relax, if captain say so then he must have a way to save you" Nami smiled at Kaya. Cedric stepped out of the room for a second because suddenly bringing out a potion from nowhere will only cause suspicions. He returned already holding the red potion on his hand, it was light red not crimson. He is relieved that it doesn't look like blood because that would cause commotion. "Miss Kaya. Please take this and drink. It is a special concoction that will heal any kind of sickness or illness" Cedric said with Nami and Nojiko raising their eyebrows at that. They have never seen that concoction before, it was a new thing for them.

Kaya didn't hesitate to accept the potion, any suspicion was not on her mind at all. She firmly believe that Cedric would not deceive her. She opened the cork and slowly drank the liquid inside. '!! It taste delicious, like an apple juice' Kaya thought unaware of the change on her body, she was so focused on the heavenly taste of the potion that she didn't even notice that her body was emitting light. The light instantly dissipated making the girls wonder if it was just their imagination. Kaya finished drinking and tilted her head, she sense a great change happening on her body. "Stand up" Cedric commanded as she flinched. She slowly followed his words and a miraculous scene appeared. She easily stood up without any difficulties, as if the weakness before was just an illusion. She was too astounded that she forgot to think for a second, her brain stopped all along. Kaya snapped out of it and then began doing things that were impossible for her previous body.

While in the middle of that, tears started to fall from her face. The door was opened as Merry entered again, he already prepared the ship. However even he couldn't stop the tears when he witnessed the scene. He has been with Kaya since she was a child and never once he saw her this active. "Merry! Merry! Look, I am now cured! I am healthy!" Kaya showed off to Merry while laughing, she is overjoyed to see her functioning body. "Lady Kaya!" Merry also kneeled on the spot, he is thanking any gods out there about this miracle. That happy scene wasn't disturbed by the three as they just watched in satisfaction. It took them 30 minutes to finally calm down, they are just too happy to notice the passage of time. "We're sorry for the rudeness" both Merry and Kaya apologize for ignoring them. "Its fine, we are also happy" Nojiko smiled at them making them sigh in relief.

That night, a banquet was held to celebrate the recovery of Lady Kaya, many people attended even Usopp was there. Unfortunately Cedric wasn't interested in him so he just ignored the guy. Nojiko and Nami just followed Cedric everywhere so they also didn't do any conversation with Usopp. Kaya and Merry emphasized that Cedric and his group helped them causing the people to hail them as hero, they also announced that Captain Kuro was defeated by him furthering his popularity. Cedric doesn't care about popularity so he just shrugged it off, he was more focused on the food that they cooked. He was disappointed that it doesn't taste that delicious but still appreciated because he could a lot. The ship was prepared, their group could immediately leave at morning. Nojiko also already handled restocking, she miscalculated last time thinking that their stock could last a month. Cedric's appetite scare her because it became even bigger, she is wondering whether they need 2 chefs on the boat to solve this problem. She can't handle everything after all.

Morning came with Cedric waking up feeling heavy weight on his stomach. He is familiar with this softness but the heaviness doubled somehow. He looked at it and saw Nojiko and Nami sleeping on his chest with peaceful expression on their faces. He sighed before waking them up. "Nami, Nojiko" he poked both of their cheeks waking them up. "Hnnh, Cedric? 5 more minutes" Nami said taking advantage of the situation and started sniffing his scent. Nojiko on the other hand just smiled, "Cedric, are you sure you just wanted to poke our cheeks? There are two soft mountains available below you know?" she suggested pressing those mountains even more. Cedric panicked because a large dent was forming on his pants, he was abot to stand up when Nojiko smiled mischievously and restricted his body. He widened his eyes when the little man stood up strongly poking Nami's thighs.

Nami who is still half-awake didn't know what it was, she just thought it was a bottle or something. She tried pushing it away using her hands but froze when the thing twitched hard. She looked down and saw a monster with the size of her whole arm poking her legs. She shivered feeling an electric like sensation invading her body. "H-How big.." she muttered getting closer to the thing but alas Cedric finally stopped her. In his mind Nami is still young, she doesn't need to experience things at this age yet. Cedric stood up and wore his clothes, with the monster finally hidden Nami snapped from her trance. She stared at Nojiko who just smiled at her, "Big right? It feels good" Nojiko mysteriously said freezing Nami's mind again. While she was frozen, Nojiko escaped the room leaving Nami alone. "Wait, wait, wait. Nojiko! Don't tell me..?" she thought of something thinking about the words of her sister.

The morning was loud with Nami pestering Nojiko whether she has already done it with Cedric. Nojiko didn't answer and just kept smiling at Nami making her understand. Nojiko now choose to reveal everything to Nami, she believed that her sister won't back down just like that. Nami eventually accepted the fact that her sister got ahead of her, it made her upset that they were doing that behind her back. But she finally decided that she need to be more aggresive, she can't get behind them anymore. Kaya and Merry are on the shore ready to see them off. They are reluctant to let them go as they wanted to thank them more, it feels like they are ungrateful with just what they did. "Are you really not going stay just for another day Sir Cedric?" Kaya asked with helpless expression on her face. She even wanted to share some of her wealth to Cedric only to be denied by him, he said that he has no interest in gaining money that way.

Kaya has no choice but just to give them more stocks on them. "We are fine. Just this ship is enough, we already suffered a lot from our ship breaking. I can confidently say that this will guide us to the new world" Cedric patted the ship replying to Kaya. "Live you life well, don't get caught up in wicked traps like those again. This time your body is strong, you can train for yourself if you want to protect something" Cedric gave those last words to Kaya before their ship finally sailed the sea. Kaya could only watch their leaving shadow with gratefulness on her eyes, she even wanted to follow them but can't ignore her position here. "I'll never forget this debt Sir Cedric. I'll always remember your face and figure no matter what" Kaya muttered with determined face, she is now ready to face any kind of challenge that will approach her.
