
Chapter 337


The previous night was a party, a celebration of all of the people in Skypiea. It didn't matter if you were a Shandoran or a resident of Angel Island, sky people, or blue sea dwellers. All of them celebrated the fall of Enel and a new beginning. 

The six years under the rule of Enel was quite cruel. Many had lost their families and friends, but those times were gone now. So everyone was looking for a bright future. 

A bright future with their new ruler. 

Sanji's brow twitched, "I didn't sign up for this shit." He grumbled, fixing his suit, a bit annoyed. It was a white suit that made him look quite charming. 

Robin, who was by the doorway, chuckled, "Well, it's quite the promotion. From Mr. Prince to Mr. King, no?" she said, "But it's not the worst thing to happen… I'm just a bit surprised that they were willing to take an outsider as their leader. But then again, Enel was also an outsider." 

Both of them were on the Going Merry. But the ship wasn't docked on the sea but rather on Angel island itself, as most of the Straw Hats had their necessities on it. And didn't want their ship to drift off or get pushed away by other sea creatures. 

Though that would be difficult as Momoo was on the white sea, and spreading his dominance over it.

Sanji gave her an annoyed look, "You know, your brother is the main reason why this happened." He said, "He set me up. And now I have to become a leader of a nation for no reason." 

Robin chuckled again, before walking in and taking a seat on a nearby chair. 

What happened was last night. When everyone was celebrating, Sanji took it upon himself to cook for the masses. 

That was when some of the Shandorans and Angel Island residents hit on the topic of a new ruler. Of course, if it was the original Luffy he would have given it to Gan Fall or let them handle among it themselves. 

But our Luffy here had the bright idea of vouching for Sanji for the role of the new ruler. 

No one said he wasn't allowed. And he was the one that beat Enel, so it was his right to rule. Of course that brought many challenges from both the people of Shandora and Angel island. 

All of this was of course happening behind Sanji's back, as he was solely focused on cooking. With Hatchan, Raki and Conis from helping with the cooking. There were at least five hundred people to feed, so it took a lot of effort. 

When the food was ready. Just before eating part. Luffy had gathered all of the challengers and even made a show for all of them present to watch the match. 

When Sanji came out with all of the food ready. Luffy pitted all of them against the cook. Of course, Luffy mentioned on how this would determine the new ruler of Skypiea. Just saying that they doubted his strength, and Sanji needed to prove it. 

At that time Sanji didn't think much, and ended the match in a quick fashion. He had food to serve and he didn't like serving cold food. 

So he ended it quickly with a quick burst of Conqueror's haki. It wasn't controlled, or that potent. But it did the job. After seeing Luffy and Zoro using it so much, it wasn't so tough for him to figure out. Especially with him awakening it against Enel. 

He wouldn't have known about it if Sabo hadn't pointed it out. 

So against almost a hundred men, Sanji won, without moving a muscle. All of the Skypieans that had any doubts about him were gone. Replaced by respect and admiration, a by-product of using the King's Will. 

Sanji didn't think much of their jaw-dropped expressions and went around distributing food. Only this morning, did Luffy tell him that he was the new ruler and he was going to get crowned. 

"I don't get why I have to be the new leader?" Sanji asked, "Can't he take the responsibility or something… I'm supposed to be a chef."

"A chef that has the Will of a King. And my brother wants to be the King of the Pirates. Not king of Skypiea…" She said, seeing Sanji pissed gave Robin a sense of amusement, "I'm sure Crocodile would have loved being in your position. But anyway, it's not all bad. It could have gone worse…" 

Sanji raised an eyebrow. 

"They wanted to make your official title 'God' due to their tradition." 

Hearing that Sanji's face morphed with disgust, "That would make me one of them… yuck." He said, of course, referring to the World Nobles, "Some stupid tradition they have… do all of the sky islands have it?" 

Robin chuckled, "Well, not all of them." She said, "The leaders of Skypiea are usually called 'Kings' but around four hundred years ago, the new ruler changed it to be 'God' and the tradition started from there. He was also the same one that started the war between the Shandorans and Skypieans."

"No wonder he did. Any bastard with a god complex is a ticking time bomb." He said, remembering his own father. "Anyway, I'm gonna stick to being 'King'."

Robin's lips curled up, "King Sanji does have a nice ring to it." 

"King Sanji it is then." Completely doing a one-eighty.

Right then the door to the room was opened, Aisa walked in mimicking a robot, giving Sanji a cute salute. A quirk she picked up from one of Usopp's stories, "King Sanji, I hope this lowly soldier was not interrupting something. But I bring an important message." she said, dramatically, also picking up the language from Usopp's stories, "Captain Luffy told you to hurry up, because he is hungry." she said with determination. 

Hearing that both Sanji and Robin chuckled, the smaller shandoran was a bundle of energy. After getting saved by Sanji, the small girl looked up to Sanji like an idol. And when he was declared the new ruler, she started calling him King as well.

And as Sanji called Luffy captain, most of the Shandorans and Skypieans started also referring to Luffy as captain. A part that weirded Luffy out. But Sanji found some amusement in it. 

Sanji came up and kneeled, ruffling her hair, "You don't have to call me king, Aisa-chan." He said, knowing she wouldn't listen, "And tell my captain that I will be there in a minute."

Aisa nodded with determination, "As you say, my King Sanji. This humble soldier will give you some alone time with Queen Robin." She said with another salute, before walking out like a robot.

Again both Sanji and Robin chuckled as they saw Aisa leave. Robin stood up from her seat, as she started to leave, passing Sanji.

"*ahem…* You know, Queen Robin does have a nice ring to it," Sanji said, making Robin stop. 

She looked over her shoulder with some amusement. Her smile almost made Sanji skip a beat. 

"Are you flirting with me, Mr. King?" she asked, "If so… I will have you know. You are not as smooth as you might think." 

Before Sanji could even say anything Robin unlocked the door and had already left. A small smile tugged on her lips. 

As she left Sanji stood there, not being able to come up with a response. The poor cook was left wondering if he succeeded or failed, but he had the Will of a King, so giving up was not an option!

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