
New Objective: Take Down Baroque Works!

Whiskey peak, Grand Line.

Nami was slowly eating away at the soul of the Princess, who was already in a state of confusion. The negotiations were continuing normally according to Nami's standards when the ground started to shake again and multiple buildings were destroyed due to someone running through it.


The culprit was Luffy, who looked like he was going to kill someone out of anger. The aura he was throwing around did not help calm down his mood or anyone else's for that matter.

"Why are you in such a hurry, Luffy? There is no meat here."


"Ahh. You see luffy...those guys were actually-"


Luffy used [soru] to close the distance between him and Zoro and [pistol]ed him in the face. Zoro deflected the attack in the last moment and readjusted his stance to an offensive one because Luffy looked like he was serious.

"[Armament: Hardening]! [One Wave Punch]!"

Luffy was knocked into the ground by a very angry Usopp, whose nose was bleeding a little because Luffy's attack hit him after Zoro deflected it.


Luffy almost passed out from the impact, but he got up again due to his ridiculous endurance. He was holding himself back from fighting again and looked at Usopp for an explanation. His face had an expression that said- 'I'll beat up these two if the explanation is lacking'."

"You see here, idiot. Those guys were bounty hunters who lure pirates here and capture them. All of them belong to this organisation called Baroque Works. On that note, go to Nami and listen to that princess because we need your decision on the matter. "


"...But even if it is you and your crew, you cannot defeat the leader of the organisation. You cannot defeat one of the Seven Warlords of the Seas- Sir Crocodile!!"

"Alright...so we have a Warlord as our possible opponent. We can comment on this princess' idiocy later. Also...What's with that otter and the bird?"

Nami was confused and scared at the girl's words. She also remembered the power of Mihawk, and thought they were of the same level of strength or close enough. She also noticed the bird and the otter staring at them for a while, as did the others.

"UNLUCKIES!!They report directly to Mr. 0!"

"Is that so?"

Luffy answered Vivi's cry by picking his nose and looked at the unluckies for a while without saying anything.

"Oi Luffy...So are we doing this or not? Also, should I shoot them down?"

Usopp asked Luffy while he took aim with [fear]. The vulture started to fly faster due to this action, but they were not out of Usopp's range by a long shot.

"Uhhmmm. Well, there is no problem in picking a fight. Leave those two alone for now though."

"Yeah. Getting a chance to fight a Warlord right of the bat is great news. How will it turn out huh."

Luffy did not have a care in the world when he took up on the offer to fight a warlord while Zoro was hyped up for getting a chance to take one on. Usopp sat down and looked at the distressed Nami, who was trying to shake Vivi to death.

"Because of you we are marked by a Warlord just after we entered the Grand Line! And you guys!! Shoot it down now or you'll see hell!"

"Shut up, Nami. Its Captain's orders. We are officially at war with Baroque works."

Nami stopped her attitude when Usopp notched up his intimidating aura a bit. She understood that this was not a time to be fighting among each other and that she needed to listen to her captain's orders. But it did not stop her from wallowing in her distress.

She was barely happy with the fact that her face was not known to these people yet, but it turned out to be a short respite when she saw the otter sketching a very realistic picture of all of them and started flying away...again.

"Ain't that guy interesting."

"This means that we 4 are added to the kill list by Baroque Works. This will be really interesting!"

Luffy was moved by the otter's skill, or the fact that an otter could draw. Zoro was oozing battle lust cold enough to curdle blood.


Before the crew stood Igaram, who was dressed as a woman. More specifically, he was dressed like Vivi and carried 4 dummies.

"You got some weird hobbies, old man."

"That looks nice on you, old man!"

Zoro was creeped out by Igaram's dress while Luffy was acting silly. Vivi on the other hand was worried by Igaram's actions, which could only mean one thing.

"Lady Vivi, please listen carefully. All of your names will enter the Baroque Works network soon enough and pursuers will be sent. Especially so because you know of the Boss's identity."

"That means at least a thousand hunters can be on our tails soon."

"Hence I'll take the shortest route possible to Alabasta with these dummies and take their attention off of you, while you guys go under the radar and enter Alabasta safely."

"Hold it right there. We don't have a contract yet!"

"Nami... The decision has been made, so don't interrupt."

Zoro stopped Nami this time, as he felt that she was questioning Luffy's authority too much just because of his personality. On top of that, he was really looking forward to this fight.

"Oi, Old Man... Is this Crocodile strong?"

"As a government sanctioned pirate, his bounty was frozen. But before that he had a bounty of 80 million Belli."

"It is close to mine... is this guy really that strong?"

Luffy was a bit letdown due to the bounty being so low, as he Usopp had said to him that he was way stronger than a pirate with a 100 million bounty.

"Don't think of a Warlord on the basis of their bounties, Luffy. These guys have grown stronger and gained a lot of war potential due to their status. So we can't measure their strength like that. But of course, you can't compare him to Mihawk, since that man is in a different class."

"Is that so? Anyway we will go to Alabasta. See you there, Old man!"

"Wish you luck too, young man!"


Igaram departed the island after taking the Eternal Pose to Alabasta with him. Vivi looked like she did not want him to go, but sent him off with a smile. Luffy and the crew watched him sail off for a while.

"Nami, get down!"

Usopp yelled, which was followed by a ridiculously huge explosion. One could see that the target was Igaram's ship, which was now probably blown to nothing.


"Nami... Bring her with us now! We need to set out quickly!"

Luffy yelled out, trying to brand it into his memory, while Zoro wanted to quickly leave the area and pick the fight later.

Usopp was staring out to the sea, focusing on the lady sitting on top of a large turtle.

'Nico Robin...Are you going to be the dependable woman that you are, or the conniving witch that you pretend to be?'


The Straw Hats quickly set out to sea to make good time, while Sanji looked confused and happy as to why the blue haired girl was on the ship with them. Nami took out all her pent up anger on Sanji, who was happy to receive it, for some reason.

"So you explained the situation to him then?"

"Yeah. Just the summary."

Nami was happy after letting of some steam. She then went forward to navigate the route ahead.

"We are almost out of the island. It'll be morning soon, so the fog will go away."

"Aren't you happy that you have lost the pursuers?"

"I sure am!"

"Be careful on the shallows. You might damage the hull."

"Leave it to me...was it you who asked, Luffy?"


A chill ran up Nami's spine when she saw a person sitting on top of the railing on the upper deck. It was a tanned woman wearing a cowboy hat. Vivi's scared look also cemented the notion that she was a dangerous entity.

"Miss All Sunday!"

"Who's partner is it this time?!"

"She's the boss's...Sir Crocodile's partner!"

Nami was distressed to a point that she forgot distress about the situation. The battle squad only increased their aura a bit, while Sanji was the only one to point a weapon at her.

"So is she a bad person?"

"She is the only one who knows the boss's identity, and it was by following her that we could find the boss's identity."

"To be accurate, I let you follow me."

"So she is a good person?"

"You are also the one who let the boss know that we were the ones who followed you!"


"So she IS a bad person."

"Just shut up for a bit, Luffy!"

Zoro ended Luffy's one man comedy act and then took an offensive stance. Usopp already had [Despair] out, but no one realized it since they were focused on Miss All Sunday.

"Whoever you may be... I did not allow you on board so get out!"

"Please don't point such dangerous things at me."

Miss All Sunday raised her hands and the weapons on Sanji's hands and Nami's clima-tact fell down, but Zoro and Usopp were still holding on to their weapons just fine.

"Your attitude towards women will be the end of you, Sanji."

Usopp commented on the lack of enmity on the side of Sanji, even though he knew for sure that Sanji won't change because of it.

"Ara. Did not think that you people were this strong. We might actually be in trouble."

Miss All Sunday stated while snatching Luffy's hat with her ability.


Luffy became serious all of a sudden and looked like he might beat up Miss All Sunday, but the hat came back flying to Luffy and it was Usopp, who was standing beside Miss All Sunday that did it.

"Our captain goes wild if his Hat is taken from him forcefully, and that is bad for our ship. Please respect this ship while you are on it, Nico Robin."

Nico Robin started to frown when Usopp recognized her. It was also a concerning matter for her that this person could approach her without her knowledge. She had stepped on to the one of the few pirate ships in all of Paradise that could crush her without any problem, looking at the vigilance of the swordsman and the intimidating aura released by the captain.

"As strong as you are, you might not survive in the direction that you are going right now. Little Garden is not a place that you come out off, alive."


Nico Robin threw a pose at Vivi, who was shocked at her actions.

"That will lead you straight to Nanimonai Island, just short of Alabasta. From there you can reach Alabasta quickly. Our members don't follow this route, so you'll be safe."

"Its obviously a trap."

Zoro coolly gave his opinion as he looked at Luffy who was walking towards Vivi. Luffy took the Eternal pose from her hand and smashed it to pieces.


"How unfortunate."

Nico Robin started to move towards the port side. Usopp let her walk away as Luffy did not give any orders to take her down.

"We will see where destiny will take you, Nico Robin. Wish you luck...the last survivor of Ohara!"

Usopp gave her a few parting words which surprised her. She just looked at Usopp once again and jumped out of the ship.

The crew saw her sailing off on a large turtle.

"Usopp, you know her?"

Nami asked. She was confused as to why Usopp did not show any hostility to her and to why he wished her luck.

" Her past and her fate is surrounded by darkness. It is not something that we should be discussing when we are so weak. Just know that she was given a bounty of 79 million Belli when she was 8 years old."

Vivi fell to her knees trying to understand the actions of Nico Robin, while Nami was thinking about the cause of someone being given such a ridiculous bounty at such a young age.

"I can't understand what that woman is thinking!"

"Then just give up on thinking about it. That's what we do."

Nami somehow connected with Vivi on having people who's actions can't be explained by logic. She then helped her up, while Sanji was trying to make heads and tails of the situation.

"Since things reached such a point, I think it is of extreme importance that you guys increase your battle strength. So from now on, I'll use all my strength on increasing your abilities and foundations...It will be okay since you guys will heal from a few fractures in a matter of hours."

Usopp cracked his punched his fists together and cracked a smile that gave the other three nightmares.


Had a few events to attend, so I could not update. This chapter was a bit of a hard hurdle due to the power difference.

Some training montages and naval battles will be included into the story more from now on, as the story will start to deviate from the original little by little.

battlemongercreators' thoughts
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