
One Piece : Throne of Bones

Introduction to One Piece : Throne Of Bones :- In the first half of the great voyage, a certain remote deserted island. "I've heard a saying, it's called one master, ten thousand bones dry!" "Thousand bones dry, it's so scary." "But..." the voice paused. The wine glass in his hand was raised high, and the fine wine in the glass exuded the color of blood. "...for the greater good!" "I wish you all the best in the navy!" "Cheers! Sirs!" ... a floating island in the East China Sea. The Golden Lion Shiji, who had successfully escaped from the city after breaking his legs, was trampled under his feet like a dead dog. "Angry?" "No! No! No!" "Captain Skee, you know—" "If you live, you will die sooner or later." "But if you die, then you will live forever!" … … top war. "If someone wants to continue fighting, then I will be his opponent!" The intrusion of the red-haired pirates gave enough vitality to the remnants of the white-bearded pirates. However, just when everyone thought the war on the top was over, a clear voice resounded over Marin Fando. "Red-haired pirates?" "Very valuable~" " Then..." "Marshal Sengoku, please also ask the Navy to prepare Bailey enough to pay for the heads of pirates at the level of the Four Emperors!" This is a hilarious, hilarious story… (emphasize on hilarious) ------------------------------------------------------------------- {Ratings would be appreciated} 1 Chapter per Day To read Advance Chapters up to 17 + 1 bonus (enjoy -..-) -> http://patreon.com/Aara_v -> Patreon username: Aara_v and it really helps to keep going. -> https://pigchoice.blogspot.com/?m=1 {you can also visit this website if you are searching for any anime movies.} ____________________________________________ This is a Chinese Fan-Fiction Novel and i am just translating it.

Aara_v · Anime & Comics
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48 Chs

Chapter 23 : Isn't Your Father So Much?

 It is impossible to join the navy, not in this lifetime.

  Willy said that he can recognize Admiral Zeff as a teacher, cooperate with the navy, and even cooperate with the navy in certain situations.


  Want Willy to join the Navy?


  Absolutely impossible!

  As for the reason?

  Don't ask, just ask "The world is so big, I want to see it."


  After leaving the naval base in Zela Town, Willy took Milina to wander around in Zela Town.

  Although compared with the big cities in Willy's impression, Zela Town looks like an urban-rural fringe, but combined with the unique style of the Pirate World, it is also a special experience to visit.

  Especially when Willy saw the white-haired rich loli next to him with an expression of "I'm angry, come and coax me", Willy suddenly felt that the scenery of Zela Town was better.

  In many cases, whether the scenery is beautiful or not depends on the people who accompany you to see the scenery.

  "Eh? The special snacks in this store look good~"


  "The snacks here are also delicious~"


  "Wow! This, this, this grilled sea fish is really delicious~"


  blah blah blah blah.

  "Hello, Milina?"

  "I've tried the snacks from so many shops, don't you have anything to eat?"

  With a grilled fish in his left hand and a meat skewer in his right, Willy looked at a certain white-haired rich loli beside him that was about to explode on the spot, and couldn't help but continued to experiment wildly.


  "Willy !!!"

  Accompanied by a roar that resounded through half of Zela Town, Willy threw away the things in his hand, turned and ran.

  There is no way, that white-haired rich loli named Milina has completely blown her hair.

  [Finish the ball! ]

  [Although I know that Milina, the white-haired rich loli, is arrogant again, but what's the matter with the sudden hair explosion? ]

  [Forget it, if you can't think of it, don't think about it. ]

  [The most important thing now is to quickly find a way to deal with this little tsundere Milina. ]

  While running frantically with the shave in the Navy's sixth style, Willy was thinking quickly in his mind how to quickly get rid of the runaway white-haired rich loli behind him.

  In this regard, I can only say that this guy, Willy , really deserved to be a member of the "Lone Wolf" in his previous life.

  the other side.

  In the tallest building of the Naval Base in Zela Town, Berg stood in front of the window of his office, looking at Willy and Milina who were "playing and laughing" in Zela Town.

  Berg turned around and took out a phone bug from the drawer of his desk until he could no longer see Willis and Milina from the perspective of his office.



  As soon as the phone bug was connected, Zeff's voice came from the opposite side.

  "Berg, have you seen that stinky boy in Willy ?"

  "Have you tested the progress of that kid in cultivation after he left us?"

  Hearing Zeff's inquiry, Berg instantly had the urge to slap the phone bug in front of him to death.


  Boss Zeff!

  I, Alex Berg, is your old man's most loyal younger brother. Why do you keep asking about that boy, Willis, as soon as the phone bug is connected?

  Even if you don't think about me, my little brother, you still have to ask Milina, the little girl who is also your disciple, by the way, right?


  Chi Guoguo's eccentricity!

  Regardless of how much Berg has to complain about Zeff in his heart,

In the face of Zeff's inquiry, Berg honestly reported all the circumstances after meeting with Willy to Zeff in every detail.  Even the fact that Willy left the naval base and was chased by Milina because he offended Milina and was forced to use the six-style shaving of the Navy to escape was reported.

  "Boss," thinking of the scene he just saw, Berg couldn't help but put on an aunt's smile, "Although I didn't end in person, from the previous scene, whether it's Willy , Or Milina..."

  Speaking of this, Berg's tone has already brought a smile, "They have definitely made great progress in the practice of shaving."

  "When I meet Willy tomorrow, I will know the situation of Willy's cultivation on the iron block."

  [As long as that kid from Willy isn't beaten up black and blue by Milina, it's considered that he has successfully cultivated the iron block. ]

  After reporting here, even through the phone bug, Zeff can feel the gloating thoughts of his little brother Berg.

  On this point, Zeff has no opinion.

  They have arranged for Berg, a first-line rear admiral of the Navy Headquarters, to go to the North Sea to work as a "nanny" for Willy , so why not let him gloat about Coke?

  So, after confirming the successful "connection" between Berg and Willy, Zeff hung up the phone bug.

  Of course, Zeff, who was inexplicably in tune with Willy and wanted to draw Willy into the navy and let Willy inherit his mantle, gave Berg a few more words before hanging up the phone.

  "Berg, you must pay more attention to the situation in Willy in the North Sea."

  "Although the little guy's strength is not weak, he still has too little actual combat experience."

  "If you really meet those old and cunning pirates, it's too easy to suffer in actual combat."

  "So, before you hand over the information of those pirates in the North Sea to Willy , you must carefully screen them."

  "Start with some pirates who have just been out to sea for a long time, and then increase the difficulty little by little."

  "As for the "remnant poison" deposited in the North Sea, you should go there yourself and get rid of those guys."

  "Anyway, doing something can be regarded as the reason for your transfer to Beihai."

  Berger: ...

  By the time Zeff hung up the phone bug, Berg was completely speechless.

  To be reasonable, if Berg hadn't been with Zeff for so many years, if Berg hadn't known that Zeff's son was born this year, if he hadn't witnessed the whole process of Zeff and Willis from meeting to now, if it hadn't been…

  All in all, if there were not so many "what ifs", Berg would really doubt the real relationship between this little guy, Willy, and Zeff.

  This level of concern is no more than that of my own father, right? !

  Shaking his head, he threw out all the messy thoughts in his mind.

  Putting away the phone bug in his hand, Berg walked to the file cabinet in the office, prepared himself in advance, and planned to hand it over to Willy tomorrow. He had information about the situation of pirates in the North Sea, and took it out for re-screening. .

  Looking at the thick stack of documents in his hand, Berg couldn't help but smacked his lips.


  "With this pile of information, it seems that we will have to work all night again tonight."

  "Willes, this little guy, even if he still doesn't want to join the navy in the future, he must not disappoint the boss' hard work."

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