
Chapter 334


"You gotta be kidding me…"

From the crater, Enel rose up. 'Why am I even surprised? This might have been the seventh time I landed a hit on the bastard. Still, it should have given me more time…' Sanji internally thought, finally being able to see Enel. 

Enel came out, levitating in anger and fury. Lightning crackled around him as he glared at Sanji. Others might have gotten scared.

But to Sanji…

"Pfthahhaha! What happened to your face?!" Sanji laughed, not being able to hold himself after seeing Enel. After a second, he realized it was himself as he pointed at himself., "Oh, I did that… Pfthahahah! Oh God! My stomach hurts… that shit is a piece of art." 

Enel's face twisted in anger, his face was caved in, with multiple teeth missing and a broken bloody nose. 

"This time I will show you what horror is!" he said as he grew in size, his form turning demonic. "I will show you what kind of demon you have unleashed. You will regret ever messing with me!"

"Will I? I'm afraid I don't have the ability to under-perform to such a degree, but I can try if it makes you happy," Sanji said, pushing himself off the floor with the support of his knee. While his body ached in pain and exhaustion he wouldn't give up. "I don't plan on losing to your ugly mug."

Sanji was very close to finishing it. But he had missed the opportunity. If he only recovered fast enough. Sanji blinked, realizing something. 'Wow, I'm definitely stupid!'

Enel attacked and Sanji moved, not wanting to get hit. He went down, using the large trees to avoid the lightning strikes as he took a gamble.

While he was running low on stamina, he still gambled on trying to speed up his recovery. Using Life Return along with his speed-based powers.

'I have used Life Return before to heal from wounds. I just have to speed it up.' He thought. But it was easier said than done. Sanji needed precise control of his speed-based powers if he wanted to achieve his goal. 

"I will kill you for ruining my face!" Enel screamed in a fit of anger as he attacked. 

But Sanji wasn't listening, he was more focused on keeping his powers in check. Trying to recover his legs and the wound in his side first. As using too much Soru with Speed Overdrive, his feet were in pretty rough shape, especially his exoskeleton which had several cracks in it. Even the bone in his legs were getting cracks from using the leg based movements too much. 

As Sanji dodged Enel's attack throughout the forest, his gamble started to pay off. 

The cracks patched up, even the wound in his side was healing and he was able to gain back his power a bit. And with that he moved up to the sky using 'Speed Overdrive' to the fullest, along with Soru, once again. 

"So you finally came out, coward!" Enel snarled, attacking. Above him was a giant electrical orb, deep navy in color. It seems he was also preparing something for Sanji.

Seeing Sanji fearlessly come at him, Enel discharged multiple bolts of wild and powerful lightning at the speedster from the giant orb. And like expected, it was far faster than his previous lightning attacks. And yet Sanji stepped out of the way of the attack.

'I thought he was heavily injured, how did he recover so quickly? No matter, it won't change the outcome. I will win!' Enel thought, as he transformed into lightning, zipping around the battlefield, and at the same time, the giant orb of lightning attacked Sanji.

"Diable Jambe: Blazing Tempest Kick!"

A slash of powerful flames cut through the lightning infront before destroying the giant orb of lightning. Sparking up the sky, as Sanji started giving chase to Enel.

"You! Why don't you stay down!?" Enel said, almost in desperation as he attacked. Lightning spread out from his arm, like tree branches on all sides. "300,000,000 V Lightning Chain!" 

Seeing this Sanji quickly turned on his enhanced perception, as things slowed down. With that, Sanji moved between the attacks, using the combination of his Armament Haki and flames to negate as much damage as possible. Taking the fight to close range. 

Sanji came with a fury of kicks that were all deadly enough to finish the fight. But Enel was far from giving up. He boosted his own mantra with his lightning-based powers. Avoiding the hits, and attacking Sanji with his powers.

But even then, just from the wind pressure alone, Enel was getting minor cuts on his body. Showing how deadly Sanji's kicks were.

Their fight went on the sky, a dance of fire and lightning, that illuminated the surrounding area. A sense of danger and power radiating from them.

'Shit! I'm at my limit! But I have to push through!' His Speed Overdrive was getting to him again as was his new increased perception. With everything in mind, he used his fastest Soru, in combination with Geppo in his right leg. Shattering the exoskeleton even when he had enhanced it with Armament Haki. 

With this he seemingly appeared in front of Enel, "Take my shitty axe-kick, you bastard!" Sanji called out with an axe kick that almost knocked out Enel, but rather than getting hit, Enel grinned. 

His body exploded into lightning, blocking Sanji's vision as he quickly stepped back.

"Thirty Million Volts Thunder Bird!" 

A massive lightning attack rang out from Enel. It bit into Sanji, pushing him to the ground, but retaliated with his own attack. Kicking with his left leg, "Diable Jambe: Party Table Kick Course!" 

Several shots of fire shot out from his leg, crushing against the lightning attack. While Enel's attack had more power, Sanji's attack was imbued with Haki, so both attacks met in the middle and detonated. Canceling each other. Though it created a massive explosion of light that blinded Sanji for a second, disturbing his concentration in Haki. 

"You left yourself wide open!" Enel said, appearing right behind the cook, "800,000,000 V Jamboule!"

Sanji had little time to get shocked, as he was caught off guard, a massive lightning dragon bit into him, and biting into his body, dragging him through a good portion of Upper Yard. Destroying trees, rocks, or animals that came in its way. 

When the attack stopped, Sanji could be seen laying at the end of the trench. Smoke coming out of his body, while his suit was ruined. 

Enel landed on the ground with a satisfied smile on his face. Though he hissed when the injury from his broken ribs flared up. His right arm was also not doing well. Even moving his neck was tough for him. "You were tough, but like everyone else, you were nothing." 

He said, as he started to levitate into the air. This had been dragged for long enough, and he wasn't in any shape to fight anyone else. So he intended to sink Upper Yard and take his ship to go to the moon.

However, before he could do that, something happened. A small grunt, Enel quickly looked down, and sure enough it was Sanji. 

The cook sat up from the ground with much struggle. His body still had sparks of electricity that ran through him.

Sanji coughed before pushing himself off the floor with the support of his knee. "Agh, that was nasty…" he said, "Tch… you also ruined my suit. You do know these things cost a lot?" He joked trying to hide the pain that was screaming out from his body.

"You… how are you even alive?" Enel asked, flabbergasted, "That should have killed you!"

Sanji just gave him a  grin, at the last moment before the attack hit. He was able to cover his whole body with Armament Haki. It didn't protect him from all the damage, but it did save his life. 

"I'm just built different." 

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